Quote-to-Cash Digital-Transformation based on BISTRO – Episode#6
A Global Management and Business leader specialized in the architecture of Quote-to-Cash projects based on SAP solutions
Is your company looking for #RecurrentRevenues through the implementation of an #EverythingAsAService model to improve #RevenuesPredictability? Or is your company looking to offer more #ValueAdded through a #SolutionBundle model?
During the re-design of your #Quote2Cash process your focus was how to Bundle and Quote your Offers and how to manage Subscription Contracts, Usage Collection, Billing, Invoicing, Payments and Revenue Shares?
But what about #Fulfilment of #SolutionBundles and #EverythingAsAService offerings, that demand the #Orchestration of multiple inventory materials shipping, installation services delivery and complex service activation through specialized Service Platforms?
Is your #ChiefRevenueOfficer concerned about #RevenueLeakages consequence of Delivered Goods and Provisioned Services NOT Billed?
Take some minutes and schedule time to discuss with #GMB Enterprise Architects how #BISTRO fulfilment layers work based on #SAP BRIM-ODI and #SAP BRIM-Convergent Mediation, at https://calendly.com/gmbtechnology