Quotes on God Realized By Pravin Agrawal

Quotes on God Realized By Pravin Agrawal

Here's - Quotes on God Realized.

Which you may wonder after knowing.

See the light of other thoughts as well.

Know these new thoughts and some true incidents of the author shared in this book. If you grasp the deep meaning, you are very fortunate.

Love and light to you!

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About the Author

Pravin Agrawal is Founder of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group, spread worldwide with eminent members from many countries and many fields like Science, Technology, Spirituality, Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy including Doctors, Engineers, Army Officers, etc. He is a God-realized soul. He is an engineering graduate from the world renowned university IIT Roorkee, India. He is imparting spiritual research & training for the people of all nations. Spirituality is the solution to every problem related to business, job, health, finance, love etc. As per the author this world seems to exist but it does not exist.

You don't know that you have been sleeping for millions of years.

Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. The author is regularly sharing his write-ups to remove the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge. He is a renowned god-realized soul and Spiritualist. Spirituality is the solution to all problems.

It is ironic. We want to know about others. We want to know about Mars, other planets and stars but we don't know about ourselves. We consider ourselves merely a body which is not true.

Read spiritual write-ups every day, you will be getting blessings from god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read them even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. Share it to your friends.

His posts have been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe!

His most of the posts are collections of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.

In some writings of the author you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search about them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.

Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on planet earth. This is the most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.

But this knowledge was lost with time.

Now the author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in a very easy way in the form of his write-up and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself, which are shared here.

Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas i.e. practice again and again. If you read his posts again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know Almighty God! Try it!

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25 March 2023

Don't consider my posts like poem

*My posts are not merely!

Like poems!

They are based on!

Actual truth!

Which is encountered!

At different levels of knowledge!

*Almost my all posts!

They are based on actual truth!

That is a universal truth!

At different levels of knowledge!

*I have no ability to write!

Whatever I can write!

Whatever I can do!

That is due to my Krishna!

*Almost my all posts!

They have been created!

As per my thoughts!

Blessed by Sri Krishna!

*Hence they are not mine!

They belong to Sri Krishna!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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These are the posts containing the word- God Realized.

21 November 2023

Atma-Gyani sees no one to worship

*No need to worship anyone!

By the Self-realized Atma-Gyani!

*Hence you should not be confused!

If Atma-Gyani doesn't worship anyone!

*Atma-Gyani sees no one to worship!

For him no one exists except him!

*At the initial stage itself!

He comes to know!

Only he exists!

No one else, nothing else!

*At initial stage itself!

He comes to know-

I was sleeping since millions of years!

I was seeing this beautiful world!

In my dream! Now I have woken up!

*He realizes like this!

To whom will he worship?

*His worldly behavior!

Only to set a lesson for others!

As he has no other duty!

*Atma-Gyani becomes God!

Krishna, Brahman, self, Atma!

Just after realizing this truth!

*Who sinks in the ocean of Brahman!

He becomes God immediately!

Like a drop of water mixed in ocean!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

20 October 2023

People also ask- Who is Pravin Agrawal?

For Pravin Agrawal, this world seems to exist but it doesn't exist like a dream since he has

already realized this truth.

When anything doesn't exist, then why to break our heads?

But for the good of the people who don't know this truth he regularly shares his posts, blogs,

articles etc.

Pravin Agrawal never wanted his publicly. But people want to know-Who is Pravin Agrawal.

Pravin says-


Don`t go to name.......don`t go to body......don't go to photo.....see only thoughts.....see only

lesson......see only message......since no thought is mine.....all are universal messages.....all

lessons are already followed and practiced by our great saints.....truth never changes.....it

remains the same even after crores of years.......and time is itself in maya......since god never

changes, so truth never changes.....hence don`t go to name.












22 September 2023

Don't be confused by photo of God Realized

*Don't see the body of Atm-Gyani!

See him one infinite Atma!

See him everywhere!

*Don't consider him!

Merely a body!

See him Atma!

*Don't see him!

Your friends, relatives!

Don't see him body!

*Even if he lives in family!

See as if he lives in Ashram!

See as if he lives in forest!

*He returned home for your good!

But he still lives out of the home!

He still lives in forest, Ashram!

*His body is in Pravriti Marg!

But his mind in Nivrati Marg!

*His body is in family!

But his mind out of the family!

*He was returned to home!

By Almighty Krishna!

So that world may gain!

Due to his presence!

*Try to gain knowledge!

By uttar submission to him!

By surrender of your ego!

*Do not talk in front of him!

Listen only his sacred words!

Listen only his experience!

Then you can gain knowledge!

*Don't show that you know anything!

Show as if you know nothing!

Even if you know every thing!

Then you can gain knowledge!

*And that's divine knowledge!

And you become knowledge!

By knowing it from him!

Which is most secret, sacred!

In this entire universe!

*If you remember him!

You remember Almighty!

Difficult to remember Almighty!

Easy to remember him!

*That's the reason!

Almighty reveals Himself!

Through Atm-Gyani!

From time to time!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


18 September 2023

God Realized Person Has No Duty

*God realized person may share anything or not, it doesn't matter to him.

He has no responsibility, no duty.

*For him this universe doesn't exist.

Only he exists.

Only Atma, Self exists.

Hence for him no rules of the society or this world.

He is not bound by any rules.

*He may have no followers.

He may be having billions of followers.

*No one belongs to him.

Nothing belongs to him.

Everyone belongs to him.

Everything belongs to him.

*He may die today.

He may die after some years.

It doesn't make any difference to him.

Since he knows that he is immortal Atma, Self.

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


16 September 2023

Home is more difficult than Himalaya for Atma-Gyani

Why it is so?

Why living in home is more difficult than living in Himalaya for Atm-Gyani?

After knowing God, his nature becomes Godly. Always he wants to be engaged for God, Godly

works, listening writing about God. He can't see his family members doing any work against this


He wants the good of his family members and this world also like he has been blessed by God.

He wants that his family members and this world should also develop ability for the blessings of


He can not do anything as per his wish due to different nature and acts of his family members

and the world. Nature of his family members is worldly and not Godly. Hence he finds it very

very difficult to live in family. His family members do not want to improve towards the direction of

God. Then he becomes very sad.

When he is forced to do some Karma against this nature. He thinks that there is no use of his

life. He wants to leave his family or he wants to die. For him death is very small thing. For him

death has no meaning since he has already become immortal. He will always be in bliss with

God after his death. Hence he is always happy to die. He can not see the present condition of

the world. And world can not be improved. Lord Rama came and gone. Lord Krishna came and

gone. But we see the world as it exists now.

While person living in Himalaya, he can do everything as per his wish. He can remain engaged

in God and Godly works without any obstruction.

But God realized person can not do anything as per his wish while living in home.

What a Self-realized person thinks?

If he is going to die tomorrow. Then he must die today and right now. He is always happy to

merge into Almighty. For him world has no meaning. His life has no meaning. This world is

Asaar, his life is Asaar, without any Saar. Asaar means which has no meaning.

He is Always every moment happy to die to merge with Almighty God.

Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


2 September 2023

You Are Self Realized

*You know you exist!

You see through body!

You speak through body!

You listen through body!

You walk through body!

You sit through body!

You act through body!

*When you miss body!

You do not act!

*You exist here and now!

Where is the doubt?

What is doubt?

*You know this fact!

You are self realized!

*You are the self!

You are Atma!

You are consciousness!

*You and I are consciousness!

Consciousness is one and same!

Consciousness is self!

You and I are one self!

*You can't deny that you exist!

I can't deny that I exist!

Existence is consciousness!

Existence is self!

*Consciousness is Atma!

Atma is Paramatma!

God of every religion!

*You exist here and now!

I exist here and now!

*You exist in past, present, future!

I exist in past, present, future!

Consciousness is filled everywhere!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


2 September 2023

How God Realized Lives?

*For God Realized person this world doesn't exist. His body doesn't exist. His family doesn't

exist. Nothing exists except one Self, Atma or Almighty.

*He is not worried if his body dies today or on any other day.

But he never dies.

He is Unattached to his body.

Hence he is unattached to his family members, relatives, friends and this world.

*He knows that he had millions of bodies, family members, friends, relatives and friends in all

the past births. But he doesn't know them now.

Similarly he will forget everybody of today after this birth.

*He is just passing his remaining time in this mortal world.

For him, now there is no duty in this world after realizing the truth.

Since he already knows this world as a dream.

He acts as in dream.

*His presence in the world is beneficial even if he does not do anything.

He does everything even after doing nothing.

*Even if someone remembers him, one gets benefit.

Even if he remembers someone, one gets benefit.

*Hence he tries to remain away from the society.

If he remains near to you, then you will not remember him.

If he does not remain near to you, then you will miss him. Then you will remember him.

*If you remember him, then you remember God, Krishna, Atma, Self or Almighty.

Remembering him is easy.

But remembering Almighty is difficult.

*That is the reason God expresses Himself as God Realized person in different societies to

wake up the people from time to time.

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


24 August 2023

Worship God or God Realized


*You can't gain this knowledge!

Without worship!

Even if you are told!

You are Brahman!

*You will be repeating it like parrot!

But you can not understand!

Since it is top secret knowledge!

It is king of every available knowledge!

In the entire universe!

*You can write hundreds of books!

You can read hundreds of books!

You can be praised even by!

President of US or any great nation!

But you can't get this knowledge!

*By this knowledge!

You become knowledge!

*Worship Krishna or any beloved God!

Worship God Realized Person!

From your inside and outside!

Only after that!

You can grasp this knowledge!

Then you can gain this knowledge!

*This knowledge can not be copied!

It always remains original!

*Your intellect needs to be refined!

Intellect needs to be purified!

With your entire surrender!

From your inside and outside!

Then it will become subtle intellect!

*Only after this!

You can grasp this knowledge!

Only after this!

You can understand this knowledge!

Which bestows immortality!

*No one can steal this knowledge!

No one can snatch this knowledge!

Total submission, surrender required!

To gain this very special knowledge!

Which makes one immortal for ever!

*This is called Adhyatma Vidya!

This is called divine knowledge!

This is king of every available!

Knowledge in this universe!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

Power of God Realized Person

Do you know about the power of God Realized Person?

Here's the Power of God Realized Person which you may wonder after knowing.

Know about the power of Atma, Soul, Brahman, God or Almighty in this book.

Know by these new thoughts of the author shared in this book.


13 June 2023

Atma-Gyani Behaves As Prarabdha

*Atma-Gyani can live as Agyani!

God-Realized can live as ignorant!

Atma-Gyani can live as Gyani!

God-Realized can live as wise!

*It is up to him, how he lives!

He can live as per the Prarabdha!

Hence no one can recognize Atma-Gyani!

*He can live as Guru!

He can live as disciple!

He may do miracles!

He may not do miracles!

He can live as king!

He can live as beggar!

He can live as common man!

He can live as popular man!

He can be in higher class!

He can be in lower class!

*He is like sky!

Sky is everywhere!

Like God is everywhere!

*Sky can not be bound in any quality!

Atma-Gyani can't be bound in any quality!

*Atma-Gyani becomes neutral!

All opposites are inside him!

He is beyond the opposites!

He is within the opposites!

*He behaves as per his Prarabdha!

He behaves as per your Prarabdha!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


20 May 2023

What is Atma?

*Atma is soul inside your body!

Atma is Self of your body!

Atma is Sat Chit Anand!

Atma is Paramatma!

Atma is Almighty!

Atma is God of every religion!

Atma is God of every nation!

Atma is controller of Universe!

Atma is Creator of Universe!

Atma is your existence!

Atma is Supreme Soul!

*Atma can not be destroyed!

By any means!

Atma is immortal!

*You are not the body!

You are Atma, Soul!

*You don't have Atma!

Atma has you!

*You can't say-

Meri Atma! My soul!

It is wrong!

It is till ignorance!

*You can say -

Mera Sharir! My body!

It is right!

It is Knowledge!

*You assume yourself as body!

Due to your ignorance!

Due to your forgetfulness!

*When you get Atma-Gyan!

When you are self-realized!

Then you know!

You are not body!

You are Atma, Soul!

*World exists!

Till Atma sleeps in ignorance!

When Atma wakes up!

Then it knows!

World does not exist!

It was only in its dream!

*Like you see dream in sleep!

Almost daily!

You see the dream in sleep only!

When you wake up!

Then you don't see any dream!

*Purpose of birth of everyone!

To know this truth!

Not from the books!

But physically!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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23 February 2023

Drishya Bhram

*How is this world seen?

What is the reason of scenes?

*Drishya Bhram!

It means-

Illusion of the world!

*How it is seen?

It is seen due to ignorance!

*What is the reason of ignorance?

It is due to illusion by your Chitt!

*What is Chitt?

Chitt is your subtle mind!

Which is body consciousness!

*How to destroy Chitt?

How to remove illusion of world?

*Remove body consciousness!

Always be in self-consciousness!

*Thus Chitt will be destroyed!

World will be destroyed!

Ignorance will be destroyed!

*Only one solution!

To remove this ignorance!

*That is company, your friends!

Your friends must be wise!

*Friend must be sage!

Friend must be God!

*Friend must be God-Realized!

Friend must be scripture!

*What is scripture?

Which gives knowledge of God!

*That may be Bhagavad Gita etc!

That may be any blog!

That may be any Shastra!

That may be any book!

That may be any audio!

That may be any video!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


15 Jan 2023

True Incident : When Krishna trained me

*Today on this very auspicious day of Makar Sankranti I am sharing a very true incident of my

life. I never wanted to share this. But I could not stop myself without sharing the glory of my

beloved Guru Lord Sri Krishna!

*This is my true experience, true incident. When I was posted in Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat during

the year 19989-90. I used to be very sad, full of sorrows due to sad demise of my father. I used

to remember Lord Sri Krishna, God, Paramatma most of the time. I used to remain under

contemplation about God, existence of Atma and Paramatma.

*During those days I experienced this true incident. Sri Krishna used to impart training of

Spirituality to me. Initially He examined me. He tested me. He used to ask many questions to

test me. His questions were about existence of divine, Atma, God, Paramatma, Almighty and


I used to reply.

*During those days there were two souls in my body- First of myself and second of Lord Sri

Krishna! There were two souls in my body for many days during this duration!

*He lived inside my body for many days for imparting this training. He used to talk to me. I used

to reply His every question. When I was fully trained and I passed His examination, He left my

body after many days. Then my eyes were full of tears for many days. I was weeping for many

days as I missed my beloved Krishna from my body.

I became like dead after missing my beloved Krishna from my body.

*Sri Krishna is so much merciful. He is so kind. Words can't express His beauty, His mercy or


*During this period I myself realized the truth of these verses mentioned in Bhagavad Gita :

*The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of

all living entities, who are seated as on a machine, made of the material energy. - 18/61

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*Out of compassion for them, I, dwelling in their hearts, destroy with the shining lamp of

knowledge the darkness born of ignorance. - 10/11

* ???????????? ! ???? ??? ?????? ? ?????? ?? ? ???? ??? ???? ??????? ? ??? ???????? ?? ???? ????????? ?

??? ??? ?? ???????? ?????????????? ???? ?? ?????? ???? ?? ???? ????10/11?

? ? ?

*To those who are constantly devoted and worship Me with love, I give the understanding by

which they can come to Me. - 10/10

* ?? ?? ???? ????????? ??? ????????? ?? ?????????????? ?????????????? ?? ????? ?????????????? ??? ???? ???,

?? ???????? ?? ?? ??????? ????????10/10?

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*My infinite love, thanks and Pranam for beautiful lotus feet of my beloved Krishna always, for


*Wishing You Happy Makar Sankranti.

*Jai Sri Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


13 Jan 2023

True Incident : Krishna trained me

*This is my true experiences, true incident. When I was posted in Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat during

the year 19989-90. I used to be very sad, full of sorrows due to sad demise of my father. I used

to remember Lord Sri Krishna, God, Paramatma most of the time. I used to remain under

contemplation about God, existence of Atma and Paramatma.

*During those days I experienced this true incident. Sri Krishna used to impart training of

Spirituality to me. Initially He examined me. He tested me. He used to ask many questions to

test me. His questions were about existence of divine, Atma, God, Paramatma, Almighty and


I used to reply.

*During those days there were two souls in my body- First of myself and second of Lord Sri

Krishna! There were two souls in my body for many days during this duration!

*He lived inside my body for many days for imparting this training. He used to talk to me. I used

to reply His every question. When I was fully trained and I passed His examination, He left my

body after many days. Then my eyes were full of tears for many days. I was weeping for many

days as I missed my beloved Krishna from my body.

I became like dead after missing my beloved Krishna from my body.

*Sri Krishna is so much merciful. He is so kind. Words can't express His beauty, His mercy or


*During this period I myself realized the truth of these verses mentioned in Bhagavad Gita :

*See full details in other post.

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

*Hare Krishna!


1 Jan 2023

Grace comes with respect

*If you pay respect!

To God or God Realized!

Then you are blessed with grace!

Then you know what is grace!

Else you remain trapped in world!

*You receive grace!

If you respect God!

If you respect God Realized!

With entire purity!

With surrender of your ego!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


19 DEC 2022

Only one Atma Acting in different degrees of Agyan

*Atma is Gyan-Swarup!

Atma is Knowledge!

*One infinite Atma is acting!

In different degrees of Agyan!

*In Jeevan Mukt!

No Agyan!

No ignorance!

*In self-realized!

Slight Agyan!

Slight ignorance!

*In non-realized human!

More Agyan!

More ignorance!

*In animals!

More ignorance!

Than non-realized human!

*In trees, plants!

Even more ignorance!

Than animals!

*In mountains, stones!

Most ignorance!

Than all the above!

*Ignorance is the cause of bondage!

Else there is no bondage!

*Only one Atma exists!

And nothing else!

It is called Almighty!

Brahm, Paramatma!

God, Goddess!

In every religion!


18 DEC 2022

No one can know Atma-Gyani

*On this earth no one can know Atma-Gyani.

No one can know that you are self-realized.

Such people can be known only by those persons who are in the same state or in higher state.

*Such person can be known only if he informs other about his experiences. And he informs for

the benefit of others since he has fulfilled his very purpose of taking birth on this earth. He has

no gain or loss if he informs about his experiences.

*Even my wife does not know that I am Atma-Gyani. Whatever my true experiences, true

incidents I have shared with you, I have not shared with my wife. Some times I have shared one

or two experiences with her but she doesn't believe. Hence Atma-Gyani has to live as Agyani in

his home. He has to live as ignorant due to his Prarabdha ie past-Karma!

*Wife of such person is not required to do Karwa Chauth fast etc for his long life since he

becomes immortal by knowing his Atma ie himself!

*Maya is so strong, illusion is so strong one can't recognize an Atma-Gyani person.

Except a few people no one could recognize Lord Sri Krishna during his lifetime. Duryodhan and

others used to call him Gwala. Even his fast friend Arjuna could not recognize Sri Krishna!

Arjuna could recognize Sri Krishna only after Sri Krishna had shown his Vishwa-Rupa ie

Universal Form to him!

*Maya is so strong. Some time even Atma-Gyani person is confused by Maya that he knows

himself, he knows God. This happens when he starts to live in improper way, when he starts to

eat whatever available, when he starts to see whatever available, when he does not get

Satsanga or good company.


3 DEC 2022

True Incident : Experience of death

I have died thousands of times in thousands of births!

But during this birth itself I have died number of times.

This is the incident when I left my body probably second time!

I left my body first time when I was enlightened by my beloved Lord Sri Krishna!

Every time we go on Samadhi, we leave our body.

When I was serving in Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat during the year 1990 I was engaged in

contemplation of God most of the times after sad demise of my father.

One day I was reciting different Mantras of Lord Rama, Lord Krishna, Lord Hanuman etc in

silence along with the contemplation. I was checking the influence of Mantra-Power of different

Gods on myself.

It might be more than one hour duration I left my body and I was flying in to the sky, departing to

the abode of Paramatma Sri Krishna or Almighty! Whatever you can name Him!

But I was feeling like alive!

My body was on the earth!

I was feeling liberated!

I realized the glory of Moksha!

When I reached very high in the sky, I remembered about my body and family.

I thought that family members would weep if I don't return to my body on the earth.

They will consider me dead.

Hence I returned to my body on the earth!

This is the true incident which I am sharing now on this very sacred day of Mokshada Ekadashi

and Gita Jayanti in the most auspicious month of the year ie Margashirsha month.

It is believed that Mokshada Ekadashi brings salvation if Lord Sri Krishna is worshiped or Gita is

recited on this auspicious occasion!

Lord Sri Krishna has himself told in GitaI am Margashirsha, the most auspicious month of the year!

I am sharing this incident for the good of one and all to know Mantra Power.

If you have full faith, focus and concentration. Then you can yourself witness the power of


Happy Mokshada Ekadashi!

Happy Gita Jayanti!

Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


28 August 2022

Never rely your body

*Body can cheat you any time!

Body can leave you any time!

Hence never rely on your body!

*Your body will leave you!

With its own will!

It will never ask yourself!

*Your body is such Sage!

Who befools you always!

Hence never rely on your body!

*You always live and die!

Only for your body!

But it does not live for anyone!

*Then, why you don't live for Krishna?

Which will give you a divine live!

*Your body is such a sage!

Which befools you always!

*Action of your body pre-defined!

It will act as per its will!

Then why do you say?

I have done this or that!

*Hence take Sanyas from your body!

Today now immediately!

Then God will show you path as Guru!

*It does not say I or you!

It does not say mine or yours!

Hence your body is Sanyasi!

*You only say I or you!

You only say mine or yours!

Since you assume yourself body!

*Your body is automatically going!

Towards the death day and night!

Passing its childhood, youth, old age!

*Your body neither tells nor listens!

But always going to its destination!

Which is death!

*But when you become self-realized!

Then it will be under your control!

Then your body will listen to you!

*Once you know this secret!

You will be on the path of liberation!

*No one can rule that body!

Who rules to himself!

*Then it will act as your shadow!

But even then!

It will pass different stages!

Childhood, youth, old age, death!

*Hence never rely your body!

Never be trapped by your body!

It may cheat you any time!

It may leave you any time!


21 May 2022

Very Difficult to Know

*It is very difficult to recognize God or God-Realized people even if they are in front of you.

Since generally they behave like an ignorant person.

Only God Realized people can recognize God or God Realized persons.

*Even during the time of Sri Krishna many people could not recognize him. Many people and

kings used to dishonor Krishna with the word - Gwala. They used to understand him an ordinary


*But a few people were fortunate who could recognize Sri Krishna during his life time.

Some of these could recognize Krishna since they were God Realized. Some of these could

recognize Krishna due to the grace of Krishna.

*No one can recognize God or God Realized person. Only those persons can recognize him

who are blessed by him and he showers his grace to them.

*Once I was walking in the streets of Haridwar about 30 years ago. I was passing through a

temporary hut. One Sadhu was preparing his food there. I was attracted there. I stood in front of

the door of the hut for some duration. I could recognize him. He was certainly a God Realized

Sadhu. His vibes attracted me. I didn't speak to him any thing and went ahead.


10 May 2022

Glory of Remembering Almighty

*Leave to remember God!

Even if you remember God Realized!

Then itself you can make your life!

You can know Almighty!

*Then you may think yourself!

Glory of remembering Almighty!

*Almighty is the ocean!

You are a drop!

If you remember Almighty!

You will mix in the ocean of Almighty!

*Remembering of Krishna! Rama!

It burns the sin of your thousands of births!

Within moments in to the ashes!

It will purify you within moments!

*It is Miraculous!

It is wonderful!

It is amazing!

You can't describe!

*In fact if you remember God Realized!

You remember Almighty only!

What for you call him God Realized?

Since he is merged in ocean of Almighty!

*Krishna reveals Himself in His any form!

Krishna reveals Himself in God Realized!

Krishna reveals Himself in all humans!

Krishna reveals Himself in His Mantras!

*Love any of these!

Thus know Krishna!

In this birth itself!

Without fail!

*Forwarding this to all concerned!

It will itself be praying of Krishna!

? ? ?

20 April 2022


*God does not see Patrata!

Krishna does not see your ability!

*Even if you are fool!

Even if you are wise!

He can do Anugrah!

He can shower His grace!

*Main thing is your love!

Main thing is your faith!

*If you love Him truly!

If you have pure faith on Him!

He can do His Anugrah on you!

He can shower His grace on you!

*Even if you are fool!

Even if you are wise!

*What does true love mean?

What does pure faith mean?

*You should love Him!

More than any other thing or person!

In the entire universe!

This is called true love!

*You should have faith!

As if He is in front of you!

*You should not doubt on His existence!

You should not doubt on words of Gita!

*He can't be known by qualifications!

He can't be known by your virtues!

He can't be known by your Karma!

He can't be known by your ability!

*He can be known by His Anugrah!

Or by Anugrah of any God Realized!

*Hence He has guided you in Gita!

To worship Him or serve God Realized!

With your true love and devotion!

So that you may get Anugrah or grace!


15 April 2022

God and God Realized

*You may not be knowing!

About God and God Realized!

*If you remember them!

If they remember you!

They take your sins!

They give their virtues!

*Thus they burn your sins!

Of your thousands of births!

*Thus they purify you!

They make you divine!

*That is the reason!

Krishna told in Gita!

To remember Him!

To serve God Realized!


21 February 2022

Difference in God Realized

*You must have seen!

Difference in God realized people!

*Some are very popular!

Some are less popular!

Some are not popular!

*Some are very rich!

Some are less rich!

Some are poor!

*Some are in Himalayas!

Some are in forests!

Some are in home!

*Some travel by luxury cars!

Some walk by foot!

Some do not travel!

*Can you reply?

Why this difference?

*It depends on their divine journey!

It depends on their worldly journey!

*After knowing God!

You don't require to live!

Since you have fulfilled!

Very purpose of birth!

*It is up to you!

You want to live or not!

*Though there is no Prarabdha!

For God realized people!

Since they know!

They are Atma not body!

*But their bodies need!

To complete the Prarabdha!

Of past births and this birth!

*Hence as per their past Karma!

You see these difference!


3 Feb 2022

Don't think I can give you money

*I will give you knowledge!

If I can give you!

*If I am your friend or relative!

Don't think, I can give you money!

*Even if I know God!

I can't give you money!

*Even God will not give you money!

Since it will be as per your Prarabdha!

*If I have to repay of previous births!

Then certainly I have to repay!

*Hence don't expect money!

From any one!

From God realized one!

From Almighty God!

*Always want divine knowledge!

No money can equal the knowledge!


24 Jan 2022

Everyone having problems

*Don't say!

He is not having problems!

She is not having problems!

I am only having problems!

*Always remember!

Everyone is having problems!

*Even Lord Rama had problems!

Even Jesus had problems!

Gods of all religions had problems!

Even God-realized have problems!

*Problems are in Prakriti!

Problems are part of nature!

*If problems are not there!

How you will pass test of life?

*Problem is the way!

To refine your life!

*Gold is to be heated!

If Gold is to glitter!

*You are such gold!

You are to be heated!

In the furnace of the problems!

So that you can glitter for ever!

*Never forget!

World is the cause of sorrows!

Birth is the cause of sorrows!

Know yourself to end births!


8 March 2021

What are Scriptures?

What are scriptures?

What is Bhagavad Gita?

What is Quran?

What is Bible?

Scriptures are the thoughts and actions!

Of different incarnations, Sages, Gurus!

And God realized people who saw truth!

And then they recorded them for people!

Hence we should not doubt truth!

Mentioned in the Scriptures!

Whatever is being recorded today!

After witnessing the truth!

By such people!

For the benefit of the people!

It will work as scriptures!

? ? ?

Even if some one is killed by Almighty

Even if some one is killed by Almighty or the person who has attained Almighty.

He attains Almighty!

Since Almighty always does the best for all!

Same does the one who attains Him!

Ravana was killed by lord Rama!

He attained Almighty!

Since Ravana remembered Him!

In his last moments!

Kansa was killed by lord Krishna!

He attained Almighty!

Since Kansa remembered Him!

In his last moments!

Thought which you are having!

During the last moments of life!

It is the cause of your new birth!

You become as per that!

If you remember Lord Rama!

Lord Krishna or any other God!

Or God Realized true Master!

During the last moments of life!

You will get Almighty!

Without any doubt!

During the last moments of life!

If one remembers his son!

One may take birth in his family!

If one remembers bird!

One may become bird in next birth!

If one remembers dog!

One may become dog in next birth!

And the same holds good!

For any other thing!

Since one never dies!

One changes only his form!

It is the nature!

Whatever thing you remember!

Most of the times!

Same thing you can remember!

During your last moments!

Not any other thing!

30 June 2019

Power of God Realized Person!

*He may be a Beggar

But he can bless you with a kingdom

He can be a king

And he can bless you a bigger kingdom

*His blessings are never in vain

His words are never in vain

He may bless you with any post or


Though he may be nothing

*He may be looking very poor

From out side

But he may be owner of the universe

From inside

*He may be looking you very miser

By saving a penny

But he may donate you

A kingdom or billions

*He may travel by broken bicycle

But he may bless you with luxury car

He may be living in a hut

But he may bless you with a bungalow

*He may be a beggar

He may be a king

He may be a peon

He may be an officer

You can not recognize him

No one can recognize him

He may reveal himself

He may not reveal himself

*You can not imagine his power

If he blesses you

You will flourish

If he curses you

No one can save you

But he seldom curses any one

*But it does not mean that

He may bless every one

Including his family n friends!

You must deserve for his blessings!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

? ? ?

? ? ?

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? ? ?

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Know These 9 Benefits Of Drinking Warm Water With Turmeric In The Morning-


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Mars - Quotes of Pravin Agrawal-


? ? ?

Pravin Agrawal`s True Incidents Linkedin-


Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-


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? ? ?

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