Quote 6 from books by Carl Douglass, Neurosurgeon Turned Author Writes with Gripping Realism
Doug & Vera Nielson
carldouglassbooks--Independent author with Publication Consultants
Quote 6 from books by Carl Douglass, Neurosurgeon Turned Author Writes with Gripping Realism
Sheep Dog and the Wolf: A Story of Terrorism, and Response, and the Sheep Dogs who Protect.
“The cops think it was a suicide bomber with two vests on, one front and one in back. The fire ball you described took out all buildings in a circle a hundred feet across. It was all gone in about five seconds. No bodies have been recovered…or even seen in that hundred feet diameter circle. Forensic teams are sifting through the bits of wreckage that are left. There’re no reports back yet, but it looks like it will be a matter of finding bits of DNA like what was done after 9-11. Incidentally, this was the deadliest attack on U.S. soil since the Twin Towers came down.”
He was rushing now, anxious to get it out before he choked up from looking into the stricken man’s eyes.
“The authorities have a preliminary guesstimate that as many as six hundred people or even maybe as many as a thousand were killed, another two thousand seriously injured. I’m truly sorry, Hunter. I can’t tell you how much I wish I could give you better news. But, with all the confusion, who knows? Maybe they’ll turn up.”
“My nine and a thousand more,” Hunter said in a flat resigned voice.
Dr. Risotti and the chaplain put their heads down. They watched the life light go out of Hunter’s eyes. His face turned as gray as a stone, and he turned his head to the wall. The two men left the room sorrowing.
Father Umberto said, “I think that is the first time I ever saw a soul die in a man still living.”
??Learn more: https://bit.ly/3bz9dKl
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