Quote: “I Didn’t Get Old On Purpose, It Just Happened.  

 If You Are Lucky, It Could Happen To You”

Quote: “I Didn’t Get Old On Purpose, It Just Happened. If You Are Lucky, It Could Happen To You”

So let’s talk and be real. How many times do we say ‘what if??What if we were born in another country, what if we were wealthy, what if we lived in a mansion, what if we were eighteen again. Would anything have been different??

OK, so this brings me to where I begin my conversation. It is a fact that the day we were born,?the umbilical cord was cut and we were no longer a hanger-on, on someone else. Also, the day we were born is the day we began to die. That is the harsh reality. So, what do we do in between, LIVE of course!??

Well, let’s fast forward to the age of 60+. Now, tell me why suddenly all the concerns about the ifs, the buts and the can’ts ? Why so emotional about how ‘old’ you are? Why this constant giving in to fear, pain and envy that only serves to blind you from using your basic God-given common sense to see your amazing achievement of happily reaching so far in your life? So, tell me what is it with you? Who cares what someone else say about your age and how you look? Do they know why you have the lines on your face, or walking with a limp, or why you dropped out of the party group? You know, one thing we weren’t taught and only find out by experience is that there is the tendency to get too complacent and comfortable the way things are and that is alright. No! It is not alright to stagnate and when barbs and criticisms are hurled our way, it is not alright to be timid! Come on, let others know that unless they can stand in your shoe, go fly a kite for want of saying otherwise. Yes, embrace who you are. Your legs may not be long and shapely and you may not have the coca cola bottle shape but ever heard of?being ‘fashionably slim and sexy? There is no reason to walk around like a zombie! Dig deep and find yourself – Don't get lost in the fire, build yourself back from it!?

To me, if you wallow in self-pity and insist on following the crowd to be noticed, you will go no further than the crowd. But if you go it alone and forge your own path, you will find yourself in places?no one has ever been before. So come on! Love yourself! Be yourself! You will shine so brightly and amaze all those who always thought you never could!?

So the happy truths of a 60+ person?

·?????Laugh, laugh, laugh?

·?????Continue doing your house chores?

·?????Potter around in your garden?

·?????Exercise daily. Do whatever you can?

·?????While relaxing moisturize your arms and feet and massage?

·?????Drink lots of water?

·??????An egg a day keeps the doctor away?

·?????Brush your teeth three times daily?

·?????Fight that ‘sitting disease’?

·?????Get your seven hours sleep nightly as often as possible?

·?????Read, read, read and keep up with the daily news to keep your mind active and alive?

·?????Save every dollar you can. A dollar in your pocket is 100 pennies more than none.?


Do your make-up thing

Remember this, getting older is a gift to enjoy not a warrant to die. You earned the right to claim it! So, drink out of your crystals, wear your stiletto heels even if it blisters your toes, put on your finest attire, or your tightest jeans, whichever makes you happy and go out and strut your stuff baby! Who knows, you may even cause a traffic jam!?


And those of you still pushing to reach 60+. PUSH! You don’t know what you are missing!?


By Teresita Rudon?



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