Quotes from Danny Dunn and the Teleporter

Quotes from Danny Dunn and the Teleporter

  • "...what I am doing is similar to what the nameless proprietor at the travel bureau described to Charley Ewell, the bank teller.  That is, a person could simply walk into another space or time via a chamber."  (Bullfinch)
  • "Bullfinch, why can't there be some kind of invention to move passengers instantly and safely from one city to another?"  (Grimes)
  • "There is no thing such as magic.  A scientist can explain anything, given enough time and the right tools to do so."  (Bullfinch)
  • "I know that, Professor.  But it's the letters together that form the name of your new invention.  Magnetic And Gravimetric Interface Console, M-A-G-I-C."  (Danny Dunn)
  • "An object can be pushed into the portal.  It should disappear and then reappear moments later in the second chamber.  In theory, of course."  (Bullfinch)
  • "It's absolutely idiotic.  You'd be better off submitting this to a magazine that specializes in perpetual motion machine hoaxes or Rube Goldberg devices.′  (Grimes)
  • "The intelligence services get this machine and send agents who could upset key governments friendly to the United States."  (Grimes)
  • "What was the name of that hotel I stayed at the last time I was here for one of your many other harebrained ideas?"  (Grimes)
  • "Ooomph, gooten and sweetish."  (Joe Pearson)
  • "Time is a series of currents, eddies and backwashes.  It is entirely possible that space is also composed of many lines of geometry connecting us with many other parts of more space with interconnecting corridors."  (Bullfinch)
  • "The delays must result from an infinite number of pathways attempting to link together through space.  It is remotely like a two-dimensional maze in a children's book; there is one and only one path to take."  (Bullfinch)
  • "We verified that this object just somehow 'knew' to come back to this second chamber. Or, more likely, both chambers communicate the correct path to one another, and the object merely follows it." (Bullfinch)
  • "We live in a three-dimensional world linked with the flow of time.  It passes at a rate we are safe and comfortable with."  (Bullfinch)
  • "Doctor Grimes, he knows.  He knows."  (Fischbeck)
  • "Think back to your early school days, gentlemen.  What set you on the path to scientific inquiry?"  (Fischbeck)
  • "Dear friend, I have a lifetime to wait."  (Fischbeck)
  • "But Professor, you always said a scientist shouldn't be afraid.  You always said the unknown is only a briefly-closed door.  It is unknown but only temporarily.  It waits to be opened by explorers with the proper tools."  (Danny Dunn)
  • "Look!  The track constructs itself.  It stays just ahead of the cars!"  (Irene Miller)
  • "Just what was it that we passed through, Euclid?  What were all those pathways?  Will we take them again?  Which ones?  How do we get back?  Is the other portal waiting for us?  Does this MAGIC thing of yours know to return us home?"  (Grimes)
  • "This appears to be a resting area for the transfer through the next linking corridor and to whatever space-time continuum connected to the second portal back in the lab.  Hopefully, it is waiting for us there."  (Bullfinch)
  • "Those meshing gears have a most vivid reality about them!"  (Grimes)
  • "Everything, every phenomenon, every discovery, every unknown, every question in the natural world, is answerable and thus explainable and understandable."  (Fischbeck)
  • "Did we live in a week's time for only one hour according to us, or for nearly four hours according to the laboratory log here?"  (Irene Miller)
  • "You may not have won the skating race, Joe, but I believe we, and your hair, were faster than the speed of light!"  (Bullfinch)
  • "It was extremely risky, yes.  Downright dangerous.  But I would not have traded it for anything.  Risk is a scientist's business.  That is why we do what we do."  (Bullfinch)
  • "WE were the alien life forms visiting another world, weren't we?  Our travels proved that there is life elsewhere."  (Grimes)
  • "Professors, this door of MAGIC may just be that opening for others to come and visit US."  (Danny Dunn)
  • "I wish we had stopped by the souvenir shop and picked something up."  (Joe Pearson)
  • "We touched something so amazing that it cannot be described except in just words.  We were part of it, if just for a few moments.”  (Bullfinch)


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