Quotes of the Week
Property Week
PropertyWeek.ie: the most accurate, detailed, and comprehensive property comps available for Dublin estate agents, valuers, developers, investors and finance companies
"These studio flats will be rented out at multiples of what the old-school bedsits were... a layer of inexpensive accommodation was stripped out... developers are getting high on their own supply..."?– Una Mullally, The Irish Times https://www.propertyweek.ie/page_elements/newsforward.php?id=32178
"As the tech industry moves closer to the metaverse and as the housing crisis in Ireland worsens, it makes more sense to allow employees to continue working as we have through two years of this global crisis." ?– Office worker, The Irish Times https://www.propertyweek.ie/page_elements/newsforward.php?id=32179
"The shift from directly building social homes to providing rent subsidies – the so-called bricks to benefits switch – has been one of the most significant trends in housing policy here over the past four decades." – Eoin Burke-Kennedy, The Irish Times https://www.propertyweek.ie/page_elements/newsforward.php?id=32180
“You have some housing developments years in abyss... it is incredible the amount of delays... You see advertisements in the front windows of practitioners [who are] ‘specialists in judicial review’. It’s almost becoming an industry now to take on the planning system at every step of the way... – Minister of State for Planning Peter Burke, Independent https://www.propertyweek.ie/page_elements/newsforward.php?id=32182
“Our funding is on course to deliver thousands of new homes for owner-occupiers, renters and social housing and make a real difference to the supply challenge.” – Dara Deering, Home Building Finance Ireland chief executive, Independent https://www.propertyweek.ie/page_elements/newsforward.php?id=32191
“The height and scale of this development in the area it’s in, it is just absolutely monstrous. It literally is like a madman drew the plans and it’s just disgraceful.” – Sinn Féin Cllr, Janice Boylan, The Irish Times https://www.propertyweek.ie/page_elements/newsforward.php?id=32194
"They all want house prices to continue to rise and they materially benefit very significantly from it. [The result of that consensus is a] "normalisation of the housing crisis."?– Rory Ahern, social policy academic at Maynooth University and the author of Housing Shock. RTé https://www.propertyweek.ie/page_elements/newsforward.php?id=32199
“It’s a fundamental change. It’s not a surprise in that the green agenda has been becoming more prominent, and is now formally part of the valuation process. Valuers will have to interpret market views on sustainability and ESG, and a practical result is that the valuations of second-tier assets are being affected." – Johanna Gill, Deputy Head of Valuation and Advisory at Cushman & Wakefield, Independent https://www.propertyweek.ie/page_elements/newsforward.php?id=32204
"When you go into the inner suburbs, like Crumlin, you’re into two stories, semi-detached houses and row houses in some instances. Whereas if you’re in Europe, most of the inner city and even the inner suburbs would be around about four or five storeys." – Noel Brady, architect, The Journal.ie https://www.propertyweek.ie/page_elements/newsforward.php?id=32207