Quotes of Pravin Agrawal on Fear

Quotes of Pravin Agrawal on Fear

Here's - Quotes of Pravin Agrawal on Fear.

And other posts/ true incidents.

Which you may wonder after knowing.

Know by these new thoughts of the author shared in this book. If you can understand the deep meaning, you are very fortunate.

These are his sharing from time to time which contain the same word.

Some of them may be repeated based upon their importance.

Love and light to you!

? ? ?

25 February 2024

Who will fear from whom?

*When no other exists!

When I alone exist!

Who will fear from whom?

*When seer alone exists!

Every face is scene!

Everything is scene!

Scene is Jad!

Jad can not see!

And seer is only one!

That is myself!

Who will fear from whom?

*When I am the Chinmay!

Chinmay is only one!

Chinmay can't be destroyed!

No harm can be of Chinmay!

I am the Chinmay self Atma!

Who will fear from whom?

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

11 February 2024

Tips to know Almighty if you are not Hindu

*If you want to do Puja or worship of Hindu God but you are from other religions, then the

following Tips will help you.

1/ First of all you must know that Almighty is only one, you may be from any religion. Hence you

should not be fearful while doing worship of Almighty.

*You must know that the religions are the ABCD to reach Almighty.

Temple, church, mosque etc are just ABCD of spirituality to reach Almighty.

2/ You don't need to convert religion. Remain in your religion only. Do any worship of any form of

Almighty or do worship of formless Almighty.

3/ If you are doing worship of formless Almighty, then worship Him in all the humans without the

difference of any religion.

4/ If you are a student, you want the best teacher. If you are a patient, you want the best Doctor.

Similarly if you want to know Almighty.

Go to the best divine Master. Do not see his religion.

5/ Do not be fearful if you do the worship of Almighty in any form or formless. Don't show to


Do it secretly. Keep your experiences and progress secret.

6/ Remember, if you do worship in your mind, then it's more powerful. It's called Mansik Puja

which gives you 1000 times more power. Hence you will reap more benefit if you don't show to


7/ God, Goddess of any religion or Almighty is the self in everyone. Self can be known by doing

selfless services to humans without the difference of any religion. Render the services of the

people of other religions and also your religion. Do not be selfish of your religion while doing the

service as you have to rise above the religion.

*Humans have religion. You have to rise above humanity.

*Not only human, you have to do service of all the creatures including animals, birds etc since

the gist of religion is Kindness. Only then you can know Almighty!

*Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian etc are children of one Almighty. He loves them equally without

any difference since He is impartial and merciful.

31 January 2024

Why problems come?

*Have you ever thought?

Why problems come?

*To make you more strong!

To strengthen your faith on Almighty!

To check your comfort level!

To remove your weaknesses!

Problems come to test you!

*More problems, more stronger!

You can become!

*More problems, more heights!

You can achieve in divinity!

More secrets will be revealed!

If you don't fear from them!

If you face them boldly!

*Shiva could be great!

After drinking poison!

Rama could be great!

After 14 years of exile!

*No one can be great!

Without the problems!

No one can reach divine!

Without the problems!

*Face the problems!

Always accept the challenge!

Blessed by Almighty Himself!

He loves you more than others!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


23 FEB 2021

How my Spiritual Birth took place?

I was very weak person. I couldn't talk about the death of anyone. I couldn't listen about the

death of anyone. I couldn't read about the death of anyone.

I couldn't see the death of anyone, even in the movie. Even after my marriage it was very

difficult for me to see any movie having bloodshed. Some times it was very awkward for my wife

to see the movie along with me since I used to start crying after seeing all such scenes in the

movie. Some times I simply used to come out of the Cinema Hall during such scenes leaving my

wife alone. Even I couldn't see the blood of anyone. I couldn't kill even the ant.

During my childhood one of my friend fell down from the roof of his house when he was flying

the kite. He was admitted in the hospital. I went to see him and became unconscious. I fell down

on the floor of the hospital just after seeing him.

During my high school I had opted Biology as a subject. There I had to do dissection of frog

since it was a part of course. I couldn't see the blood of the frog. I couldn't do the dissection of

the frog. Hence I left Biology.

In the year 1989 in the month of December there was catastrophe in my life. I couldn't see the

death of my father to whom I loved too much. I was extremely shocked.

I was in too much grief like Arjuna.

I decided that I couldn't be alive without him. I couldn't forget his death in spite my best efforts to

forget. Day and night, twenty four hours I remembered his death and thought I would also die.

Thus I had very much fear of death. I couldn't forget my death even for a moment. Some times I

thought to jump from the railway bridge to Yamuna river to end my life. I prayed to Almighty to

resolve my plight.

Thus my prayer continued.

My condition was like Raja Parikshit in Bhagavad who had got only seven days of his life after

that he had to die due to the curse of Shringi Rishi. You may see this story by Google search.

Krishna is very kind hearted. I continued to remember Sri Krishna. He melted. Like He came to

save Draupadi. He came to save me to end my agony. Since He has promised in Gita. Thus he

became my greatest Guru, my beloved teacher. I could see the truth of many Shloka of Gita

during this period.

Then, I knew the reality of this world as a dream. Hence I left my home during the year 1990 like

Buddha did, leaving my two kids and went Mount Abu to take Sanyas. But due to the mercy of

Sri Krishna, one kind hearted Mahatma ji had shown me the correct path. He told me- You are

talking about Gita but Gita is full of Karma Yoga. You are talking about Sanyas leaving your wife

and two small kids. You have come here leaving your biggest duty, your Karma. Thus you have

done a great sin. Go back to your home!

It took from December 1989 to February 1990. During this period I had many divine


My Spiritual Birth took place on the auspicious day Maha Shivaratri in the year 1990.

Wishing You Happy Dussehra.

3 August 2023

What happens after Liberation?

Part 1

Received the following question:

What happens to us after liberation or mukti ? Where is our existence? Death is worst problem

but with mukti , life is also gone forever. With this idea, mukti itself becomes a fear.

Please answer why fear of mukti because it looks like we will not exist then and there will be no


For replying this!

Reply following questions -

You are seeing a movie!

Then you have any fear or Sorrows?

You are playing in a drama!

If you die in the drama!

You have any fear?

You have any sorrows?

You saw a horrible dream!

You have any fear or worry now?

You were present in deep sleep!

Were you having any fear of body?

Were you having any sorrows?

How you felt during deep sleep?

Now you must have got!

Your reply!

Part 2


It is common question!

People may have this question!

People fear liberation also!

Mukti is fear from death!

Mukti or liberation same thing!

After Mukti we don't die!

Mukti is knowing!

This world is illusion!

Your body is illusion!

World and body don't exist!

Even without Mukti we don't die!

We change from one form to another!

Before Mukti!

We are in ignorance!

After Mukti!

We are not in ignorance!

Mukti is knowing!

You don't die!

Only body dies!

Mukti removes fear!

Hence Mukti is!

Mukti from ignorance!

Ignorance is the cause of sorrows!

You are wearing clothes!

If you change your clothes!

Any thing goes wrong?

After Mukti you remain as it is!

And you know what you are!

No change in your existence!

You know your real existence!

After Mukti life does not go!

But you know that you are life!

Part 3


Liberation is mukti from!

Birth and death!

But not from life!

You don't take further birth!

Birth is the cause of sorrows!

Since it gives pain of death!

Birth after the births!

And many other sorrows!

During birth so much pain!

During death so much pain!

In body so much pain of!

Diseases, old age etc!

But after Mukti!

You are free from sorrows!

No diseases, no old age!

No further birth or death!

Before Mukti you don't know existence!

After Mukti you become existence!

You fear due to your body!

You fear from leaving your body!

For Mukti, no need to leave body!

You get Mukti while living in body!

No liberation after death!

Liberation only in your life!

You don't need to die!

You don't need to leave body!

After death liberation not possible!

Since you need body to do Karma!

Mukti is knowing, who are you!

Not incomplete but full knowledge!


15 June 2023

Everywhere Consciousness

When everywhere consciousness exists. Jad or scene is fully submerged in the infinite ocean of

consciousness. Scene or Jad is static. It seems to act due to consciousness.

When we see through consciousness, then only consciousness exists.

When we see through Jad scene, then only Jad scenes exist.

All scenes like snake, forest, body etc are like merely a picture. But they seem to act due to


We don't fear from picture of snake.

We fear till we don't know. When we know that it is just a picture of snake, we don't fear from it.

We fear from snake till we don't know that it is dead. Once we know that it is dead snake, we

don't fear from snake.

Hence only ignorance is the cause of fear. Knowledge removes our fear.


12 June 2023

Soul Is Without Scenes

*Soul is seer!

Without scenes!

When Soul starts imagination!

It becomes seer of scenes!

*Soul is without object of knowledge!

When it starts to do imagination!

It becomes knower of knowledge!

*Only Soul exists which is shapeless!

When Soul forgets that it is shapeless!

It starts to see things in imagination!

It senses body and world in imagination!

Which are called Chitt or subtle mind!

Which are imagination power of Atma!

Like we see dream, it starts to see dream!

*If we don't have any thought, imagination!

Then we will know we are Soul, Atma!

All joy and sorrows only in imagination!

They are like a very long dream!

*When Soul wakes up from this dream!

Soul knows that it is not a body!

It is Soul, Atma, Self Brahman!

Then it knows that!

Body and relatives of body!

They were only in imagination, dream!

Life and death was only in imagination!

Fear of death was imagination, dream!

*Thus Soul is Chidakash!

Atma is like clear sky!

Which is Chinmay, Chaitanya!

Which is pure consciousness!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


4 June 2023

You are God, Everyone is God

*Believe or not!

You are God!

Every one is God!

*Just touch the feet of everyone!

One may be beggar!

One may be junior!

One may be handicap!

One may be peon!

One may be dog!

One may be bird!

*Thus find yourself after some time!

You are God, everyone is God!

Thus see yourself after some time!

You are God, everyone is God!

*Don't fear of society!

People can't see!

It is only your illusion!

That they are seeing!

*Society is like wall!

People are like stones!

Can wall see?

Can stone see?

*It is only Chinmay seeing!

It is only God seeing from them!

*Thus melt your ego!

Thus see!

You are God!

Every one is God!

*Disregard your body!

Don't feed your body!

Don't make body fat!

Assume your body dead!

Thus shed your ego!

Shed your body!

And see you are God!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


17 May 2023

Curtain of Ignorance

*You have put!

The curtain of ignorance!

On your eyes!

*Why you have fear to talk?

With your loved one!

He may be boy!

She may be girl!

*Why do you doubt?

If girl talks with boy!

If boy talks with girl!

*Why you have doubt!

When girl sees boy!

When boy sees girl!

*It means your eyes are polluted!

It means your vision is polluted!

It means you don't have purity!

*If you have impurity!

Then you will see impurity!

Even in Radha and Krishna!

*When you will have purity!

You will not see impurity in others!

You will see purity in others!

*Love everyone!

Man or woman!

By seeing them soul!

*If you see body!

You will weep one day!

When body will die!

*Never love the body!

Always love the soul!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

? ? ?

3 April 2023

Poison and Nectar

*Body and World!

They are like poison!

*Soul or Atma!

It is like nectar!

Self is like nectar!

*Remove poison!

One by one daily!

Thus do cleaning of Self!

*What is poison?

Anger, jealousy, ego, lust!

Fear, untruth, dissatisfaction!

Desire, sense-gratification!

Greed, pride, worldliness!

Body-consciousness etc!

*What is nectar!



Love, surrender, truth!

Egolessness etc!

*By cleaning Self daily!

One day!

You will find yourself!

Krishna inside yourself!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


30 March 2023

How You Become Body?

*You become body!

By increasing body consciousness!

By feeding the body!

By feeding the senses!

*How you feed senses?

By more eating!

By more seeing!

By more Speaking!

By more listening!

By more touching!

By more smelling!

*Thus you are trapped!

More and more!

In illusion of the world!

*You are not the body!

You are Soul, Atma!

Which is Chinmay!

Which is immortal!

*But you make yourself!

Immortal to mortal!

By excess use of senses!

*Same is the case with you!

Same is the case with me!

*You are divine!

But you come in this mortal world!

By excess use of the senses!

*Then you feel pain, pleasure!

But more pain than pleasure!

Pain and fear of missing!

The loved one and things!

*Don't be trapped by the senses!

Don't be trapped by the world!

Don't spread more world!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


21 February 2023

You know after death

*You never die!

You know after death!

*You had fear!

Loosing your body!

Relatives of body!

Things of body!

Popularity of body!

*You know after death!

Your fear was ignorance!

*You had so many wives!

Husbands, children!

Friends, relatives!

In so many births!

*You had so much wealth!

Popularity, degrees!

Post, designation, kingdoms!

In so many births!

*You know after death!

And this life also you wasted!

Without knowing soul, Atma!

You know after death!

*Then you repent!

But it is too late!

You know after death!

*Again I shall try in next birth!

You think like that!

Again you forgot in this birth!

You know after death!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


5 February 2023

Types of Sorrows or Pains in Life

1/ First sorrow is birth. Baby is born with too much difficulty. He weeps too much when he takes

birth. Mother and baby, both feel to much pain during this time.

When baby grows, he feels the pain of hunger, thirst, ailments and other problems but he can

not convey up to others. Hence he weeps.

2/ Karma - One has to do Karma when one grows up. Bad Karma gives pain of bad results and

punishment. But good Karma also gives the pain. When you get comfort, you become habitual

of comfort. When you miss the comfort, it becomes painful to you.

3/ Fear - One gets many fears in life due to many reasons in life.

4/ Worries - One is always worried in life due to many reasons. Worries burns the person.

5/ Anger - One becomes angry due to different reasons and if one does not get the desired


6/ Livelihood - One has to struggle for survival when he grows up.

7/ Hunger- If one is poor, he may have to remain hungry.

8/ Thirst - Control of thirst is very difficult.

9/ Desire- Desires give too much pain when one does not get the desired things. But, when one

gets the desired things, one fears of missing it. And after missing, it becomes too much painful.

10/ Attachment- Attachment is very painful since it gives fear of missing and finally actual


11/ Good or bad Children, relatives, friends etc

12/ Insult - One can not withstand insult.

13/ Diseases of self, children, relatives etc

14/ Fear of death of self, relatives, lovers and friends

15/ Death of Relatives, lovers and friends

16/ Old Age- One becomes very week and helpless in old age.

17/ Death- Most difficult moment is death.

One feels too much pain during the death.

18/ Weather- One has to struggle against different kinds of weather.

19/ Fear of Natural Calamities, Earthquakes, Floods, Storms etc.

20/ Popularity- If one becomes popular, he becomes very happy. But when he gets infamy, then

it gives too much pain. Even if one doesn't get infamy, then one gets too much pain during the

death since one becomes attached with popularity.

It is the law of nature - Higher you go, Lower you have to come back like a ball thrown in the


That is the reason liberation is required to get rid of the sorrows of body since body gives all the

above pains. Body is the cause of all these problems. Hence one has to get rid of body. Else

body acts like jail and gives many births.

Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


24 January 2023

True Incident : Divya Shakti Exists

*Divya Shakti exists and miracles are the result of such divine power.

*But they also exist in ignorance. They also exist in the duality.

*Real truth is that there is no duality. Only one Almighty God exists.

*There have been several occasions when I could read the mind of the other person. But this is

nothing but intuition.

*One can read Bhav or thought of another person.

*It may be the incident of more than 10 years ago. Once I went to a grocery shop to purchase

some item. I was dressed like an Officer. I could read his thought. He considered me as a Sales

Tax Officer.

He was fearful for some moments.

But I relaxed him.

*I told him that I wanted to purchase some item.

*This is only a small incident.

There are several such instances in my life which proves similar cases. And one of them is

major one which I do not want to share as of now.


23 Dec 2022

Some time fight is better in love

*Excess of love also not better!

Some time fight is better in love!

So that love should not melt!

Love should not become weak!

So that you should not be sad!

On missing your love!

Since one has to miss one day!

Since more attachment is bad!

*But when two souls become one!

Then no fear of missing!

No chances of missing!

Like Radha and Krishna!

Hence never love the body!

Always love the soul!

29 November 2022

True Incident During Air Travel

This is the incident of some years back.

I was traveling from Bangalore to Delhi by Air India flight.

I saw very big face of some person or Mahatma in the sky in front of the Air-Craft. That was

bigger than the size of the Aeroplane, spreading in the sky.

As if it appeared to cause air-crash!

I was fearful for some moments!

Then I remembered popular figure of Lord Hanuman in which Lord Hanuman flying in the air

with Drona-Giri mountain having Sanjivani Booti to cure Lord Laxmana, younger brother of Lord


Just after that my Aeroplane passed through that vast face in the sky within the moments!

I didn't tell this incident to anyone.

But now I am sharing this true incident with you for the good of one and all.

Have faith on Lord Hanuman!

Have faith on Lord Rama!

Have faith on Lord Krishna!

Every one is True!

Jai Jai Bajrang Bali!

Jai Sri Rama!

Jai Sri Krishna!


13 August 2022

True Incident : Bajrang Bali

*How I was enlightened?

Bajrang Bali removes the grief!

*During December 1989 when my father expired, I was too much in shock. I was too much in

grief. There were no chances that I may survive. I thought - Now I can not live alive.

*I was too much attached with my father.

*Then Bajrang Bali came for my rescue.. I had too much faith and belief on Bajrang Bali ie Lord

Hanuman. Since He is very powerful and He removes the fear.

*I started to recite this sacred MantraJai Jai Bajrang Bali ...Jai Jai Bajrang Bali...

*I remember that I used to shout very loudly and I used to do Kirtan of this sacred and very

powerful name of Lord Hanuman.

*Sometimes I used to weep, sometimes with love, sometimes in grief. Doing Kirtan of this

sacred name of Lord Hanuman for hours to overcome my sorrows and grief.

Lord Hanuman is very merciful.

*By His grace I could overcome my grief.

I used to get too much peace after reciting this powerful Mantra of Lord Hanuman!

*This has been shared for the benefit of one and all.

Jai Jai Bajrang Bali.

Jai Sri Hanuman!


Love me not due to fear

Love me not due to fear!

Since I am your only friend!

I am Yaron ka Yaar!

Means best friend of the friends!

Irrespective of your religion!

Irrespective of your nation!

Irrespective of your gender!

Irrespective of your language!

Irrespective of your status!

Irrespective of any difference!

Since I want your good only!

And no one else!

Since I can't see you here!

Since you are mine!

I am indebted of you!

You are very regular!

Hence you are my beloved!

Come to me for ever!

This is my voice!

This is divine voice from sky!

Happy Friendship Day!


1 July 2022

@What is braveness?

@See Almighty in all!

Have fear even from!

The weakest person!

See Almighty in him!

@Since the weakest person also!

He will set right everything!

Since he is also nature!

And nature sets right everything!

It is the law of the nature!


20 June 2022

@How is that Nectar?

@If you drink even a drop!

Of that Nectar!

You will become immortal!

You can't forget its taste!

@Even if you can give!

One billion dollars!

For one drop of that Nectar!

For that Divine Bliss!

@You can't purchase it!

You can't taste it!

@Even if you see death!

You will not fear the death!

Death will become a play!

Death will become a pleasure!

@You can never forget that Nectar!

You can never forget that Divine Bliss!

@The biggest joy you enjoy!

In this entire universe!

It will become like poison!

In comparison of that Nectar!

@And that Almighty!

He is infinite ocean of that Nectar!

He is infinite ocean of that Bliss!

You can't imagine about its joy!

@You are cheating yourself!

By the biggest worldly pleasures!

You are stealing it from yourself!

You are the biggest enemy of yourself!


18 Mar 2022

What is better?

*To keep your Shubh Kamna!

Or to give you Shubh Kamna?

*To keep your Shubh Kamna!

In my mind!

*It is better than!

To give you Shubh Kamna!

*I want to avoid formality!

Of saying my Shubh Kamna to you!

*No need to express!

But I am fearful!

That nothing should go wrong with you!

You must always remain happy!

*Since I always want to see you smiling!

Since you look great while smiling!

*And this is my greatest!

Shubh Kamna for you!

And this is my greatest!

Happy Holi for you!


1 Mar 2022

Maha Shivratri Message of Shiva

*O My Children!

Don't fear death!

I am Lord of death!

Take it a play!

*You have seen death!

Many times!

In your dreams!

Do you remember now?

*Take birth and death!

Like in a dream!

*You are the witness of birth!

You are the witness of death!

*Why do you worry?

You never die!

*Don't be attached with body!

Don't be attached with world!

*See every thing in a dream!

See every thing in movie!

*Do you fear after the dream?

Do you fear after the movie?

*Sometimes death becomes necessary!

Sometimes birth becomes necessary!

*I have to take birth!

When Dharma declines!

*Wishing You Happy Maha Shivratri!

*Om Namah Shivaya ? ??? ?? ???

? ? ?

2 Feb 2022

Don't worry if you have Corona

*During third wave!

Don't worry!

If you have Corona!

Don't fear!

*It will go within 7 days!

It may spread!

In all family members!

But don't worry!

*It is natural curing process!

It is normal!

Nothing abnormal!

It may be required for immunity!

*Situation becomes worse!

If you fear!

If you worry!

More than requirement!

*Take all precautions!

As per WHO and Doctor!

Take all medications!

As prescribed by Doctor!

*Whatever happens!

It happens for your good!

Hence don't worry!

Be happy!

*Have faith on Almighty!

Have faith on nature!

*Forward to all concerned!

To wake up all concerned!


19 Aug 2021

Who is brave?

*One who does atrocities!

On weak people!

He is not brave!

He is coward!

*Anyone who creates fear!

He is not brave!

Anyone who makes fearless!

He is brave in true sense!

*One who protects!

Weak people!

By risking his life!

He is truly brave!

*Rama protected weak people!

Krishna protected weak people!

Jhansi ki Rani protected weaker!

Shivaji protected weak people!

*Such people are brave!

And those follow them!

They are brave!

They also do like them!

*Forward this to all concerned!

To wake up all concerned!


6 July 2021

Why Kabir has said this?

Why Kabir has said?

Jis marne se jag dare!

More Mann Anand!

Kab marun, Kab paun!

Pooran Paramanand!

Its meaning in English!

People fear death!

But I don't fear death!

Since when I will die!

I will merge in full bliss!

It means that!

Kabir was not in bliss!

While living alive!

Hence he wanted to die!

To remain full of bliss!

Since Kabir has not died!

Since Kabir is immortal!

Hence he can only reply!

About his this saying!

He can reply through anyone!


16 June 2021

True Incident When I was Baby

A baby can touch the fire. A baby can touch the snake since he has no fear. But as we grow

older we develop fear. When we are baby we don't want to protect us. As we grow older we

want to protect us.

Probably this incident was told to me by my mother when I was young boy. Since I couldn't

forget it even now.

When I was about one year old. I was sleeping. It was afternoon hours. All of the sudden I woke

up with the sound of Black Bhanwara ie black bumble bee. It was flying near me. I caught it by

my hand and kept in my fist.

Probably I was taking it to my mouth for eating. Suddenly I opened my fist it ran away.

When my mother saw it from some distance, she came running to me.

I asked my mother - Why it didn't bite me? Why it didn't sting me?

She replied - It must have thought you as tender as flower. Since your hands were very soft and

tender. It does not bite a flower. It does not sting a flower.

When I was studying in Class 10 or 11, one black Bhanwara or black bumble bee stung me and

I became unconscious.

When I was baby it didn't sting me. But when I became older it stung me. It means that they

may be having some sense.

Even now it is difficult for me to believe on this incident.


4 June 2021

What happens after Liberation?

Part 1

Received the following question:

What happens to us after liberation or mukti ? Where is our existence? Death is worst problem

but with mukti , life is also gone forever. With this idea, mukti itself becomes a fear.

Please answer why fear of mukti because it looks like we will not exist then and there will be no


For replying this!

Reply following questions -

You are seeing a movie!

Then you have any fear or Sorrows?

You are playing in a drama!

If you die in the drama!

You have any fear?

You have any sorrows?

You saw a horrible dream!

You have any fear or worry now?

You were present in deep sleep!

Were you having any fear of body?

Were you having any sorrows?

How you felt during deep sleep?

Now you must have got!

Your reply!

Continues in Part 2


4 June 2021

What happens after Liberation?

Part 3

Liberation is mukti from!

Birth and death!

But not from life!

You don't take further birth!

Birth is the cause of sorrows!

Since it gives pain of death!

Birth after the births!

And many other sorrows!

During birth so much pain!

During death so much pain!

In body so much pain of!

Diseases, old age etc!

But after Mukti!

You are free from sorrows!

No diseases, no old age!

No further birth or death!

Before Mukti you don't know existence!

After Mukti you become existence!

You fear due to your body!

You fear from leaving your body!

For Mukti, no need to leave body!

You get Mukti while living in body!

No liberation after death!

Liberation only in your life!

You don't need to die!

You don't need to leave body!

After death liberation not possible!

Since you need body to do Karma!

Mukti is knowing, who are you!

Not incomplete but full knowledge!


4 June 2021

What happens after Liberation?

Part 2

Received the following questionWhat happens to us after liberation or mukti ? Where is our existence? Death is worst problem

but with mukti , life is also gone forever. With this idea, mukti itself becomes a fear.

Please answer why fear of mukti because it looks like we will not exist then and there will be no



It is common question!

People may have this question!

People fear liberation also!

Mukti is fear from death!

Mukti or liberation same thing!

After Mukti we don't die!

Mukti is knowing!

This world is illusion!

Your body is illusion!

World and body don't exist!

Even without Mukti we don't die!

We change from one form to another!

Before Mukti!

We are in ignorance!

After Mukti!

We are not in ignorance!

Mukti is knowing!

You don't die!

Only body dies!

Mukti removes fear!

Hence Mukti is!

Mukti from ignorance!

Ignorance is the cause of sorrows!

You are wearing clothes!

If you change your clothes!

Any thing goes wrong?

After Mukti you remain as it is!

And you know what you are!

No change in your existence!

You know your real existence!

After Mukti life does not go!

But you know that you are life!

Continues in Part 3


24 May 2021

What you should do?

What you should do?

Whatever Almighty says!

Whatever Krishna says!

That you must do?

Or whatever Society says!

Whatever parents say!

Whatever friends say!

Whatever spouse says!

Whatever children say!

That you must do?

What you should prefer?

If Almighty says to do!

Against the norms of Society!

Then what you should do?

Should you obey Almighty?

Or should you obey the society?

Who is having more intelligence?

Who is having more wisdom?

Almighty God or the Society?

Sometimes, these questions!

You encounter!

In the divine journey!

Then Scriptures are there!

To guide you!

Like Meera, Prahlad, Buddha!

They did!

You must do the same!

Prahlad left his father!

Gopis left their husbands!

Meera left her husband!

Buddha left his wife!

They preferred Almighty!

Comparing to Society!

Society causes!

Fear of many deaths!

Birth after the birth!

Krishna makes you!

Immortal for ever!

Now, you yourself tell me!

What you should do?


22 May 2021

Who is the wisest?

The person who prepares himself!

For the very certain thing!

He is the most wise!

Corona is not certain!

You may have!

You may not have!

Death is most certain!

For everyone!

Everyone is preparing himself!

To fight with the Covid!

But no one is preparing for death!

Which is very very certain!

One may have vaccination!

One may have Oxygen Cylinder!

But one can't escape the death!

Though it is not bad!

If one prepares to fight with Covid!

But, if one gets ready for death!

Nothing on earth can harm him!

One is the most wise!

Who prepares for the death!

Then one prepares for everything!

Prepare for death first of all!

By knowing yourself!

Then no fear can touch you!


8 May 2021

Fear of death is blessing of Almighty

Always remember, never forget!

Fear of death is blessing of Almighty!

It is the fear of death!

You forget your all worldly helpers!

As the last resort or solution!

Then you have to remember only Almighty!

Then you have to leave your worldly toys!

Of your power, post, wealth, popularity etc!

Then you are attracted towards God!

Then you surrender only to Almighty!

Then you forget the entire world!

Then you have only one worry!

How to save yourself from death!

Then you surrender fully to Him!

Then you finish your ego!

Then you know your identity!

Then you know your true father!


5 May 2021

Bhagavad Gita as Oxygen

Bhagavad Gita available!

Free of cost as Oxygen!

Why it is so?

Yes it works as Oxygen!

It takes you in other realm of life!

Which is without miseries!

Provided you read and follow it daily!

By following all the rules seriously!

And specially during the sorrows!

Its impact is manifold!

Then you can understand it clearly!

Then you can follow it seriously!

You must have fear of death!

Then it works as miracle!

You can reach a state!

Which is beyond the death!

Then you will have no fear of death!

Then you will not run for Oxygen!

Forward this if you please!

Earn the blessings of Bhagwad Gita!


4 May 2021

Fear Reduces Immunity

Don't fear Corona!

As fear reduces immunity!

Fear reduces Selflessness!

Fear increases anger!

Fear increases worry!

Fear reduces faith on Almighty!

Have faith on Krishna!

Have faith on Almighty!

Thus eliminating your fear!

Thus eliminating your sorrows!

It will strengthen you!

It will make you more powerful!

Thus it will increase your immunity!

Thus it will enhance your happiness!


2 May 2021

Why punishment?

Why punishment?

Why sorrows?

So that you can remember Almighty!

So that you can know your purpose!

Purpose of your birth on this earth!

So that you can know your Creator!

It is an opportunity!

To know purpose of your birth!

Since you are trapped in false toys!

Of your popularity, wealth, designation!

And so many other things!

If there were no death!

World would be full of fire!

Fear of death is an opportunity!

To remove from your falsehood!

To know purpose of your birth!

To reduce the burden of mother earth!

? ? ?

28 APR 2021

Bhay Binu Hoy Na Preeti

Lord Ram has told in Ramayana!

Bhay Binu Hoy Na Preeti!

Its meaning -

You can't love without fear!

That is the reason!

Fear of Corona!

If you fear Corona!

If you want to save your life!

Love Krishna! Love Rama!

Love Almighty!

Love one and all!

Many people have changed!

Many people are changing!

If still you are not changing!

Then you are very unfortunate!

Even Almighty can't help you!

If you don't want to change!

Have faith on Almighty!

You can have faith on Oxygen!

But you can't have faith!

Who gives you free Oxygen!

You can have faith on Doctor!

You can have faith on Pilot!

You can have faith on Cook!

You can have faith on Driver!

But you can't have faith on Almighty!

And this is the main problem with you!

This is the reason of your every problem!

This is the reason of your all sorrows!

This is the reason of your every disease!


You will be all right

If you have Corona symptoms!

Even if you are Corona positive!

First and foremost!

You will be all right!

Do not fear!

Even if you are COVID19 positive!


You will be all right!

Some of my known people!

They were COVID-19 positive!

But they didn't fear!

They are alright now!

But never be shy!

In telling others!

That you have COVID19!

It is like other ailments!

Don't hide it!

What is your fault in it!

Don't feel guilty!

You will be alright!

Always have positive attitude!

If you think, you will be alright!

You are half recovered!

Keep positive mindset!

Spread this message!

To every victim of Corona!

In their language!

You will be alright!


9 MAR 2021

If thorns are there

If thorns are there!

Will you stop loving roses?

Due to the fear of thorns!

If you are hurt!

By the people or things!

Will you leave to love them!

Rose can't love but you can!

Things can't love but you can!

People can't love but you can!

If you love!

It is your advantage, not their!

It will make you more loving!

It will make you more strong!

Which is essential to know God!

Since God is love, love is God!


8 March 2021

Don't fear death

Don't fear death!

Death is also illusion!

Only difference after death!

We become from!

Visible to invisible!

Hence don't fear death!

Memory of this birth is lost!

After the death of every one!

Since our all relations all things!

They are also illusion!


7 MAR 2021

Jis marne se jag dare

*Jis Marne se jag dare!

More Mann Anand!

*People fear of death!

But now I become happy!

*If I have to die tomorrow!

Let me die today itself!

Since I will be full of bliss!

After my death!

*Since I have done everything!

I have fulfilled the very purpose!

For which I have taken the birth!

For this only Krishna is to be praised!

*Same sentiment was expressed by Kabir!

When he expressed the same linesJis Marne se jag dare!

More Mann Anand!


23 FEB 2021

Why fear of death?

When you assume yourself!

As body!

There is fear of death!

When you assume yourself!

As Atma!

No fear of death!

Fear of death!

Due to your!

Wrong assumption!

You are independent of body!

Body is just visible!

But it does not exist!

21 Feb 21

You and body

*You and your body!

Entirely different!

*You are Atma!

Body is Maya!

*For you no worship required!

For body worship required!

*You don't do any work!

Body does every work!

With your presence!

*You are independent of body!

Let body do any work!

*Body eats the food!

You don't eat the food!

*Body goes here and there!

You don't go here and there!

*Body or world one thing!

You or Almighty other thing!

*World is imagination of mind!

When you see by mind!

Mind is imagination of you!

*All Gods when you see from mind!

All people when you see from mind!

You are pure consciousness!

*Mind is nothing but your assumption!

And that assumption is wrong!

*Body and world in parallel world!

You and Almighty in parallel of it!

*You and Almighty screen of movie!

Body and world are the movie!

They are entirety different than you!

*You have assumed the body yours!

Thus you have created the mind!

By assuming the body yours!

Thus you have created the ego!

*You are nothing to do with body!

You are entirely different than body!

Since you are pure Atma!

*Don't assume the body as yours!

Since it creates the mind and ego!

And thus it creates fear of death!

*But you can never die!

Since you are Atma!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


11 FEB 2021

Don't mix up with your mind

Mind tries to make illusion!

Since mind itself illusion!

Main purpose of mind!

To create unrestness for you!

Mind always disturbs us!

If we don't control it!

If we are under its control!

Since it does not want!

To loose its existence!

Mind always misguides us!

About Almighty Krishna!

About ourselves! Our Existence!

Since it fears that!

It will loose its existence!

Everything of all the births!

Only in mind!

Mind is cause of the bondage!

If we win the mind, we are free!

Then we are immortal as ever!

If mind wins us, we are in bondage!

Then cycles of births and deaths!

We are not of mind!

Mind is ours!

Mind is not powerful than us!

We are more powerful than mind!

Only ways to win the mind!

Think about Almighty Krishna!

Always do against the mind!

Become witness of the mind!

Be non-doer as you are!

Be selflss as per Gita!


6 FEB 2021

Biggest Fear

Different people have!

Different fear!

Some have fear as below!

I will miss the chair of President!

I will miss the chair of Prime Minister!

I will miss stardom of the films!

I will miss wealth of billions!

I will miss millions of followers!

I will miss captainship of sports!

I will miss captainship of cricket!

Some have greater fear as below!

I will miss my father!

I will miss my mother!

I will miss my wife!

I will miss my husband!

I will miss my lover!

I will miss my son!

I will miss my daughter!

I will miss my grandchildren!

I will miss my sibling!

I will miss my friend!

Some have even greater fear!

I will miss my childhood!

I will miss my adolescent!

I will miss my young age!

I will miss my good health!

I will miss my beauty!

I will miss my handsomeness!

But some have biggest fear!

I will die!

Spirituality is the solution!

Of all such fears!

Even for your biggest fear -

I will die!

To make you divine!

To make you understand!

All this is dream!

Hence don't worry!


2 FEB 2021

Don't fear from Bhagavad Gita

When I was child, people used to be fearful while reading Bhagavad Gita. They used to think, if

their child reads Gita, he may take Sanyas.

It is not true. Bhagavad Gita teaches Karma Yoga. Sri Krishna has Himself told to Arjuna in Gita

that Karma Yoga is better than Karma Sanyas. Arjuna was ready to take Sanyas when he saw

his relatives in opposite side. He considered Sanyas as better than fighting with their revered


But Krishna told Arjuna to do his duty since they gave company to Adharma. Hence Krishna

instructed Arjuna to fight.

People must know this fact that Bhagavad Gita does not teach to take Sanyas. Hence they

should not fear that their children will take Sanyas.

Everyone can read Bhagavad Gita irrespective of his gender, religion, age, nation, color, food

habits, language etc if one reads it with reverence.


25 JAN 2021

If you consider this world as true

*If you consider this world as true!

Then you will have to repent!

Then you will have to weep one day!

*Believe me or do not believe!

This fact will be known one day!

*Then you will feel cheated!

Then you you will regret!

*Don't consider!

Your family and friends!

Your post, designation!

Your name and fame!

Your wealth and property!

Your beauty and youth!

As true!

*Since one day!

All these things will be missed!

*And even before missing!

You will be much worried!

Due to fear of missing!

*Don't consider as true!

Not only joy!

But also sorrows!

*Treat joy and sorrows!

As in a drama!

Act in the world!

As you play in a drama!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


25 JAN 2021

Death and Fear


Someone fears the death!

He can do anything for it!

He can kill the other!

He can be enslaved by others!

Someone wants to give!

His life for his nation!

Someone wants to give!

His life for the world!

Someone gives the life!

For his loving person n thing!

Someone takes the life!

For his loving person n thing!

Someone is ready to save!

The life of others!

Someone is ready to take!

The life of others!

Someone wants to die!

By doing suicide!

Someone doesn't fear!

From any thing or any one!

Since he knows that!

Nothing can harm him!

Someone becomes ready!

For his death!

For the good of other!

Like Maharshi Dadhich!

Someone becomes ready!

For his death!

To save a pigeon!

For the food of other!

Like Raja Shibi!

Someone doesn't want to live!

As this world is full of sorrows!

Someone is ready to die!

Due to mercy on others!

Someone is ready to die!

For God and truth!

Someone wants to die!

To remain always in bliss!

Someone does not care!

Weather he lives or dies!

But the fortunate are those!

Who are beyond life and death!

By knowing the secret of both!

By adopting the path of God!


7 Jan 2021

No fear of Almighty?

Incident of today in US!

It shows that!

People don't fear Almighty!

It shows that!

Every thing is power!

But they are ignorant!

People are attached!

With any power on earth!

Hence they don't want to leave!

Hence power is bad!

Leave the power on earth!

Even body, one has to leave!

Any thing you get on this earth!

You have to leave it one day!

It is universal truth!

When you get, you become happy!

When you leave, you become sad!

You don't want to leave!

It may be power or body!

But it is ignorance!

Since you need nothing to be happy!

Since you need something to be sad!

? ? ?

4 January 2021

If you are of marriageable age!

*I know some cases of suicide in which father committed suicide. Since his daughter loved

someone but she did not disclose to her parents. Hence the parents fixed her marriage. But at

the time of marriage, at 11th hours it was known to all that she loved any other boy. That was

very awkward position of the parents in front of the in laws. Hence the father committed suicide.

*It should never be the case with any one.

You are lady or gentleman of marriageable age, never do this mistake.

*If you love any one, please inform to your parents well in advance so that they should not

waste their precious time in searching of suitable match for you.

*If you are of marriageable age, never do such mistake.

If you love any one, don't hide from your parents with the fear of outcome.

*If your parents are searching suitable match for you, tell them in advance that they should not

search since you love anyone.

*Don't fear from outcome.


22 Nov 2020

There is mercy

*There is mercy!

In every act of Almighty!

And those who know Him!

*Even if they abuse you!

It is by their mercy!

Since they can't see you!

In this mortal world!

*Even if they kill the demon!

It is by their mercy!

They can't see many deaths!

In every births!

Hence death by them is better!

So that there is no fear of death!

So that there is no further death!

*Rama killed Ravana!

And made him immortal!

Krishna killed Kansa!

And made him immortal!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


19 October 2020

Do you fear?

*For whom is the fear?

*There is the identification of the Self with the body. So long as there is this, there will be fear.


Love me not due to fear

Love me not due to fear!

Since I am your only friend!

I am Yaron ka Yaar!

Means best friend of the friends!

Irrespective of your religion!

Irrespective of your nation!

Irrespective of your gender!

Irrespective of your language!

Irrespective of your status!

Irrespective of any difference!

Since I want your good only!

And no one else!

Since I can't see you here!

Since you are mine!

I am indebted of you!

You are very regular!

Hence you are my beloved!

Come to me for ever!

This is my voice!

This is divine voice from sky!


Why work is worship?

Why Almighty has made work or Job?

Have you ever thought about it?

Almighty has shown His mercy by creating work or job. It may be any job, office job or

household work or your personal work.

Hence work is itself a reward!

You may do mistakes while working, but never worry!

Never fear of mistakes!

Krishna has told in Gita - No work is perfect.

Mistakes are indispensable to teach you lessons of life!

If you sit idle without any work in your home or office, you will become mad!

Reason of depression, tension in your life is just wasting your time. If you waste time, time will

waste you!

Empty mind is devil's workshop.

It is very True!

About thirty years back my some of the staff committed some mistakes.

You know what punishment I gave to him.

I asked him to sit idle for one month.

And what happened?

Just after ten days he came to me weeping.

He told me - Sir, I am so sorry. You have given me enough punishment. I will never repeat the

same mistakes.

I again engaged him in his old duty.


How Maharshi Valmiki Opened His Eyes?

Maharshi Valmiki was a robber. He used to loot the property of innocent on the roads and kill the


Once upon a time Saptarshi ie seven sages were passing by. Valmiki saw them and asked them

to hand over their wealth. But the sages don't have any material wealth. Valmiki threatened

them to kill them if they didn't hand over their wealth.

Sages don't fear the death. They told him to kill them. But before killing them, they asked him to

reply one question -

For whom you are doing so many sins?

Valmiki replied- It is my profession. I am doing for livelihood of my family.

They asked him - Go and ask your family, if they will share your sin for whom you are doing all

these killings? Are they ready to go to the jail in place of you?

Valmiki tied all of them with a tree and went to his home.

He asked his wife.

Wife replied - Why I will give company with your sins? Why I shall go to the jail in place of you?

It is your duty for our livelihood.

Then he asked his children. Children also replied the same thing.

This reply opened the eyes of Valmiki.

He returned and untied Saptarshi and fell on their feet. He was weeping with repentance that so

many innocent people I have killed for the sake of money till now.


Biggest Obstacle

Biggest obstacle!

On the way of love!

True love!

Divine love!

You think that!

If I love this person!

What people will think!

People will say so many things!

He is inferior to me!

People will ask!

Why you love this inferior person?

Why you love this inferior group?

Why you love this inferior religion?

Why you love this inferior God?

Don't go below your standard!

Our group is superior!

Our religion is superior!

Our God is superior!

Hence don't go there!

But you must know!

Student must go to best teacher!

If he has to get good marks!

Patient must go to best Doctor!

If he has to recover fast!

Irrespective of the religion!

Same was the case of Meera Bai!

She was princess!

But she used to love the saints!

She used to love devotees of Krishna!

People considered them inferior!

Hence king used to do objection!

King used to ask Meera -

You are going below your standard!

You are loving the devotees!

You are loving the beggars!

It is the insult to kingdom!

But Meera was bold!

She did not care all these things!

She left the kingdom!

She went to Vrindavan!

Never consider any one inferior!

Never have fear from society!

Never think -

If I love this person!

If I love this group!

If I love this religion!

If I love this God!

If I live with this person!

If I live with this group!

If I live with this religion!

If I live with this God!

What my friend circle will say?

No one is your true friend!

All are just for showing!

No one will give you company in time!

Except Almighty and His beloved!

Take lesson from Meera!

Know the value of the Divine!

She lived with devotees of Krishna!

She lived with the beggars!

Even after withstanding the critics!


Life and Death

*Life is bad, death is good!

Death is bad, life is good!

Both are true!

Facts of life!

*Life is bad!

Since it gives you!

Many troubles!

Many pain!

*Body is impure!

Body is impurity!

Due to which!

You are bound!

In painful world!

With miseries!

*Body is a knot!

Which binds you!

With Dukhalaya!

Means universe!

*Your body is a liability!

Make it as an asset!

*Life is good!

Since you can!

Free yourself!

From miseries!

*Body is like a boat!

By which you can cross!

Deep ocean of universe!

Full of miseries!

*Life is very precious!

You can get eternity!

With eternal joy!

In this life itself!

*Never fear death!

If Life is good for you!

Death brings eternity!

If Life is bad for you!

Death brings chance!

For another birth!

*Suffering is a way!

For realizing Almighty!

Birth after births!

Till you realize!


Do you know the truth?

Majority of people!

They don't die!

By snake bite!

But with its fear!

A true incident!

Snake bites a man!

He thought it of any insect!

Nothing happens to him!

But after one year!

His friend told him!

About the bite of snake!

He died with shock!

People are not dieing with Corona!

But by its fear! Fear of outcome!

People are dieing with its shock!

Don't fear Corona! Be brave!

Don't have any shock! Be cool!

Take all precautions! Be happy!

Know even if!

You don't have Corona!

Will you never die?

Body has to die one day!

Remain cool!

Remain calm!

Be happy!

Be loving!


Sorrows are very very necessary

Sorrows are very very necessary!

Since gold glitters after heating!

To reach up to the doors of Almighty!

Gold has to glitter very much!

And you are the gold!

You have to shine!

In present state!

You can't reach doors!

Any thing!

Beyond imagination!

Which none can see!

It can't be so cheap!

Even Gods had to face the sorrows!

Rama had to go for long exile!

You know about the birth of Krishna!

Life of Krishna is full of sorrows!

Even then you find Him always smiling!

Shiva had to take poison!

Never run away from sorrows!

Else you miss golden chance!

To shine you! To glitter the gold!

Which is your hidden treasure!

It is the vast ocean of sorrows!

Which you fear just on seeing!

But when you have courage!

Once you cross it!

You see its unending beauty!

You see its unending love!


What is Sudarshan Chakra?

Sudarshan means!

Su plus Darshan!

Su means good!

Darshan means seeing!

Always see good!

Think good! Do good!

Thus be safe during Corona!

By Sudarshan Chakra!

See every one as Atma!

Immortal soul!

Without any impurity!

Thus become pure!

See every situation in Atma!

Immortal soul!

Without any impurity!

Thus become pure!

Once you become pure!

Once you know soul!

Once you become Atma!

No one can defeat you

Then no disease can defeat you!

Then no virus can defeat you!

Then you will have no fear!

Then death will be a pleasure!

Then you become immortal!

Then you become pure!

For ever without any birth!

Then you will be of Almighty!

And this is the aim of your life!

For which you have died many times!

For which you have taken many births!

But can be done only if alive!

After death you can't do anything!

After death only weeping is left!

Don't miss this golden time!

Know yourself! Become immortal!

By this Sudarshan Chakra!

And be happy for ever without sorrows!


Where you can run away from death?

Where you can run away!

From death?

Wherever you go!

In entire universe!

You will find death!

There is no place!

In the world!

Where you can go!

And hide yourself!

To escape death!

Death is the truth of life!

Reason may be any!

But you can't run away!

From death!

It may come in any form!

You may be clever most!

You can cheat any one!

But you can't cheat to death!

You may be the most smart person!

You may be the most handsome!

You may be the wisest!

In the entire universe!

You can hide yourself!

In the Moon or Mars!

You can do anything!

But you can't escape death!

It may come any time!

Reason may be snake, fear,

Corona or any disease!

Fire, water, sky, air!

Or any accident etc!

But death is inevitable!

Always remember!

Death to body only!

Never to your self!

You remain as it is!

? ? ?


Why you have depression?

Why you have depression?

Why you have tension?

Why you die before actual death?

Did you born with your own wish?

Remember your childhood!

You did not have any fear!

You did not have any depression!

You did not have any tension!

When you were baby!

Did you fear from fire!

Did you fear from snake!

Who protected you?

When you were baby!

You used to run to touch the fire!

You used to run to touch the snake!

Who protected you?

Go back to your childhood!

You have forgotten many things!

Which were very dear to you!

Same will happen for now!

Today you are worried for some things!

You will forget them after some years!

Leave the things!

Many people were very dear to you!

When you were child!

But now you forgot them!

Many people are very dear to you today!

You will forget them after some years!

One day you will forget!

Your parents, your children!

Your siblings, your friends!

Your spouse, your relatives!

Your car, your bungalow!

Your wealth, your property!

And above all!

One day you will forget!

Your name!

Your face!

Do you remember?

Your face of childhood!

Do you remember?

Your face of last birth!

Circumstances change!

Problems change!

Your face changes!

But you remain as it is!


Don't feel yourself weak!

Don't feel yourself weak!

When I am with you!

You are fearful!

For surrender by body!

Be strong! You are strong!

I am with you!

You must always remember!

Fear is stealing your wisdom!

Fear is stealing your knowledge!

Shed your fear n find me!

Then you can come to Me!

Then you can see your beauty!

Then you can see My beauty!

Then you can know yourself!

Then you can know Myself!

Then you can see My Love!


Love and Surrender


I love you!

You love me!

I surrender to you!

But you don't!

I surrender!

With body n mind!

But you surrender

By mind only!

Then it is not!

Total surrender!

Then you have fear!

Due to your status!

Due to people!

It shows that!

You have more value!

Of people than love!

Then how can you get me?

Then how can I get you?

This love is incomplete!

Without total surrender!

You have to overcome your fear!

To arrive up to me!

Else you can never come to me!

In this life or other!

Then you can't see my beauty!

Then you can't see your beauty!

Then you can't know yourself!

Then you can't know myself!

You should never forget that!

Buddha left his kingdom!

Meera left her kingdom!

Kings left their kingdoms!

Sages spent many lives!

To find my beauty! My love!

To know themselves!

To know myself!



Total Surrender is biggest problem!

During divine journey!

Some people can surrender by body!

But not with mind!

Such surrender!

Just for showing to others!

Some people can surrender by mind!

But not with body!

Such surrender!

For not showing the others!

Showing and not showing!

Biggest challenge in divine journey!

If you win this challenge!

You win the world!

You must remember!

When this world does not exist!

How does it matter!

If you show or don't show!

People will always say something!

Even if you show or don't show!

Since you can't change their nature!

Why do you fear from people?

You must be brave enough!

To accept this challenge!

To know Almighty!

To make you divine!

17 April 2020

Don't fear

*Don't fear!

Even if you have Corona virus!

Only a few people die not all!

Who have lesser immunity!

*Take precautions!

Don't hide it!

Keep distance!

Take treatment!

You will be all right!

Don't fear!

*Increase immunity!

By Pranayam!

By devotional songs!

Remembering me!

Making mind strong!

Taking vitamin C!

And other ways!

Follow Doctors advice!

*It has been done by me!

But actually by you!

Nature balances itself!

Don't fear!

*Don't shake hands!

Greet by Namaste!

Keep your hands clean!

Keep yourself clean!

Keep your mind clean!

Avoid all pollutions!

Avoid thought pollution!

Don't fear!

*I am with you!

When you alive!

Even after death!

Don't fear!

*Have faith on me!

Have faith on my nature!

Nature will set right everything!

Don't fear!

*This is my voice!

This is divine voice from sky!


9 April 2020

If you want to harm anyone

If you want to harm anyone!

You are harming yourself!

You want to be clever!

Nature is more clever than you!

Hence be polite!

Be calm!

Be peaceful!

Be fearless!


Pros and Cons

Always remember!

Never, any thing is bad!

Every thing has pros and cons!

Like a coin has two sides!

Hence, never feel sad!

Even if you know some thing bad!

Even if you get something bad!

Even if you miss something good!

Everything is result of your Karma!

Your bad karmas are burnt!

If you get sorrows!

Your good Karmas are reduced!

If you get comfort!

Even if you have to sit!

Under the scorching sun!

During the summer!

Under the open sky!

During the shivering winter!

It will make you stronger!

Feel always positive!

Don't fear Covid-19!

It will make you stronger!

It will clean the environment!

Which the man could not do!

Which man can't do!

Nature can do!

Nature can set right everything!

Which man has spoiled!

The problem is for some time!

Hence don't worry!

Take all precautions!

And be happy!

But, now remember!

Never to repeat!

Your past mistakes!

Learn lesson from them!

For your happiness!

And your generations!

Almighty is always with you!

And will remain always!


Rope and Snake

You are considering!

A rope!

As snake!

Don't fear!

You are considering!

Your body!

And this world!

Like snake!

But they are rope!

Not the snake!

Why do you fear from the world?

Why do you fear about the body?

Why do you fear from the rope?

Considering it snake!

Don't confuse!


With snake!

Know it as a rope!

You are different!

Than body!

And the world!

Don't fear!


You will always be safe

If you are Spiritual!

You will always be safe!

Nothing will harm you!

No disease will harm you!

No virus will harm you!

No tension will harm you!

No problem will harm you!

No one will harm you!

Nothing can harm you!

Nothing will harm you!

If you are truly spiritual!

If you are fully spiritual!

Since then you will come to know!

That harm can be done!

To your body!

Not yourself!

And you are not the body!

You are beyond the body!

Hence you will not fear!

Corona virus or any other!

If you are fully Spiritual!

Your touch will kill all viruses!

Your touch will kill all diseases!

If it is not so!

Then you are not fully Spiritual!

But one day it is possible!

If you remain in this path!

Spirituality is the solution of

Every problem!

Every disease!

Every violence!

Every tension!

Every thing!

If you remain in this journey!

And it is the journey of infinite!


6 March 2020

You will always be safe

*If you are Spiritual!

You will always be safe!

Nothing will harm you!

No disease will harm you!

No virus will harm you!

No tension will harm you!

No problem will harm you!

No one will harm you!

*Nothing can harm you!

Nothing will harm you!

If you are truly spiritual!

If you are fully spiritual!

*Since then you will come to know!

That harm can be done!

To your body!

Not yourself!

And you are not the body!

You are beyond the body!

Hence you will not fear!

Corona virus or any other!

*If you are fully Spiritual!

Your touch will kill all viruses!

Your touch will kill all diseases!

If it is not so!

Then you are not fully Spiritual!

But one day it is possible!

If you remain in this path!

*Spirituality is the solution of

Every problem!

Every disease!

Every violence!

Every tension!

Every thing!

If you remain in this journey!

And it is the journey of infinite!

29 November 2019

Words of Wisdom: Depend only on Almighty

*Whatever destined will be done!

Whatever not destined will not be done!

*Depend only on Almighty, be fearless!

*Do thy duty, reward is in hand of Almighty!

16 October 2019

I and You

If you love me inside!

Love me outside also!

If you hate me inside!

Hate me outside also!

Be one and same!

Inside outside!

If you say something to me!

In your inside!

Say the same thing!

Out side also!

Why are you cheated!

By my look!

Why do you fear!

By my appearance!

I am the son of Almighty!

You are the son of Almighty!

Why should there be a wall!

Between you and me!

Since truth is one and same!

Inside outside!

Love is one and same!

Inside outside!

Since I and You!

Same and one!

21 September 2019

Words of Wisdom: Sex

*Youth of today think that there is no greater enjoyment than sex. It is their ignorance!

*Youth of today believe on free sex. Live in relationships are increasing!

They do not fear from AIDS and other side effects of free sex and live in relationships!

*So many people are loosing their lives daily due to AIDS. Sometimes all safety precaution

taken during the sex fails!

For the momentary pleasure of few minutes they are loosing their precious lives!

*They do not know that there is much more pleasure than sex which is millions times more than

the sex. That is bliss of Almighty!

18 August 2019

Fear in Love

I could not understand why people fear while talking about love?

Why people fear in expression of love?

Love is the natural phenomenon specifically gifted by Almighty to special people!

If you are married lady and and I am gent. And if I love you, then there is no harm if my love is

pure if my love is not for lust. Then your husband should not mind if he has faith.

Love is unlimited, infinite in nature. We can love thousands of people.

Modern ladies are doing job now a days. They need to meet many men in the office in

connection of the job. If their husbands start doubts on them then no woman can do the job.

Hence the bonding of relationship between husband and wife should be strong enough.

If love does not fear. If love is open. If love is not secret. If love is not for the lust. Then no one

should fear in expressing the love.

If love is in presence of all. Then there should be no fear, no doubt on love.

One may love you as a brother. One may love you as a friend. If there is no understanding

between you and your husband, then your relationship with your husband is very weak.

My wife had made a brother. He was about fifteen years elder than my wife. We were family

friends. Though earlier we were not knowing each other. He was having family of four children

and one wife. We used to visit his home. He used to visit our home. Some times my wife used to

visit alone to their house. Some times he used to visit in my home. I never objected.

Why there should be a doubt? I don't understand my wife? Why our relationship should be so


If you have any doubt on me, you have doubt on yourself! If you have doubt on yourself, then

you will doubt on me!

Since if I will take some advantage of you without your permission. Then you will not allow. You

are not so weak!

21 April 2019

I love everyone, everyone loves me!

*I love everyone, every one loves me!

You love everyone, everyone loves you!

I know but you may not know!

Either you love or you hate!

*Even if you hate me!

That is also a love!

Which is opposite of love!

It tells that you are very much concerned!

About me!

At least you remember me to hate!

And if you remember me!

It means you love me!

And same thing holds with you!

*All feelings are expression of love!

They may be positive or negative!

You may love!

You may hate!

You may fear!

You may be having greed!

You may be proud!

You may be angry!

You may have desire!

Etc etc!

All are forms of love!

Nothing exists except love!

And love is God!

God is love!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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About the Author

Pravin Agrawal is Founder of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group, spread worldwide with eminent members from many countries and many fields like Science, Technology, Spirituality, Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy including Doctors, Engineers, Army Officers, etc. He is a God-realized soul. He is an engineering graduate from the world renowned university IIT Roorkee, India. He is imparting spiritual research & training for the people of all nations. Spirituality is the solution to every problem related to business, job, health, finance, love etc. As per the author this world seems to exist but it does not exist.

You don't know that you have been sleeping for millions of years.

Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. The author is regularly sharing his write-ups to remove the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge. He is a renowned god-realized soul and Spiritualist. Spirituality is the solution to all problems.

It is ironic. We want to know about others. We want to know about Mars, other planets and stars but we don't know about ourselves. We consider ourselves merely a body which is not true.

Read spiritual write-ups every day, you will be getting blessings from god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read them even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. Share it to your friends by email, facebook, twitter etc for creating spirituality on this beautiful planet earth.

His posts have been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe!

His most of the posts are collections of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.

In some writings of the author you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search for them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.

He is regularly sharing his blogs, posts in Speaking tree website, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook etc.

You can Google Search his all the profiles by the following key-words-

Pravin Agrawal Spiritualist Blogger

Most of his posts / blogs / books can be searched by Google.

Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on planet earth. This is the most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.

But this knowledge was lost with time.

Now the author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in a very easy way in the form of his write-up and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself, which are shared here.

Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas i.e. practice again and again. If you read his posts again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know Almighty God! Try it!

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27 December 2023

How to Finish Ignorance?

Hi Friends,

The main reason of present chaos in the world is ignorance.

Why so many fights, quarrels, pain, Leg-pulling etc in the present world?

Why so much evils in the world?

It is due to ignorance.

If you don't want to see the darkness of ignorance in the world. If you don't want to see evils in the world. If you want to see the light of knowledge in the world.

Then please share this in the Mygate App of your Apartment and other places as much as possible or at least once in a month-

Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-


Those people who share this will be a medium to spread this sacred task of Sri Krishna. They may have glimpse of divine knowledge in this birth itself.

Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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25 March 2023

Don't consider my posts like poem

*My posts are not merely!

Like poems!

They are based on!

Actual truth!

Which is encountered!

At different levels of knowledge!

*Almost all of my posts!

They are based on actual truth!

That is a universal truth!

At different levels of knowledge!

*I have no ability to write!

Whatever I can write!

Whatever I can do!

That is due to my Krishna!

*Almost all of my posts!

They have been created!

As per my thoughts!

Blessed by Sri Krishna!

*Hence they are not mine!

They belong to Sri Krishna!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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Ten Most Important Posts of Pravin Agrawal

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Pravin Agrawal's True Experiences-


You are under cctv surveillance By Pravin Agrawal-


What is Sanatan Dharma? By Pravin Agrawal-


Knowing yourself is Dharma, Not knowing yourself is Adharma-


Most Professional Knowledge is Divine Knowledge-


My Nature Set Right Everything By Pravin Agrawal-


Secrets of Nature By Pravin Agrawal-


Whomsoever I see that is myself-


Pravin Agrawal`s Scenes Do Not Exist-


Scenes do not exist even now-


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Visit these videos-

Unveiling the Mystic Pravin Agrawal-


Exploring Sanatan Dharma: The Eternal Way-


Unlocking the Soul: The Journey Beyond Identity-


Divine Encounter: The Vision of Sri Krishna-


Experiencing Enlightenment: A Divine Journey-


The Ultimate CCTV: Divine Surveillance!-


Beyond the Body: A Journey to Moksha-


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????? ?????: ???? ????? ?? ?????? ???-


Bhagavad Gita Ki Mahima: Ek Sachchi Ghatna-


Jab Aatma Prabuddh Hoti Hai: Ek Anubhav-


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????-????? ?? ?????? ????: ?? ????? ?????-


Mehandipur Balaji: Bhooton Ka Sach-


From Fear to Enlightenment: A Journey Through Grief-


Pravin Agrawal's True Experiences-


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Unveiling the Mystic Pravin Agrawal-


List 2 Of All Linkedin Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-


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