Quotes on Family By Pravin Agrawal
Pravin Agrawal ????
?! Founder, SIndia! ???? ???? ?? JSK! LOVE??You are under cctv surveillance!
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About the Author
Pravin Agrawal is Founder of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group, spread worldwide with eminent members from many countries and many fields like Science, Technology, Spirituality, Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy including Doctors, Engineers, Army Officers, etc. He is a God-realized soul. He is an engineering graduate from the world renowned university IIT Roorkee, India. He is imparting spiritual research & training for the people of all nations. Spirituality is the solution to every problem related to business, job, health, finance, love etc. As per the author this world seems to exist but it does not exist.
You don't know that you have been sleeping for millions of years.
Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. The author is regularly sharing his write-ups to remove the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge. He is a renowned god-realized soul and Spiritualist. Spirituality is the solution to all problems.
It is ironic. We want to know about others. We want to know about Mars, other planets and stars but we don't know about ourselves. We consider ourselves merely a body which is not true.
Read spiritual write-ups every day, you will be getting blessings from god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read them even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. Share it to your friends.
His posts have been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe!
His most of posts are collection of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.
In some writings of the author you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search about them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.
Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on planet earth. This is the most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.
But this knowledge was lost with time.
Now the author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in a very easy way in the form of his write-up and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself, which are shared here.
Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas i.e. practice again and again. If you read his books again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know Almighty God! Try it!
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25 March 2023
Don't consider my posts like poem
*My posts are not merely!
Like poems!
They are based on!
Actual truth!
Which is encountered!
At different levels of knowledge!
*Almost my all posts!
They are based on actual truth!
That is universal truth!
At different levels of knowledge!
*I have no ability to write!
Whatever I can write!
Whatever I can do!
That is due to my Krishna!
*Almost my all posts!
They have been created!
As per my thoughts!
Blessed by Sri Krishna!
*Hence they are not mine!
They belong to Sri Krishna!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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Lord Rama was in family, lord Krishna was in family. They were not in Sanyas.?
If you want to know God. If you want to know Almighty, self, Atma, Paramatma or Brahman, then no need for taking Sanyas. You can achieve God, you can know self while living in your family.?
Here's the quotes of Pravin Agrawal on family. Please visit. Wishing you happy Navratri and Happy Dussehra.
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11 July 2021
How to increase Oxygen Level?
How to make you healthy?
How to make your mind healthy?
How to make your intellect healthy?
How to increase Oxygen Level in the environment?
How to purify your mind and intelligence?
We must learn from Vedic tradition of ancient India.
During my childhood I used to see in my home during nine days of Navratri festival.
My mother used to do Havana daily. During those nine days, the environment used to become
full of Oxygen, very pleasant and sacred.
We can enhance enormous level of oxygen in the environment in normal times also by doing the
If you want to survive!
If you don't want panic of Oxygen crisis like last time during the second wave of Corona!
Then do it daily in your home!
Burn one cow dung cake of Deshi Gay ie Indian cow. Mix some drops of pure ghee or coconut
oil in it.
Then see the miracles.
Not only the family members but the birds and animals will also get benefits since enormous
amounts of oxygen is released during this process and air is purified significantly.
It is said that one Ton oxygen is released by such burning of one cake of cow dung with some
drops of pure ghee.
Forward this to all concerned to wake up all concerned!
5 July 2021
It takes years
It takes years!
Or many births!
To know Almighty!
To achieve God!
As people do penance in forests!
Leaving their family, job, business!
You can do same penance in home!
Without leaving any thing in home!
Leave value of everything from mind!
No need to leave any thing physically!
Give value only to Almighty!
Don't value any other thing!
But those who receive Gyan!
Those who receive knowledge!
They book their seat for it!
In this birth itself!
First of all it is very difficult!
To believe on Almighty!
To have faith on God!
To believe on Atma!
If you believe on Almighty!
If you have faith on God!
Your half journey is complete!
Your half work is over!
Remaining half you have to do!
By Abhyas and Vairagya!
Practice and detachment!
As told by Krishna in Gita!
As you do your daily routine!
As you take daily food!
In the same way!
Continue your divine journey!
Do you ever ask?
I have to take food daily!
Same way, never ask!
I have to do penance daily?
Then you can know Krishna!
Then you can know Almighty!
Then you can know yourself!
Surely without any doubt!
21 June 2021
True Incident When I was in TN
When I was serving in Coimbatore Tamil Nadu, aunt of my wife expired in Mathura. She used to
live in the joint family of my wife's parents It may be around the year 2003.
My wife reached to Mathura on the third day of her death. I couldn't accompany my wife. I was
in Coimbatore only.
When she reached to her home in Mathura. I could know that she reached just now at that time.
Though my wife did not inform me by any phone call.
I could know. The moment my wife entered in her home, her aunt who was expired but waiting
for her, said to my wife - You have come now. I was waiting for you.
After saying this her aunt flew in the air.
I clearly listened her voice and saw her flying in the air leaving the home after her death.
Though it was happening in Mathura UP.
But I was knowing this in my home in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.
This incident confirms the truth mentioned in our Scriptures like Bhagavad Gita, Purans etc
about the existence of the soul ie Atma.
Happy Father's Day
In Memory of My Father
My childhood and my father
I was the most loved one of my father among all his children. I used to sleep with my father. At
that time I may be about five years old.
I used to accompany my father when he used to go to the market. I used to think that Almighty
God has made very good arrangements in the market. We can get fruits, sweets, toys every
thing in the market.
I used to think that all these items are freely available. All these beautiful items have been
arranged by God for us. Once I lifted one item from the shop. Then my father explained to me
that these items are not free of cost. We have to pay some money. Then I understood.
But now I feel that child mind is correct. These items are like free of cost only. We can't replace
any eating item by money.
We can't eat money in place of eating items. The procedure of paying the money for items has
been made by the human to compensate.
There was a nest of pair of birds in my house. One day I asked my father - Papa, I saw these
birds daily in the morning and evening. Where do they go in the morning daily and return in the
My father replied - These birds go in search of their food for their babies. They return during
evening hours for sleeping in their nest when they are tired.
Same is the case with every father.
We were seven siblings. My father used to tell in the family that I am the most brilliant among all
his children.
He used to tell all in my family that my this son will be IAS. He dreamed to be an IAS Officer but
he could not fulfill his dream.
Hence he used to tell, no problem I could not fulfill my dream but my this son will fulfill my this
dream. I was selected in IIT in first attempt without any coaching. Then he was too much happy.
After selection I went to Roorkee for studying and I used to live in the hostel. But I was missing
my family. I was having home sickness as I left my home first time. Hence I couldn't concentrate
on my studies. I was feeling lack of love of my parents in hostel life.
He used to teach me Maths and English.
I used to return to the home after playing with my friends leaving my game in between before
the arrival of my father from the office.
16 June 2021
True Incident when I was child
This is true incident when I was child.
We used to live in a very ordinary rented house. This may be the incident of about more than
thirty years old.
Owner of the house gave us ultimate to vacate the house by so and so date as he wanted to
sell it.
My father tried but couldn't get any suitable house on rent.
The matter reached to the court. With some influence, the owner of the house got the court
order. The court had given some deadline to vacate the house.
Only a few days were left for the deadline to vacate the house. My mother was too much
worried. It was the court order, if the house could not be vacated, it was to be vacated through
Police force on that date.
The owner was too much happy. It seems that he spent much amount of money at lower level to
get this order passed.
My mother was too much worried. She used to worship Lord Shiva. She went to the temple for
Lord Shiva listened her prayer and gave her thought to visit one of our family friends. He was a
Judge but in some lower court. We were not knowing that he was dealing such cases.
My mother told the entire incident to him. After knowing it, he told my mother that he only
passed that order. Why we didn't inform him earlier?
He told my Mom - No problem. You need not vacate the house till you want.
We got too much relief. The decision to vacate the house was stayed till further notice.
My Mother thanked Lord Shiva for showing His grace!
7 JUN 2021
Such a precious knowledge
It is such a precious knowledge!
It is such an amazing knowledge!
It is king of all available knowledge!
It is very secret knowledge!
It is very sacred knowledge!
It is Adhyatm Vidya!
Kings left their kingdom!
People left their family!
To gain this knowledge!
Billionaires left their wealth!
To gain this knowledge!
Since it is priceless knowledge!
You can't repay this knowledge!
Even the wealth of entire earth!
It can't repay this knowledge!
Buddha left his kingdom!
Wife and children!
Meera left her husband!
Gopis left their husbands!
Prahlad left his father!
If you gain this knowledge!
You don't need any other things!
Then you know yourself!
Then you become immortal!
Then you know Almighty!
29 May 2021
What do you want?
What do you want?
It purely depends upon you!
To which thing you give preference?
To which thing you give importance!
You give preference to Almighty!
Or the post of President PM CM?
You give preference to Sri Krishna!
Or the millions of followers?
You give preference to Jesus!
Or name and fame?
You give preference to Allah!
Or post and designation?
You give preference to Nanak!
Or wealth and properties?
You give preference to Almighty!
Or your spouse, family, children?
You give preference!
To show of body!
Its comfort!
Or yourself or Atma?
You give preference to yourself!
Or prestige and ego of body?
You can withstand the insult!
For the sake of yourself or Atma?
Whatever thing preference you give!
You will get that thing only!
It purely depends upon you!
What you can do for Almighty?
What you can sacrifice for Krishna?
You will get the same thing!
21 Jan 2021
Then you know three facts of life
When someone!
Very beloved dies!
Then it looks!
As if you have died!
Then you know three facts of life -
I don't know anything!
I don't have anything!
I can't do anything!
Then your bungalow!
Car, wealth, jewellery,
Popularity, family,
Post designation, etc!
Every thing becomes dust!
Even if you have everything!
Even if you have all these things!
Even if you have golden palace!
It appears as if you have nothing!
You feel empty handed!
When your very beloved dies!
It appears that you have died!
Then your life has no meaning!
Then you don't want to live!
Then every thing becomes dust!
Even if you have beautiful wife!
Children, family, siblings etc!
Even if you have entire wealth!
Of this earth, all facilities!
But you feel you have nothing!
5 Mar 2021
Can you leave everything?
How much value do you give to God?
Can you leave your family, job! All things!
For knowing Shiva! Krishna! Allah!
Without any money or mobile!
And just leaving some message!
It depends upon your seriousness!
Lack of love from you, not from Krishna!
If you can do so!
Then you are eligible!
To know Krishna!
To know Shiva!
To know Almighty!
To know Atma!
To know yourself!
After this it depends on Krishna!
To send you back to your home or not!
If you are ready for this!
Then believe me!
You really love Krishna!
You are very near to Almighty!
2 MAR 2021
Ancient times and today
In ancient times!
People used to go to the forests!
For divine knowledge!
For seeking Almighty!
They used to leave their homes!
To gain this knowledge!
For knowing Almighty!
For the divine life!
But now it is the age of WhatsApp!
Divine life is very easy!
You need not to go to the forests!
Leaving behind your family!
But in ancient times!
People used Spirituality!
For Self development!
Except a few cases!
They did not share it!
Hence divine knowledge was lost!
But Krishna revived it!
By Bhagavad Gita!
I need not share it with you!
Since it is the matter!
Only for Self development!
Since it is secret knowledge!
But this knowledge is shared by me!
Only for your benefits!
If I would have gone to the forests!
If all spiritual masters would have gone to the forests!
Only for their development!
How could you know this divine knowledge?
Hence you are wise and fortunate!
If you have faith and belief!
On this sacred knowledge!
To know Almighty!
And you must try your all the best!
To gain this knowledge!
Here in home itself in family life!
Since it is very easily available for you!
By the mercy and grace of Krishna!
25 FEB 2021
Family members have different Karma
In your family your wife, husband, son, daughter may be having different Karma or Sanskar
depending upon their past births.
You may be Spiritual, your wife or husband or children may not be spiritual. Then it becomes
very challenging for you.
It is easy to live with the wise but it is very difficult to live with the fools. Then either you have to
make them as per your nature or you have to become as per their nature. If they are too rigid
and they don't want to become Spiritual, then you will have to act as per their nature. Or you
may have to leave your home.
But your further journey will be as per your Prarabdha.
One has to come alone and go alone from this world. Only you have got any right in your Karma
and not your wife, husband or children. Whatever you do you, will have to face the
consequences. Your wife, husband, children can not share your bad Karma. You have to suffer
sorrows and punishment for them.
Daily Morning Read
O My Loving Krishna!
O My beloved Almighty!
I must be happy throughout the day!
My mother, relatives must be happy.
Every one in my family must be happy.
Every one in my apartment should be happy.
Every one in my colony must be happy.
Every one in my city must be happy.
Every one in my state must be happy.
Every one in my nation must be happy.
Every one in my world must be happy.
8 FEB 2021
Be as you are
Don't do anything!
Don't speak anything!
Don't think anything!
Be as you are!
But it is not possible!
In Pravratti Marg!
When you are in family!
Hence don't be attached!
Whatever you do!
Whatever you speak!!
Whatever you think!
Don't take ownership!
Since you can't do!
Since you can't speak!
Since you can't think!
Since you are pure Atma!
Not having any such qualities!
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27 JAN 2021
If you are in home
If you are living in home!
That is very good!
No need to go to Himalaya!
For finding Almighty!
Treat everyone as son of Almighty!
Including your husband, wife!
Children, neighbors, relatives!
Friends and family!
Behave as per society!
Know from inside!
They are children of Almighty!
Initially you may find difficult!
But after some time!
You may see the miracles!
25 JAN 2021
If you consider this world as true
If you consider this world as true!
Then you will have to repent!
Then you will have to weep one day!
Believe me or do not believe!
This fact will be known one day!
Then you will feel cheated!
Then you you will regret!
Don't consider!
Your family and friends!
Your post, designation!
Your name and fame!
Your wealth and property!
Your beauty and youth!
As true!
Since one day!
All these things will be missed!
And even before missing!
You will be much worried!
Due to fear of missing!
Don't consider as true!
Not only joy!
But also sorrows!
Treat joy and sorrows!
As in a drama!
Act in the world!
As you play in a drama!
23 Jan 2021
Divine Knowledge, joy and bliss
Four stages of knowledge of Almighty!
First stage bookish knowledge!
It is the preliminary stage!
You read in the book and remember!
Second stage, you experience it!
You have a glimpse of knowledge!
But you are not settled in it!
This is incomplete knowledge!
Third stage, you experience it!
You remain in the knowledge!
You are settled in it!
Irrespective of your condition!
In third stage you are in knowledge!
Every time, in every situation!
In family, forest or hills!
Without any break any moment!
But you can behave in the world!
After that comes fourth stage!
Even you can't behave in the world!
You are fully submerged in it!
There is no other to behave!
Then one can't live in the world!
But if you want divine joy!
If you want divine bliss!
You may not get them!
By mere knowledge!
You will have to love Krishna!
And divine songs of Krishna!
Singing and hearing them!
Then only you can get joy n bliss!
21 Jan 2021
Then you know three facts of life
When someone!
Very beloved dies!
Then it looks!
As if you have died!
Then you know three facts of life -
I don't know anything!
I don't have anything!
I can't do anything!
Then your bungalow!
Car, wealth, jewellery,
Popularity, family,
Post designation, etc!
Every thing becomes dust!
Even if you have everything!
Even if you have all these things!
Even if you have golden palace!
It appears as if you have nothing!
You feel empty handed!
When your very beloved dies!
It appears that you have died!
Then your life has no meaning!
Then you don't want to live!
Then every thing becomes dust!
Even if you have beautiful wife!
Children, family, siblings etc!
Even if you have entire wealth!
Of this earth, all facilities!
But you feel you have nothing!
Always Avoid Such Mistakes
Laptop left on charging-mode starts fire at sixth-floor flat in Ghaziabad high-rise, three family
members rescued. Try to avoid charging laptop or mobile while you are sleeping.
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Remain wherever you are
Remain wherever you are!
No need of going to forests!
No need of going to hills!
To find Almighty!
Since He lives everywhere!
No need to search Him in temple!
No need to search Him in mosque!
No need to search Him in Mathura!
No need to search Him in Kaba!
No need to search Him in Kashi!
No need of going here and there!
No need to leave your family!
No need to leave your children!
No need to leave your kingdom!
No need to leave your job!
No need to leave your bungalow!
No need to leave your wealth!
No need to leave your business!
He is there, wherever you are!
Remain wherever you are!
Just leave one thing!
Your physical presence!
Since He needs!
Your mental presence!
Even if you are in Kashi!
Even if you are in Kaba!
But your mind is in home!
Then you are in home truly!
He does not see your body!
He only sees your mind!
Keep your mind pollution free!
Be beloved of Almighty!
25 December 2020
Four Stages of Knowledge
Four stages of knowledge of Almighty!
First stage bookish knowledge!
It is the preliminary stage!
You read in the book and remember!
Second stage, you experience it!
You have a glimpse of knowledge!
But you are not settled in it!
This is incomplete knowledge!
Third stage, you experience it!
You remain in the knowledge!
You are settled in it!
Irrespective of your condition!
In third stage you are in knowledge!
Every time, in every situation!
In family, forest or hills!
Without any break any moment!
But you can behave in the world!
After that comes fourth stage!
Even you can't behave in the world!
You are fully submerged in it!
There is no other to behave!
Then one can't live in the world!
20 Dec 2020
If you are very serious to know Almighty
If you are very serious to know Almighty!
Live in your family like a servant!
Servant of your parents!
Servant of your spouse!
Servant of your children!
You have no right on your salary!
You have no right on your income!
Like a servant does not have rights!
You have no right on your body!
You have no right on any thing!
Done by your body!
You have no right on your anything!
Since you don't own anything!
Consider you have been sent by Almighty!
For serving one and all!
18 Dec 2020
Be alone
Be alone!
You came alone!
You will go alone!
You are outsider here!
Be like a sun!
Sun is alone!
Yet it shines for everyone!
No one is family here!
No one is friend here!
No one is enemy here!
Everyone is family here!
Everyone is friend here!
Be like Kabir!
Na kau se dosti!
Na kau se ber!
When you are alone!
You are alone!
Even if you are in millions of people!
Be alone!
Since no one is ours!
Since every one is ours!
Just do thy duty!
Just pass your time here!
You are Musafir here!
You are outsider here!
Since everyone is waiting for death!
Since no one is doing anything here!
Since Almighty making all dance!
12 Dec 2020
If you are waiting for Almighty
If you are waiting for Almighty!
It is like you are doing penance!
In Himalaya, in forest, in temple!
Even if you are with family in home!
Like a woman waits for a baby!
For nine months!
It is the penance of woman!
She takes care accordingly!
If you wait for Almighty!
You take care accordingly!
It is your penance!
While living in home!
It is certain that baby will be there!
After nine months if she takes care!
Similarly Almighty will be there for you!
If you take care and remain alert!
If not in this birth, then next birth!
You can wait in different queues!
While living in this world!
Why you can't wait for Almighty?
If you wait for the world!
It may be, when your number comes!
Window may be closed in time!
But window of Almighty is never closed!
You may be disappointed!
In the queue of the world!
But you will never be disappointed!
In the queue for Almighty!
Hence remain in the queue!
Don't do this in initial five years of marriage
This is equally applicable to both, husband and wife. This needs to be read by all concerned
including the husband, wife, their parents and those who are going to be married.
Don't do this in initial five years of marriage if you don't want divorce and other problems. Since
initial five years in marriage are very crucial and your entire married life depends upon these
initial five years.
1/ Don't try to rule over your spouse.
2/ Respect your in-laws. Try to accommodate them. They will not disturb in your privacy. Do not
boast about yourself, your parents, your status or your family. It may result adversely in your
happy married life. Since the smell of perfume can not be concealed.
3/ Do not fear about your privacy from in-laws.
4/ If you are living with the parents of spouse, do not want to run away from them. They will
never disturb your privacy.
5/ If you are not living with the parents of your spouse. If they visit to you, do not want to run
away from them. Try to accommodate them. Treat them as if your parents. Else you may have
very bad consequences of this. You may know after ten years of your marriage life.
6/ Often there are quarrels between the spouse. If the parents of wife visit, husband is not
happy. If the parents of husband visit, wife is not happy. This trend is very bad and this may
even lead to divorce.
Recently one IAS Officer did suicide due to this reason. His wife did not allow him to talk with his
parents. She did not respect his parents. She wanted that he should not keep any concerns with
his parents after the marriage. It may disturb their happy married life. This conception is not true.
Your children will also learn from you. They may also do the same thing when you become old.
Neither wife nor husband should involve in this type of act. Else they may have very serious
consequences. This may cause divorce also. Your spouse may not say anything to you but he
may keep this thing in the mind. This may reduce your respect in the mind of your spouse.
7/ If you do not know cooking or any other thing, don't worry about this. Due to this reason, don't
try to keep distance from your in laws. You may learn after some time with the love of your
spouse and in laws.
8/ It is the duty of the husband to share required part of his income with the wife even if she is
employed. Do not think that she is employed, hence she does not need money. Do not see the
income of the spouse with the eyes of greed. It may spoil your love and relationship.
9/ The husband should know the fact that he is not child now. He should not live in the lap of his
parents like a baby. He must behave like a mature person after marriage. He should keep
balance between his parents and the wife. It is very delicate period for him.
10/ There should not be competition between the mother and the wife of the husband. In some
cases there is unnecessary fear. The mother wants to show that he is of her not of his wife. The
wife wants to show that he is of her and not of his mother. This trend is very serious and
shameful, often it leads to divorce in many cases. Husband is not a cake which can be cut and
may be distributed between his mother and wife. He must give importance to both. The wife
should treat herself as the daughter of her mother in law and it will prove true if she continues it
even in adverse situations.
11/ Whatever you want to make yourself, you become. If you want to make yourself weak,
delicate, Kaamchor, you will become. If you want to make yourself as hard working, you can
become. There is no doubt of this. If you do not make yourself hard working during this period,
you will make your body and mind very weak. Thus you may invite many diseases pertaining to
your body and mind after some years of the marriage. You may know it after some time.
12/ Forward it to others in the required language if you are agreeing with these points and you
don't want to see any more divorce cases. If you want peaceful and happy married life of all
Spiritual Problems in Family Life
Hi Friends,
We may discuss your any problems during Spiritual journey while living in the family life from
time to time.
If we are in divine journey while living in family life. Then we feel some problems.
If we spend our time in divine matters like devotional songs, reading divine books or scriptures,
Satsanga, etc. Then no problem, we can remain hungry. Many times we are not allowed to keep
busy in all these things.
When we are not busy in divine matters, we are in the world. Then we feel hungry. We want
food time to time. Then we can not do fasting. If we remain hungry, then headache starts.
If you have any solution, you may reply in the group for the benefit of all group members.
Thanks n Regards
Spiritual India WhatsApp Group
Spiritual Problems in Family Life
If we are in divine journey while living in family life. Then we feel some problems.
If we spend our time in divine matters like devotional songs, reading divine books or scriptures,
Satsanga, etc. Then no problem, we can remain hungry. Many times we are not allowed to keep
busy in all these things.
When we are not busy in divine matters, we are in the world. Then we feel hungry. We want
food time to time. Then we can not do fasting. If we remain hungry, then headache starts.
My beloved Guru ji, I need your blessings and kind help for solving my this problem.
I shall be so much thankful for your kindness.
Kindly accept my infinite love, thanks and Pranam!
Pravin Agrawal
? ? ?
3 December 2020
There is no true love
There is no pure love!
In this world!
Everyone is trading!
If we are spouse!
We expect from our spouse!
If our expectations not fulfilled!
Then we become unhappy!
If we are parents
We expect from children!
They will serve us!
When we shall be old!
Children do not serve us!
Then we become unhappy!
If we are children!
We expect from parents!
They will fulfill our demands!
If they don't, we become unhappy!
If we are siblings!
We expect from our siblings!
If they don't fulfill our demands!
We become unhappy!
If we are friends!
We expect from our friends!
They should be helpful!
At the time of our need!
If they don't, we become unhappy!
This is the tradition of the world!
And this is called love in the world!
We don't know what is true love!
And this is the reason of our sorrows!
True love is without any expectation!
True love is not a trade!
True love opens the door of liberation!
True love is very much selfless!
True love is the gist of entire Gita!
We can be liberated while living in family!
No need to go to forests or Himalaya!
We can know Almighty in home itself!
If we don't expect anything from anyone!
If we treat everyone with true love!
3 December 2020
Expectation is the cause of sorrows
Don't expect anything from anyone!
Even from your children, family, friends!
If you do anything with expectations!
You become selfish, not selfless!
Krishna has told in Gita!
Love one, love all!
Selflessly, not selfishly!
Then Karma will not bind you!
Then only you are fit for liberation!
Then only you can know Almighty!
Then only you can achieve Him!
If you don't want sorrows!
Don't expect anything from anyone!
Since if you expect anything!
If your expectations are not fulfilled!
Then you will be in too much sorrows!
If you can help anyone, help!
Do thy duty but not result!
But don't want for your Karma!
It becomes trade if you want!
It is not love, if you want anything!
You don't do any Karma!
You are non-doer!
Hence you have no right to expect!
By not expecting, make yourself strong!
By expecting, don't make yourself weak!
If you worry about future!
You don't have faith on God!
Don't expect anything even from God!
Give Him your love! Love one, love all!
2 December 2020
Then every thing becomes dust
When someone!
Very beloved dies!
Then your bungalow!
Car, wealth, jewelry,
Popularity, family,
Post designation, etc!
Every thing becomes dust!
Even if you have everything!
Even if you have all these things!
Even if you have golden palace!
It appears as if you have nothing!
You feel empty handed!
When your very beloved dies!
It appears that you have died!
Then your life has no meaning!
Then you don't want to live!
Then every thing becomes dust!
Even if you have beautiful wife!
Children, family, siblings etc!
Even if you have entire wealth!
Of this earth, all facilities!
But you feel you have nothing!
30 Nov 2020
How to Live in Family?
If you are divine!
If you are Godly person!
If you are Spiritual!
But not your family members!
No problem!
Remain there only!
No need to leave family!
Do as per their wishes!
From outside!
Do as per your wish!
From inside!
Since Almighty!
And Spirituality!
Inner matter only!
Not outer matter!
Almighty sees your mind!
Not the body!
He sees your intention only!
If you are in home!
But your mind is in temple!
Mosque, Gurudwara, Church!
Then you are with Almighty!
Hence don't worry!
Be happy!
There are three main priorities available in the life of every one in this universe.
First one is Almighty God.
Second one is your family.
Third one is your job.
You may change them.
You get the result as per your priority!
If your first priority is job, then you will do well in job but your other two priorities may suffer.
If your first priority is family, then your family will be better but your other two priorities may
If your first priority is Almighty, then you you will do better in the field of Almighty but your other
priorities may suffer.
You can make a balance between these three priorities. Then you may get equal result in all
three priorities since you will spend your energy accordingly.
If you are not able to fulfill your duties and your first priority is Almighty, second family, third is
job. You may leave the present job or promotion and try for another or business.
You may leave third priority for second.
You may leave second priority for first.
If Almighty God is first priority. Then you may leave your job and family, both for Almighty like
many kings have done in the past!
But the best decision and wisdom is that you must see Almighty in all three priorities!
You will always be happy and blessed by Almighty!
11 Nov 2020
What is character?
Character can not be certified by the people.
Character is inbuilt nature of human, gifted by Almighty.
Often people think that if you have relation with more than one lady or gentleman, then you
become bad character. No it is not true.
Character is the requirement. If you fulfill the requirements of other selflessly, then you are
helping other. Hence you are good character. Requirements may be any. Requirements may be
pertaining to finance, things or body.
Good character is when you do not cheat other, you don't trouble other. Your actions are
Bad character is when you cheat other, you trouble other. Your actions are selfish.
If the husband of any lady is impotent. He can not satisfy his wife and he seeks your help. Then
it is your duty to help. Even if his wife is very fat or ugly. You should not expect any thing in
return. If her husband can not give her the child. If husband and wife, both wants child from you.
Then, it is not sin. Then it is your help and helping attitude to both for running their family. But
condition is that you must be selfless, you should not expect any thing in return. There are
similar cases in Mahabharat and other scriptures.
Sex is also like other normal things. Do not make sex abnormal thing.
If a lady is very fat and ugly, will you like to have sex with her?
If man is impotent, can he do sex?
Hence sex is having its own values and dignity.
Never devalue sex.
Character can not be decided only by the sex.
Sex is also a tool to worship Almighty inside the human if you are selfless.
If you very tired or injured. Even then if you do sex, then it becomes help and worship to
Almighty doesn't want anything. He just wants your happiness.
Even single father or single mother allowed.
Jesus was born by single mother.
Kabir was born by single mother.
Spirituality does not bind for any thing provided your action is selfless.
Only you have made any thing right or wrong as per social norms, not the Spirituality or
6 Nov 2020
Nothing exists except meNothing exists except me!
Body is not there!
Mind is not there!
Thoughts are not there!
Family is not there!
World is not there!
Sun is not there!
Moon is not there!
Incarnations are not there!
People are not there!
Animals are not there!
Birds are not there!
Nothing exists except me!
Only I exist there!
I am Paramanand!
I am bliss!
People are lost
People are lost in toys of -
TV shows!
Cricket matches!
Computer games!
Friends and family!
Post and designation!
Film stardom!
Praise and insult!
Etc etc
Like a baby is lost!
In different toys!
Thus they are not different than baby!
Due to their ignorance!
How Maharshi Valmiki Opened His Eyes?
Maharshi Valmiki was a robber. He used to loot the property of innocent on the roads and kill the
Once upon a time Saptarshi ie seven sages were passing by. Valmiki saw them and asked them
to hand over their wealth. But the sages don't have any material wealth. Valmiki threatened
them to kill them if they didn't hand over their wealth.
Sages don't fear the death. They told him to kill them. But before killing them, they asked him to
reply one question -
For whom you are doing so many sins?
Valmiki replied- It is my profession. I am doing for livelihood of my family.
They asked him - Go and ask your family, if they will share your sin for whom you are doing all
these killings? Are they ready to go to the jail in place of you?
Valmiki tied all of them with a tree and went to his home.
He asked his wife.
Wife replied - Why I will give company with your sins? Why I shall go to the jail in place of you?
It is your duty for our livelihood.
Then he asked his children. Children also replied the same thing.
This reply opened the eyes of Valmiki.
He returned and untied Saptarshi and fell on their feet. He was weeping with repentance that so
many innocent people I have killed for the sake of money till now.
You should never be shocked!
Even if you are IAS!
Even if you are from IIM!
Even if you from IIT!
Even if you are from AIIMS!
Even if you are PM CM today!
Even if you are King today!
Even if you are billionaire today!
Even if you have million followers!
Even if you are film star today!
Even if you are very popular today!
Tomorrow any thing can happen!
Time does not favor any one!
Time is just impartial for all!
Time is independent from all!
You may be any thing tomorrow!
You may be on the road tomorrow!
You may be in the jail tomorrow!
You may be unemployed tomorrow!
That is the reason!
Kings left their kingdom!
And became sages!
Leaving all things behind!
Only virtues give you company!
Don't boast your present position!
Follow rules of Almighty!
Even if you are PM CM!
Never trouble any innocent!
Treat every one equally!
Remain always impartial!
No one is your friend or enemy!
No one will come for your rescue!
They may be your friends or family!
You will have to repay your Karma!
During or after this life!
All are lost
All are lost!
In the crowd of universe!
Some are lost in TV Channels!
Some are lost in WhatsApp!
Some are lost in politics!
Some are lost in career!
Some are lost in films!
Some are lost in studies!
Some are lost in popularity!
Some are lost in rat race!
Some are lost in wealth!
Some are lost in business!
Some are lost in friends!
Some are lost in enemies!
Some are lost in family!
Some are lost in children!
Some are lost in beauty!
Some are lost in romance!
Some are lost in body!
Some are lost in mind!
Some are lost in comfort!
Some are lost in ego!
Some are lost in showing!
Some are lost in hiding!
Rarely you will find people!
Who are not lost in these things!
They are lost only in themselves!
They are lost in Almighty!
Such people are not sleeping!
They are really awake!
Even if you are lost in all these!
But with the knowledge!
All this is drama of Almighty!
Then you are not lost!
It is all mind game
It is all mind game.
When you are sleeping, mind is sleeping.
Then you have no world, no family, no body.
Only you are left, not your body. Then no ego.
Then you are peaceful.
When you get up. Mind wakes up.
Then you see everything through mind.
Then you see the world, your family, your body.
Then ego arises. You consider yourself merely a body. Then you are affected by joy and sorrow
of the body.
Mind is Jada. You see through the mind. Then you perceive the universe.
World is projected through mind.
In fact you do not sleep or wake up.
Only your mind sleeps or wakes up.
When mind is tired, it sleeps. When it takes rest and refreshes, it wakes up after taking rest.
Mind takes energy from yourself.
In deep sleep, when the mind is completely sleeping, only you are left and you don't perceive
the universe. Since you don't see through the mind at that time.
But when mind wakes up. You see through the mind and ego arises. Then you start seeing the
Even if mind is awake. But you don't see through the mind. Then you are in Samadhi.
It is the irony
It is the irony.
We Indians consider our Gods like Lord Hanuman, Lord Krishna Lord Shiva, Lord Rama as out
of fashion or outdated.
But the foreigners including Hindu, Muslim, Christian etc, all are adopting these Gods as
modern, advancement and improvement of life irrespective of their religion, castes, language,
Many leading industrialists have took the benefit of our Gods. Like Steve Jobs and Facebook
founder Mark Zuckerberg said to visited Baba Neem Karoli, a prominent devotee of Lord
Hanuman. And they got the blessing and success in their business.
If you forget our Gods, you will remain empty handed.
If you firmly believe on your Gods, you may also get the same type of benefit.
Gods do not see Indian or foreigner or Hindu or Muslim. They see the entire world as one family.
It is like this
In your family!
When elder is there!
You have no responsibility!
You have no burden!
When Almighty is there!
You have no responsibility!
You have no burden!
When He is there!
You are no body to do anything!
You can't do anything!
He does everything!
He understands His responsibility!
He is the eldest than the elders!
You are not the doer!
You can't do anything!
If you consider yourself as doer!
You insult Him!
You think that you are doing!
But you can't do anything!
He is just making you dance!
As per your thoughts!
Do thy duty!
Never assume yourself as Doer!
Assume It is done by Almighty!
Through yourself!
Don't plan anything!
Since your planning can't beat!
His planning!
Since He knows about you!
Even after one hundred years!
You don't know even for tomorrow!
? ? ?
What is Sanyas?
Sanyas is not!
Wearing saffron clothes!
Increasing beard!
Leaving family, children!
Sanyas is not!
Leaving kingdom!
Going to jungle!
Not doing anything!
Sanyas is not!
Living in temple!
Mosque, Church!
Guru Dwara etc!
Sanyas is not!
Not touching money!
Reading always Gita!
Quran, Bible etc!
Chanting holy names!
Always for ever!
Sanyas is something!
Beyond all above!
Sanyas is there!
Even if you are in normal clothes!
Even if you don't increase beard!
Even if you don't leave family, children!
Sanyas is there!
Even if you don't leave kingdom!
Even if you don't go to forest!
Even if you do every thing!
Sanyas is there!
Even if you don't live!
In temple, mosque!
Church, Guru Dwara etc!
Sanyas is there!
Even if you deal with money!
Even if you don't read Gita!
Quran, Bible etc!
Don't chant holy names!
All the times!
Since even if you take Sanyas!
By body, not from your mind!
It is just for showing!
Since main thing is mind!
But even if your body!
It has not taken any Sanyas!
But by mind you are Sanyasi!
Then you are true Sanyasi!
Those people
Those people!
Who never believed!
That world is the cause of sorrows!
Now they must have understood!
They used to believe!
We are happy!
We are earning good!
We are having good family!
We are having good status!
We are having good designation!
Every thing is good in our lives!
There is no problem!
Hence what is the need?
To remember Almighty!
To do charity!
Now they are knowing!
Now they are knowing!
World is the cause of sorrows!
Nanak has already told!
Nanak Dukhiya sab Samsara!
Even if they have not understood!
They must understand!
That world is the cause of sorrows!
Know the reason of this birth!
15 Apr 2020
Take care of children
Take care of children!
Else they may become!
Anti social, unlawful!
Terrorists, rapists!
They are future of the world!
Family is basic unit of the world!
This Lockdown of 21 days is
Golden opportunity!
You were daily busy in your!
Hectic schedule!
Due to your job, business!
Almighty is very kind enough!
He can't see the children!
Being neglected!
Your wealth, Ministership!
Power, high office, etc
Can not replace you!
They need you, not your achievement!
Your love, personal care can't be done!
By maid, servants, power, wealth!
If you want good future of world!
You yourself will have to take pain!
Utilize these days!
For proper care of the children!
Train them!
To be a good citizen of the universe!
Everyone is myself
Everyone is myself!
No one is different than me!
Then why should I feel bad!
If someone is abusing me!
Then why should I feel happy!
If someone praises me!
Since this universe!
In my dream!
Everyone is myself!
No one is different than me!
She may be lady!
He may be gent!
Everyone is myself!
No one is different than me!
He may be Ishwar!
He may be Allah!
Everyone is myself!
No one different than me!
He may be Prime Minister!
He may be President!
Of any nation!
Every one is myself!
He may be alive!
He may be dead!
Every one is myself!
No one is different than me!
It may be sun!
It may be moon!
It may be sky!
It may be earth!
It may be ocean!
It may be desert!
Every thing is myself!
Nothing is different than me!
It may be fire!
It may be water!
It may be air!
It may be soil!
Every thing is myself!
Nothing is different than me!
He may be any Guru!
He may be any Avatar!
Every one is myself!
No one is different than me!
It may be my body!
It may be my family!
They may be my parents!
They may be my friends!
Every one is myself!
No one is different than me!
He may be my lover!
She may be my lover!
It may be my audience!
They may be my followers!
Every one is myself!
No one is different than me!
Since every one in my dream!
When I am in dream!
All are in my dream!
Whatever in dream!
That is myself!
When I wake up!
No one exists except me!
I alone exist!
Take care of children
Take care of children!
Else they may become!
Anti social, unlawful!
Terrorists, rapists!
They are future of the world!
Family is basic unit of the world!
This Lockdown of 21 days is
Golden opportunity!
You were daily busy in your!
Hectic schedule!
Due to your job, business!
Almighty is very kind enough!
He can't see the children!
Being neglected!
Your wealth, Ministership!
Power, high office, etc
Can not replace you!
They need you, not your achievement!
Your love, personal care can't be done!
By maid, servants, power, wealth!
If you want good future of world!
You yourself will have to take pain!
Utilize these days!
For proper care of the children!
Train them!
To be a good citizen of the universe!
True Experiences 1
During the year 1996 I was posted in Jodhpur. After some time I got posting of Sri Nagar,
Kashmir. At that time, militancy was on peak in Kashmir. Officers transferred there used to
prefer to quit the job instead of going there. I requested for change of the posting on family
I used to visit a saint about 125 years old age. He had got very good reputation. Our senior
officers also used to visit for his blessings. I went to him to tell my problem.
He meditated for about two minutes. Then he told me - You will have to go there. No one on this
earth can change your this posting. But you will come back here after two years.
Meanwhile I got very high level contact in posting / transfer section. It appeared that my posting
will be changed. But at last moment, it was not changed. And I had to go there.
To my surprise, after two years I was transferred back to Jodhpur from Sri Nagar.
How are the family members!
When one will die!
Family members will weep
Only few days!
No one is happy!
No one is happy with his job!
Leaving the job is not a solution!
No one is happy with his family!
Leaving the family is not a solution!
No one is happy with this world!
Leaving the world is not a solution!
Do not run away!
Do not be a cowardice!
Face the challenge!
Adversities will make you stronger!
You can run away from the challenge!
But you can not run away from your mind!
It is not the problem which troubles you!
It is your mind which troubles you!
Never fight with the situations!
Always fight with your mind!
Even if some one is killed by Almighty
Even if some one is killed by Almighty or the person who has attained Almighty.
He attains Almighty!
Since Almighty always does the best for all!
Same does the one who attains Him!
Ravana was killed by lord Rama!
He attained Almighty!
Since Ravana remembered Him!
In his last moments!
Kansa was killed by lord Krishna!
He attained Almighty!
Since Kansa remembered Him!
In his last moments!
Thought which you are having!
During the last moments of life!
It is the cause of your new birth!
You become as per that!
If you remember Lord Rama!
Lord Krishna or any other God!
Or God Realized true Master!
During the last moments of life!
You will get Almighty!
Without any doubt!
During the last moments of life!
If one remembers his son!
One may take birth in his family!
If one remembers bird!
One may become bird in next birth!
If one remembers dog!
One may become dog in next birth!
And the same holds good!
For any other thing!
Since one never dies!
One changes only his form!
It is the nature!
Whatever thing you remember!
Most of the times!
Same thing you can remember!
During your last moments!
Not any other thing!
We must take lesson from lord Rama and Buddha!
Lord Rama was son of the king.
He was going to be a king but sent to the forest. Even then he was not perturbed by this.
He was God but he accepted very difficult life of forests during 14 years.
He accepted to be a beggar instead of being a king!
Since he preferred Divine than the worldly things.
Since this world is an imaginary world!
Similar was the case of Buddha! He also preferred to be a beggar than to be a king!
For what purpose?
Since he preferred peace and divine than worldly things!
If we always prefer divine than the worldly things, then only we can enter in the regime of
For this we are not required to leave our family!
Main thing is the importance!
To which thing we give the maximum importance!
Almighty does not prohibit sex!
Almighty does not prohibit sex!
He is also like your parents!
If you are parent you will certainly want the marriage of your children to ensure future
generations of your family.
Similarly Almighty does not prohibit sex!
Since we all are His children. He can't prohibit marriage and sex to ensure future generations of
this world!
Words of Wisdom: Family
You are very big selfish if you are worried only about you and not your family. You have to
sacrifice your advancement for your family!
Don't think that if you are better, then your family will be automatically better. That is wrong
concept. Family requires your sacrifice and personal touch, involvement at all times. Else your
children will become bad citizens of tomorrow! Your money, tutor, power, etc can not replace
you! All family members want your love, affection and care!
If you are worried only about your career, your promotions, your popularity, your image in public,
your chair, your honor, your ministership, your big post or designation your advancement, etc
and not of your family. Then you are very big selfish!
Your first and foremost responsibility is towards your family and children. Family is most
important for you, even more than yourself! Since family is basic unit of this universe. If family is
good, this universe will be a good place to live.
Hence concentrate on your family more than yourself. That will be a biggest worship! Since
Almighty resides in your children, parents, wife, husband. If they are happy, only then He can be
Love full-heartedly
Whatever you do, you do it full-heartedly not half-heartedly. If you love anyone or anything, love
full-heartedly not half-heartedly! Singleness of goal is first and foremost!
I did my BE at the early age of 21 years.
I was selected for ME and MBA just after that in IIT Roorkee. I attended the classes in ME for
some days but I was not much interested. At that time very less numbers of people used to
prefer ME etc.
In our time only those people used to do MTech or ME who were interested in teaching job or
who did not get any job or who used to prepare for competitive exams.
My family condition was not good. Hence I left ME.
But that was not good decision.
ME, MTech etc higher qualifications should be obtained to improve your knowledge and skill so
that you can contribute more for the society.
People should not do the same half-heartedly. If they want to prepare for competitive exams,
they should not join these courses. Also they should not join these courses as waiting period for
the job.
Just after getting the job after six months or so, they leave these courses. It is not good for the
nation and also for them.
They waste their precious time and also create loss to the nation.
? ? ?
If you are applying for higher job!
If you are applying for higher job!
Ask yourself!
Why you are applying?
For increasing your ego!
For comfort to body!
For career advancement!
For higher salary!
For serving the family members!
For serving the universe!
Then, make honest decision!
If you want to increase your ego, it is dangerous path of your decline!
If it is for comfort to body, then you will be weak surely!
If it is for career advancement, is there a limit? Up to what extent you want to advance your
Is your present salary insufficient for family?
For serving the family members, ask yourself. Are you unable to serve them now in present
If it is for serving the universe, then nothing is required except your willingness. Gandhi served
the nation without accepting any post!
Your wisdom, intelect, etc can be utilized in any post, any time, any where. There is no other
Viyog is the cause of Sanyog!
Don't be sad!
Be content now! Be happy now!
We invite maximum troubles in our lives just for showing to others about our status etc.
But no one is worried about you!
Words of Wisdom: Lacking
Almighty has made such a nature that one can not get everything.
If you are having high post, designation, wealth, popularity, etc. Then you may be lacking in
family front.
If you are good in family front. Then you may be lacking in your post, designation, wealth,
popularity, etc.
You will certainly feel some lacking even if you achieve any thing. And there should be no doubt
in it.
Have you ever thought about this. Why Almighty has made such a nature that you must feel
some lacking?
It is to attract you towards Almighty so that you can remember Him.
There is only one thing in this entire universe when you will not feel any lacking. And that is
Fear in Love
I could not understand why people fear while talking about love?
Why people fear in expression of love?
Love is the natural phenomenon specifically gifted by Almighty to special people!
If you are married lady and and I am gent. And if I love you, then there is no harm if my love is
pure if my love is not for lust. Then your husband should not mind if he has faith.
Love is unlimited, infinite in nature. We can love thousands of people.
Modern ladies are doing job now a days. They need to meet many men in the office in
connection of the job. If their husbands start doubts on them then no woman can do the job.
Hence the bonding of relationship between husband and wife should be strong enough.
If love does not fear. If love is open. If love is not secret. If love is not for the lust. Then no one
should fear in expressing the love.
If love is in presence of all. Then there should be no fear, no doubt on love.
One may love you as a brother. One may love you as a friend. If there is no understanding
between you and your husband, then your relationship with your husband is very weak.
My wife had made a brother. He was about fifteen years elder than my wife. We were family
friends. Though earlier we were not knowing each other. He was having family of four children
and one wife. We used to visit his home. He used to visit our home. Some times my wife used to
visit alone to their house. Some times he used to visit in my home. I never objected.
Why there should be a doubt? I don't understand my wife? Why our relationship should be so
If you have any doubt on me, you have doubt on yourself! If you have doubt on yourself, then
you will doubt on me!
Since if I will take some advantage of you without your permission. Then you will not allow. You
are not so weak!
30 June 2019
Power of God Realized Person!
*He may be a Beggar
But he can bless you with a kingdom
He can be a king
And he can bless you a bigger kingdom
*His blessings are never in vain
His words are never in vain
He may bless you with any post or
Though he may be nothing
*He may be looking very poor
From out side
But he may be owner of the universe
From inside
*He may be looking you very miser
By saving a penny
But he may donate you
A kingdom or billions
*He may travel by broken bicycle
But he may bless you with luxury car
He may be living in a hut
But he may bless you with a bungalow
*He may be a beggar
He may be a king
He may be a peon
He may be an officer
You can not recognize him
No one can recognize him
He may reveal himself
He may not reveal himself
*You can not imagine his power
If he blesses you
You will flourish
If he curses you
No one can save you
But he seldom curses any one
*But it does not mean that
He may bless every one
Including his family n friends!
You must deserve for his blessings!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
Why people do not want to join Spirituality!
They think that everything will have to be left.
This is their wrong conception.
People think that they are living comfortably. Why to disturb themselves.
People think that they are living royal life.
Why to disturb themselves.
People think that they are earning too much money.
Why to disturb themselves.
People think they are too much popular.
Why to disturb themselves.
People think that they are having good designation and posts.
Why to disturb themselves.
People think that they are having beautiful family.
Why to disturb themselves.
People think that they are having good education.
Why to disturb themselves.
People think that they will have to leave everything.
Why to disturb themselves.
People think that they will become poor.
Why to disturb themselves.
All these are wrong conceptions.
You are not required to leave anything.
You have to leave by mind not body.
Yes you are living comfortably.
But in dreams.
But in movies.
But in mirage.
You are not living actual life.
Since it is not true happy life.
Happy life is one.
After that you can never be in sorrows.
Happy life is the one.
Which is full of love.
Which is beyond birth and death.
Which is immortal.
What is peace?
Even if someone is speaking or acting against our nature.
Even if some people are debating or acting against our nature.
Even then we are cool and calm.
Even then we accept them as family member.
Then it will lead us in peaceful state.
We should not feel disturbed by the action of the others.
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Some Recent LinkedIn Posts of Pravin Agrawal
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Knowing yourself is Dharma, Not knowing yourself is Adharma-
What is Sanatan Dharma?-
You are under cctv surveillance Linkedin-
Pravin Agrawal`s Scenes Do Not Exist-
Quotes on Family By Pravin Agrawal-
Gems Of Yoga Vasistha To Know The Self-
Lord Rama date of birth scientifically calculated-
Family Quotes of Pravin Agrawal-
Secrets of Nature-
People also ask : Who is Pravin Agrawal?-
Most Professional Knowledge is Divine Knowledge-
Whomsoever I see that is myself-
Rules For Living In Your Family-
My Nature Sets Right Everything-
This?verse?from the?Bhagavad?Gita?will?solve?all?your?troubles!-
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List Of All Linkedin Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-
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Attended Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU), Guntur
6 个月Any phone from job available
Attended Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU), Guntur
6 个月Hi
Area Sales Manager Modern Trader & Enterprise Channels
Senior Manager Business Development
1 年Jai Shree SitaRam ?? ??
1 年Jai Shri Ram