Quotes About Hope

Quotes About Hope

Quotes About Hope?


  • A comforting acquaintance, hope, a contagious thing like spring, inebriating like lager. Sylvia Ashton-Warner
  • A leader is a dealer in hope. -- Napoleon Bonaparte
  • All human wisdom is summed up in two words - wait and hope. -- Alexander Dumas
  • Every area of trouble gives out a ray of hope; and the one unchangeable certainty is that nothing is certain or unchangeable. -- John Fitzgerald Kennedy
  • Everything that is done in the world is done by hope. -- Martin Luther
  • Expect to have hope rekindled. Expect your prayers to be answered in wondrous ways. The dry seasons in life do not last. The spring rains will come again. -- Sarah Ban Breathnach
  • Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free. --RED
  • Great hopes make great men. --Thomas Fuller (1608-1661) English Historian
  • Hope for the best, with passion, conviction and faith. For when you do, you'll begin to see real, Workable ways to get there.
  • Hope is a feeling that life and work have meaning.? You either have it or you don't, regardless of the state of the world which surrounds you....? I can't imagine that I could strive for something if I did not carry hope in me.? The gift of hope is as big a gift as life itself. --Vaclav Havel
  • Hope is a risk that must be run. --Georges Bernanos (1888-1948) Novelist and polemicist
  • Hope is more than a feeling, it is a person -- the person of Jesus Christ.
  • Hope is necessary in every condition. The miseries of poverty, sickness and captivity would, without this comfort, be insupportable. -- Samuel Johnson
  • Hope is patiently waiting expectantly for the intangible to become reality. --Avery D. Miller
  • Hope is the oxygen of the soul.? Just as air can be knocked out of a persons lungs by a sudden blow, hope can be knocked out of a persons soul by the blows of life.
  • Hope is the thing with feathers. That perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words, and never stops at all. -- Emily Dickenson Listen now to the gentle whispers of hope. -- Charles D. Brodhead
  • Hope knows not if fear speak truth, nor fear whether hope be not blind as she... --Algernon Charles Swinburne (1837-1909) Poet and critic
  • Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible. --Anonymous
  • Hope... is the companion of power, and the mother of success for who so hopes has within him the gift of miracles. --Samuel Smiles
  • Human nature has grounds for hope, because love, in a sense, is inexhaustible. --Steve Allen (1921-2000) Comedian
  • If it were not for hope, the heart would break. -- Author unknown
  • Instead of worrying about the worst that could happen, Allow yourself to hope for the best that can happen. In your mind, make the most positive outcome real.
  • Life may not be the party we hoped for .. but while we are here we might as well dance! --Unknown
  • My only hope is that I shall be clothed with the righteousness of Jesus Christ.? -- M. Lloyd-Jones
  • None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free. --Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) German poet.
  • Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope or confidence. -- Helen Keller
  • Replace your worry with hope. And fulfill your hope with action. Send positive thoughts to your most troubling situation. Soon you'll find yourself starting to act on those thoughts.
  • Strong hope is a much greater stimulant of life than any single realized joy could be. --Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) Philosopher
  • Such things were written in the Scriptures long ago to teach us. They give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God’s promises. Romans 15:4 (NLT)
  • The hopes of the world rest on the flexibility, vigor, capacity for new thought, and the fresh outlook of the young. --Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969) 34th U.S. President
  • The present is the ever-moving shadow that divides yesterday from tomorrow. In that lies hope. -- Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) Architect
  • The shortest and surest way to live with honor in the world is to be in reality what we would appear to be. --Socrates (469-399 BC) Greek Philosopher
  • The very least you can do in your life is to figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope. Not admire it from a distance but live right in it, under its roof. -- Barbara Kingsolver
  • There is no situation so desperate that it cannot Be turned around. Always, there is a place and a purpose for hope. Hope for the best, and let that hope push you forward. With hope in your heart, you're well on your way.
  • Those who keep speaking about the sun while walking under a cloudy sky are messengers of hope, the true saints of our day. --Henri Nouwen
  • True hope is swift, and flies with swallow's wings. -- William Shakespeare
  • We all hope for a –- must I say the word -– recipe, we all believe, however much we know we shouldn't, that maybe somebody's got the recipe and can show us how not to be sick, suffer and die. –- Nan Shin
  • We look at life in our frustration and say, It is hopeless, I just have to learn to live with it. Jesus looks at life from the cross and said, There is hope, there is no need to give up.
  • When you get to your wit's end, you'll find God lives there.
  • When you say a situation or a person is hopeless, you are slamming the door in the face of God. --Charles Allen
  • Whenever hope and illusion become the source of the will to live, all knowledge of reality becomes highly threatening, since at any time a new piece of information might remove the grounds for this hope. When life is motivated by hope for improvement, denial of reality is necessarily renewed and fortified. -- Christina Thurmer-Rohr
  • Where there's hope, there's life. It fills us with fresh courage and makes us strong again. --ANNE FRANK

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Be an Infinite Source of Hope


Be An Infinite Source Of Hope =?The leaders that impact us the most are those that have given us the most?hope?for our potential. Good leaders deal out hope. There is still a chance—an opportunity to make a difference. Don’t give up, there is hope. Let’s build a better future together.

Hope is Necessary for Vision


Stay Hopeful =?People who have vision are?hopeful?and anticipate what is possible. Hope is necessary in order to have a clear and compelling vision. Sometimes it takes courage to stay hopeful. Make the decision today, to believe that something more and better is possible. Maintain hope, reach for your goals, and be willing to risk disappointment to stay hopeful. Hope is the key to discovering the meaningful, exciting vision that is meant for you.


Be The Hope =?People want a bright future, so give them hope. Whoever you come into contact with, you want to be able to express to them something positive that is in their life or that can happen in their life. We see what we look for—so help people look for hope.?


Two Beautiful Daughters =?Anger and Courage - Hope's two beautiful daughters. Anything is possible when you have a little bit of it, so choose to see the light even on the darker days.


On this Christmas Eve, spend a moment and think of the hope! There is so much potential in this world and YOU can make a difference. We wish you all the happiness as you surround yourself with those near and dear to your heart this holiday week.








Define Hope

to want something to happen or to be true, and usually have a good reason to think that it might:

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Explore the Topic Scriptures

1 Corinthians 13:13 (MSG) But for right now, until that completeness, we have three things to do to lead us toward that consummation: Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of the three is love.

1 John 3:3 - And everyone who thus hopes in him purifies himself as he is pure.

1 Peter 1:9 The reward for trusting him will be the salvation of your souls.

1 Peter 3:15 - but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,

2 John 12 - Though I have much to write to you, I would rather not use paper and ink. Instead I hope to come to you and talk face to face, so that our joy may be complete.

3 John 14 - I hope to see you soon, and we will talk face to face.

Ephesians 1:18 NLT - 18 I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those he called--his holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance.

Ephesians 2:12 NLT - 12 In those days you were living apart from Christ. You were excluded from citizenship among the people of Israel, and you did not know the covenant promises God had made to them. You lived in this world without God and without hope.

Ephesians 4:4 NLT - 4 For there is one body and one Spirit, just as you have been called to one glorious hope for the future.

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the assurance that what we hope for will come about and the certainty that what we cannot see exists.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Job 13:15 God might kill me, but I have no other hope. I am going to argue my case with him.

Proverbs 13:12 (MSG) Unrelenting disappointment leaves you heartsick, but a sudden good break can turn life around.

Proverbs 3:5 Put all your hope in God, not looking to your reason for support.

Psalms 25:21 (MSG) Use all your skill to put me together; I wait to see your finished product.

Psalms 31:24 (MSG) Be brave. Be strong. Don’t give up. Expect God to get here soon.

Psalms 42:5 (MSG) Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul? Why are you crying the blues? Fix my eyes on God— soon I’ll be praising again. He puts a smile on my face. He’s my God.

Romans 15:13 I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 5:4 and endurance produces character, and character produces hope,





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Kevin Rayner


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