Quotes About Grit
Grit Quotes
Quotes About Grit?
Grit Will Get You To The Finish Line =?If you have tenacity and grit, it helps you overcome the deficiencies in your life. We can’t always be the best, but grit gets us where we need to go even when we are not the most gifted.
When you have true grit, you have true success. Grit is a choice, it's a passion for long-term goals that you wish to reach. So, start each day with a clear goal and allow grit to win!
GRIT: A Minute With John Maxwell
#Grit #Grits #Backbone
#Tenacity #Overcome
very small pieces of stone or sand:
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Lamentations 3:16 He has broken my teeth on grit, he has trampled me down in ash.
Matthew 22:14 (MSG) “That’s what I mean when I say, ‘Many get invited; only a few make it.’”
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Kevin Rayner