Quotes of Pravin Agrawal on Self Pt 3
Pravin Agrawal ????
?! Founder, SIndia! ???? ???? ?? JSK! LOVE??You are under cctv surveillance!
Here's - Quotes of Pravin Agrawal on Self Pt 3.
And other posts/ true incidents.
Which you may wonder after knowing.
Know by these new thoughts of the author shared in this book. If you can understand the deep meaning, you are very fortunate.
These are his sharing from time to time which contain the same word.
Some of them may be repeated based upon their importance.
Love and light to you!
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19 June 2023
Introduction of Yog Vashishth:
Sacred words to awaken you!
Yog Vashishtha Maha Ramayana is considered as the king of Yoga, king of every available
scripture on planet earth, king of every available knowledge. It talks about the Atma-Gyan or
Self-realization of Lord Rama with the guidance of His Guru Vashishtha.
It is irony. We want to know about others. We want to know about the Mars, other planets and
stars but we don't know about ourselves. We consider ourselves merely a body which is not
Do you know? What is Guru? Who is Guru?
Guru is Spiritual Master or divine teacher who enlightens you, who wakes up you. He
brings you from darkness of ignorance to light of divine knowledge by his Powerful Words.
Yog Vashishtha opens the eyes. It wakes up us from our sleep from millions of years ie sleep of
soul or Atma or self.
You don't know that you are sleeping since millions of years.
Lord Rama woke up from His sleep and recognized Himself. He received Atma-Gyan by these
powerful words of His Guru Vashishtha.
There is no doubt. If any one purifies his intellect by these sacred words of Maharshi
Vashishtha, he will wake up from sleep. He will know himself. He will know Atma, soul, Self,
Paramatma or Almighty. Read it again and again until you understand it fully. Best wishes!
18 June 2023
How to contemplate?
*Do you believe Paramatma?
Yes, you believe!
*Are you agree?
Paramatma is everywhere!
Yes you agree!
*Paramatma is immortal!
Yes He is immortal!
*Paramatma is Jad or Chetan?
Paramatma is Chetan!
*You are Jad or Chetan?
You are Chetan!
*It means!
You are part of Paramatma!
*Paramatma is everywhere!
Hence you are everywhere!
*Paramatma can't be destroyed!
Hence you can't be destroyed!
*Paramatma is invisible!
Hence you are invisible!
*Whatever visible or perceived!
That will be destroyed or decaying!
Yes everything is decaying!
Hence everything will be destroyed!
*If we see any thing!
Which is destroyed now!
Which is decaying now!
Which is being spent now!
Which is consumed now!
That will be destroyed in future!
*Any thing which does not exist in future!
That doesn't exist now also!
That seems to be visible only!
By things which seem to be visible now!
*Do you agree on this?
Yes, you are agree!
*Hence whatever thing you perceive!
That is Anatma, that is Jad!
Hence that doesn't exist!
Hence this world doesn't exist!
*Whatever thing you can't see!
That is Atma, that is Chetan!
Hence that only exists!
Hence Atma only exists!
*Chetan is pure consciousness!
Chetan is Atma or Paramatma!
Chetan is self, soul, existence!
Chetan Atma never dies!
Chetan Atma is immortal!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
18 June 2023
What is Anatma?
*When we do contemplation!
When we think and ponder!
*After that!
Any thing which will be destroyed!
That is called Anatma!
Any thing which will not be destroyed!
That is called Atma!
That is called Paramatma!
*Contemplate again and again!
You will reach yourself!
You will find yourself!
You will see pure consciousness!
You will find self, Atma, soul!
Thus you will find Paramatma!
You will find Almighty!
God of any religion!
*Hence contemplate!
And find yourself!
*I also found my Self!
In the same way!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
16 June 2023
Body Parts Are Helpers of Atma
Body, senses, body parts etc are the helpers of Atma through which Atma works in the world.
But body considers itself as Self due to ignorance.
Body, senses, body parts etc are just assistant of soul.
Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
16 June 2023
Science of God
*Do you know?
What is Science of God?
*Science of God!
For Future World!
It is nothing!
But Behavior Science!
It is art of living!
It is your living style!
It is your behavior style!
With everyone!
*See everyone soul, Atma, Self!
See Krishna inside everyone!
See Almighty inside everyone!
This is called Science of God!
*If you learn this!
If you master it!
You will be very near to God!
*And one day!
You will know!
You are not merely a body!
You are immortal Atma, soul!
*Try it for some years!
And check yourself!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
16 June 2023
How to Know Krishna or Allah?
*How to know Atma?
How to know Self!
How to know Allah?
How to know Krishna?
How to know Brahman?
How to know Jesus?
How to know Nanak?
How to know Goddess?
How to know God?
How to know Almighty?
All are same and one!
*Just do this thing!
Practice this daily!
Try every time!
When you walk!
When you talk!
When you eat!
When you work!
*Do Brahm Bhavana!
Do Atm-Bhavana!
Every day!
Every time!
For some years!
*Its meaning in in English -
See Atma inside everyone!
See Self inside everyone!
See Allah inside everyone!
See Krishna inside everyone!
See Brahman inside everyone!
See Jesus inside everyone!
See Nanak inside everyone!
See Goddess inside everyone!
See God inside everyone!
See Almighty inside everyone!
All same and one!
*Thus one day!
You will know!
You are very near to Krishna!
You are very near to Allah!
You are very near to Goddess!
You are very near to God!
You are very near to Almighty!
*Thus one day you will know!
You are not merely a body!
You are Self, Soul, Atma!
*Try this always!
Do this for some years!
Start right now!
My best wishes to you!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
15 June 2023
If anything is seen in darkness
*Like movie is seen in darkness!
When lights are switched on!
Then there is no movie!
Only screen is left behind!
*In the same way!
World is seen in darkness of ignorance!
When lights of knowledge are switched on!
Then there is no world!
Only infinite Atma, Soul, Self is left behind!
*By wrong thoughts world is created!
By right thought world is destroyed!
*When every thing is mortal!
How can they exist?
If any thing doesn't exist in future!
They don't exist even now!
They only seem to exist!
*Contemplate yourself!
And check!
Where is the world?
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
13 June 2023
Two Types of Faith In God
*There are two types of people who have faith on God.
First type of people, who perform their daily routine, Puja, worship etc for about one hour or so.
They think that their job is over.
This is not bad. They are better than the people who do not perform any Puja, worship etc.
But it is not enough. It is just a formality. You were not born for this purpose.
*Out of 24 hours, you have to give at least 8 hours in a day to God or Godly tasks. Ideally we
must spend our all 24 hours for God daily.
Since these hours have been blessed by God. We were created only for this purpose to know
God. But we have forgotten this purpose of our birth since we are entangled in other issues.
*Reply one question!
You are man or woman. Can you forget this truth even for one hour in a day?
No, you can not forget.
Even during your sleep you remember that you are man or woman.
In the same way, you have to know you are Atma, Soul, Self since it is your actual reality. Hence
you should not forget even for one hour in a day that you are Atma, son of Paramatma
irrespective of your gender.
Then you will not forget Paramatma or God even for one hour in a day.
For this purpose only you are born to know this truth.
*You think that others also perform one hour Puja, worship in a day and they are happy.
You think that others do not perform any Puja or worship and they are happy.
You must know that you are specially selected for this purpose to move on divine path of God.
Hence you are fortunate.
Hence you have to put extra effort. You have to come out of your comfort zone. God wants to
wake up you from your sleep of ignorance. He wants to show you light of divine knowledge.
*Others are not so fortunate. Let them remain in their comfort zone. Let them remain sleeping.
You should not compare yourself with such people.
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
12 June 2023
Soul Is Without Scenes
*Soul is seer!
Without scenes!
When Soul starts imagination!
It becomes seer of scenes!
*Soul is without object of knowledge!
When it starts to do imagination!
It becomes knower of knowledge!
*Only Soul exists which is shapeless!
When Soul forgets that it is shapeless!
It starts to see things in imagination!
It senses body and world in imagination!
Which are called Chitt or subtle mind!
Which are imagination power of Atma!
Like we see dream, it starts to see dream!
*If we don't have any thought, imagination!
Then we will know we are Soul, Atma!
All joy and sorrows only in imagination!
They are like a very long dream!
*When Soul wakes up from this dream!
Soul knows that it is not a body!
It is Soul, Atma, Self Brahman!
Then it knows that!
Body and relatives of body!
They were only in imagination, dream!
Life and death was only in imagination!
Fear of death was imagination, dream!
*Thus Soul is Chidakash!
Atma is like clear sky!
Which is Chinmay, Chaitanya!
Which is pure consciousness!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
11 June 2023
God And You
*If you love God!
You love yourself!
*If you abuse God!
You abuse yourself!
*Since God is Apna Aapa!
Since God is your Self!
Since God is your Atma!
Since God is your Soul!
*Same is the case with you!
Same is the case with me!
Same is the case with any other!
*God has same religion!
God has no religion!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
11 June 2023
Everyone Is Our Reflection
*Since everyone is Atma, Soul!
Since everyone is Self!
Hence everyone is our reflection!
*Don't see the body!
See only Atma, Soul, Self!
Never see the body!
Always see the Soul!
*I am Atma Soul, Self!
You are Atma, Soul, Self!
Hence l and you are same and one!
I and you are not different!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
10 June 2023
Lohar Ki Dhonkani
*During my childhood!
I used to see!
Lohar Ki Dhonkani!
You must have also seen!
*Its English MeaningBlacksmith bellows!
*It seems to breathe!
Like we breathe!
It is made by the leather!
Of dead animals!
But it burns the iron!
*Those who do not know Self!
Who do not try to know Self!
Their living is like!
Lohar Ki Dhonkani!
Black Smith bellows!
*They seem to breathe!
Actually they don't breathe!
They are like dead!
Their lives is useless!
*Self is Atma!
Self is Paramatma!
Self is Soul!
Self is Supreme Soul!
Self is Chinmay!
Self is Chaitanya!
Self is Chaitanyata!
Self is infinite Consciousness!
Self is Almighty!
Self is God of any religion!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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10 June 2023
If Consciousness Dies
*If Chinmay dies!
If Chaitanya dies!
If Consciousness dies!
If Atma, Soul, Self dies!
ThenIf father dies!
Son will also die!
If someone dies!
Then all will die!
*But we don't see this!
Hence Chinmay never dies!
Chaitanya never dies!
Consciousness never dies!
Atma, Soul, Self never dies!
Almighty never dies!
God never dies!
*Since consciousness is everywhere!
It is unbreakable, continuous!
It is infinite!
Hence you are everywhere!
*Consciousness is invisible!
You are consciousness!
Hence you are also invisible!
*Even if body is destroyed!
Even if world is destroyed!
Consciousness is never destroyed!
Atma, Soul, Self is never destroyed!
God, Almighty is never destroyed!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
9 June 2023
Ocean and Waves
*If there are waves or no waves!
Ocean remains ocean!
*If there are ornaments or not!
Gold remains gold!
*In the same way!
If there is body in Brahman or not!
If there is world in Brahman or not!
Brahman remains Brahman!
*Hence only one Brahman exists!
Only one Atma, Self, Soul exists!
Only one Almighty exists!
And nothing else!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
9 June 2023
Knowledge is also in dream
*Gyata, Gyan, Gyey!
Its English MeaningKnower, knowledge!
And object of knowledge!
They are also in world dream!
Which Atma is seeing!
*When Atma wakes up!
No Triputi of Gyata, Gyan, Gyey!
Then no knower, knowledge!
And objects of knowledge remain!
*Then only one Atma remains!
Only one Supreme Soul, Self!
Almighty God is left out!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
7 June 2023
You are invisible
*Believe it or not!
You are invisible!
*God is invisible!
You are son of God!
You are also invisible!
*God is Paramatma!
That is Supreme Soul!
You are Atma!
That is Soul!
*Paramatma and Atma same!
Supreme Soul and Soul same!
Supreme Soul is Self!
Soul is also Self!
*Soul is invisible!
Supreme Soul is invisible!
Self is invisible!
You are the Self!
Hence you are invisible!
*Whatever you see!
Whatever visible!
That is seen by Soul!
That is seen by Self!
*Like you see dream!
In the same way!
Soul seeing this dream!
Self is seeing this dream!
Dream of visible world!
*Whatever visible!
That doesn't exist!
Whatever not visible!
That only exists!
*Like you see dream!
That doesn't exist!
That exists during!
Your sleep only!
Whatever world you see!
That exists in dream of Soul!
When Soul wakes up!
It finds no world!
Except the Self!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
7 June 2023
You are all pervading
*You are Chidakash!
You are infinite Chinmay Sky!
You are invisible Chaitanya!
You are Sat Chit Anand!
You are True Consciousness!
You are everywhere like air!
You are without a break!
*Same is the case with me!
Same is the case with you!
*You are solid like diamond!
You can't be broken!
You can't be burnt!
You can't be cut!
You can't be dried!
You can't be destroyed!
*You are unique!
You are invisible!
You are infinite!
You are indivisible!
*You are the Self, Atma!
You are Supreme Soul!
You are Supreme Self!
*You are the screen!
World movie being played on you!
*You are only alive!
World movie is dead!
It seems to be alive!
Due to you only!
*Like in movie!
Every thing is static!
But it seems to be running!
Due to projector!
*In the same way!
Every one is static!
But it seems to be running!
Due to Chitt!
On the screen of Self!
*Chitt acts like projector!
Of this unique world movie!
*When Chitt becomes static!
Then world movie is finished!
*Then you know yourself!
You are not the body!
You are Atma, Soul, Self!
*Every religion!
Every worship!
Every meditation!
Every Yoga!
Only for this purpose!
To make Chitt static!
*When Chitt becomes static!
Like static water!
Then you see your true image!
Then you know!
You are Atma, not a body!
*There is no English word for Chitt!
It can be called subtle mind!
*When subtle mind becomes static!
When you become very Gambhir!
When you become very serious!
Like your some beloved is dead!
Then Chitt becomes static!
Then you know yourself!
You are not a body!
You are Chaitanya Atma!
*Purpose of birth of everyone!
To experience this truth!
While living alive!
This is called Self-realization!
This is called liberation, moksh!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
5 June 2023
No need of any Puja, Namaj
*Just do every work for God sitting inside of everyone!
No need of any Puja, worship, Namaj!
No need of any meditation!
*Same thing has been told by Lord Sri Krishna in Bhagavad Gita!
*This is need of the hour today!
This is the best worship for those who are in family!
*See God inside of everyone!
Do every work for God sitting inside of everyone!
Thus you can see Krishna!
Thus you can know Self, Atma, Soul!
Thus you can know Almighty!
Thus you can know God of every religion!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
4 June 2023
How People Come In Divine Life?
*Some People are divine!
From their birth!
They have faith on God!
They are the best!
*Some People want to know!
How this world was created?
How humans etc were created?
They have belief on God!
Hence they are better!
*Some People starts faith!
When they get sorrows!
Hence they start faith!
They are good people!
*Some People starts faith!
When they get havoc in life!
They want its solution!
They come in divine life!
They can be called good!
*Some People start faith!
After they survive!
Cyclones, accidents!
Calamities, Nuclear war etc!
Thus they become good!
*Some People don't start faith!
Even after facing havoc!
Big calamity, Nuclear war etc!
They don't come in divine life!
Since they don't have faith!
They are the worst people!
They get pain and sorrows!
*Who don't have faith on God!
Who don't come in divine life!
They don't have faith on themselves!
Nature teaches them lesson!
They repent at last moments!
*Some People don't believe God!
They have faith on Self, Atma, Soul!
This is also belief on God only!
Since Atma is Paramatma or God!
*People want to avoid divine life!
To avoid hardships in life!
To make their life easier!
To make their life comfortable!
To continue sin in life!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
3 June 2023
Only Seer Exists
*Scenes do not exist!
Only seer exists!
*Scene can't see!
Only seer can see!
Your body is scene!
*What is scene?
Your senses are scene!
Your body is scene!
Your mind is scene!
Your intellect is scene!
*Whatever you can see!
That is scene!
Whatever you can perceive!
That is scene!
*Scene may be visible!
Scene may be invisible!
*What is seer?
Who sees all above things!
That is seer!
*Seer is always invisible!
Seer can be felt by seer!
Seer can be experienced by seer!
*Scene is the quality of seer!
Hence scene exists in seer!
Like dream is your quality!
Dream exists in your feelings!
*Hence scenes do not exist!
Only one seer exists!
That is called Self, Atma, Soul!
That is called Almighty!
And God in every religion!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
1 June 2023
What is Yoga?
*Some People Say -
Yoga is physical exercise!
*Some People Say -
Yoga is mental exercise!
*Some People Say -
Yoga is to unite!
Atma with Paramatma!
*They may be right or wrong!
Is there any need to unite?
Atma with Paramatma!
*Atma is already united with Paramatma!
Atma is itself Paramatma!
Atma is Self!
Where is the need to unite?
*It is only ignorance!
Which has covered Self, Atma!
Self is always realized!
You are the Self!
*Don't consider yourself body!
You are the Self, Atma!
*Yoga is just to remove ignorance!
All practices only for this purpose!
*You are man or woman!
Do you need any Yoga to remember it?
Do you need any meditation for it?
*You are Atma, Soul, Self!
Know it now!
Remember it always!
*And this will be your biggest Yoga!
And this will be your biggest Karma!
This will be your biggest Worship!
*Remember, you are Atma!
And act accordingly!
And you will know one day!
You are Atma, not the body!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
22 May 2023
Jadata is only impurity
*Chinmay has impurity!
Jadata is only impurity!
Due to this impurity!
Body, world visible!
*Nothing else exists!
Except Chinmay!
*When Chinmay becomes impure!
It gives rise to body and world!
*If we become pure day by day!
We approach to ourselves!
That is Atma, Soul, Self!
*Then world is reduced!
Day by day!
As if one wakes up from sleep!
Slowly slowly, dream disappears!
*Jadata is like dream!
World is like dream!
Jadata is ignorance!
Atma is Knowledge!
*Jadata is body!
Jadata is world!
*Jadata is mortal!
Chinmay is immortal!
*We are not Jad!
We are Chinmay Atma!
*Always remember!
Never forget!
I am Purush!
Body is Prakriti!
Purush is Chinmay!
Prakriti is Jad!
*This is the secret of immortality!
This is the secret of all religions!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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About the Author
Pravin Agrawal is Founder of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group, spread worldwide with eminent members from many countries and many fields like Science, Technology, Spirituality, Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy including Doctors, Engineers, Army Officers, etc. He is a God-realized soul. He is an engineering graduate from the world renowned university IIT Roorkee, India. He is imparting spiritual research & training for the people of all nations. Spirituality is the solution to every problem related to business, job, health, finance, love etc. As per the author this world seems to exist but it does not exist.
You don't know that you have been sleeping for millions of years.
Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. The author is regularly sharing his write-ups to remove the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge. He is a renowned god-realized soul and Spiritualist. Spirituality is the solution to all problems.
It is ironic. We want to know about others. We want to know about Mars, other planets and stars but we don't know about ourselves. We consider ourselves merely a body which is not true.
Read spiritual write-ups every day, you will be getting blessings from god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read them even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. Share it to your friends by email, facebook, twitter etc for creating spirituality on this beautiful planet earth.
His posts have been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe!
His most of the posts are collections of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.
In some writings of the author you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search for them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.
He is regularly sharing his blogs, posts in Speaking tree website, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook etc.
You can Google Search his all the profiles by the following key-words-
Pravin Agrawal Spiritualist Blogger
Most of his posts / blogs / books can be searched by Google.
Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on planet earth. This is the most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.
But this knowledge was lost with time.
Now the author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in a very easy way in the form of his write-up and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself, which are shared here.
Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas i.e. practice again and again. If you read his posts again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know Almighty God! Try it!
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27 December 2023
How to Finish Ignorance?
Hi Friends,
The main reason of present chaos in the world is ignorance.
Why so many fights, quarrels, pain, Leg-pulling etc in the present world?
Why so much evils in the world?
It is due to ignorance.
If you don't want to see the darkness of ignorance in the world. If you don't want to see evils in the world. If you want to see the light of knowledge in the world.
Then please share this in the Mygate App of your Apartment and other places as much as possible or at least once in a month-
Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-
Those people who share this will be a medium to spread this sacred task of Sri Krishna. They may have glimpse of divine knowledge in this birth itself.
Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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25 March 2023
Don't consider my posts like poem
*My posts are not merely!
Like poems!
They are based on!
Actual truth!
Which is encountered!
At different levels of knowledge!
*Almost all of my posts!
They are based on actual truth!
That is a universal truth!
At different levels of knowledge!
*I have no ability to write!
Whatever I can write!
Whatever I can do!
That is due to my Krishna!
*Almost all of my posts!
They have been created!
As per my thoughts!
Blessed by Sri Krishna!
*Hence they are not mine!
They belong to Sri Krishna!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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Ten Most Important Posts of Pravin Agrawal
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Pravin Agrawal`s Scenes Do Not Exist-
Scenes do not exist even now-
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Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-
Youths Need Proper Guidance: Quotes of Pravin Agrawal-
More Than 1000 Likes Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-
List 2 Of All Linkedin Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-
? ? ?
Owner, BCC Shipping and Ship Building Ltd
10 个月Aum hum shree Hanumate Ramdutaya namah ??
Director at FICCI
10 个月????
(Immediate joiner) Senior Data Engineer (AWS|AZURE|GCP) at Accenture
10 个月Jai Shree Ram ??????
PHLD Planner at Katoen Natie khonaini
10 个月?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Director , Asia Agro Produce Pte Ltd
10 个月Jai Shree Ram ???????? Om Shri Hanumate Namo Namah ..????????