Quiz: What Type Of Writing Submitter Are You? | Writer’s Relief

Quiz: What Type Of Writing Submitter Are You? | Writer’s Relief

Like a set-in-its-ways cat, some authors can only write at a particular desk, or at certain times, or only in a specific journal or with a special pen. And there are writers who take months, even years, to complete a project, while other busy-bee authors wing it frantically in the last minutes before a deadline. In the same way, each writer has a unique style of making writing submissions. The submission strategists at Writer’s Relief have put together a fun quiz to help you determine: What type of writing submitter are you?

What Type Of Writing Submitter Are You?

Which location sounds like the perfect place for a writing retreat?

  1. Mountains
  2. Grand Canyon
  3. Beach
  4. NYC

How do you pack a suitcase?

  1. I pack days in advance
  2. I’ll overpack and squeeze in everything
  3. I leave out everything but the essentials
  4. I’ll pack an hour before I have to go

Which writing accessory is a must-have?

  1. Cozy clothes
  2. Desk lamp
  3. Travel mug
  4. Headphones

You have a free hour! How do you spend the time?

  1. Taking a walk
  2. Napping/Relaxing
  3. Grabbing a bite to eat!
  4. Scrolling through social media feeds

Which of these authors do you most enjoy reading?

  1. Margaret Atwood
  2. Maya Angelou
  3. Stephen King
  4. David Sedaris

What time of day do you dedicate to writing?

  1. Morning
  2. Evening
  3. Afternoon
  4. Whenever I can throughout the day

What do you do when you need a writing break?

  1. Hang out in the park
  2. Meditate
  3. Run errands
  4. Exercise

Mostly 1: You’re a Panda

You won’t be rushed—slow and steady wins the race! You know the value of your work, so you schedule plenty of time for your writing, your market research, and making your submissions.?Keeping everything organized?helps you stay calm and on track!

Mostly 2: You’re an Owl

Life gets busy, and sometimes making your writing submissions gets?pushed off to the last minute. (Whooo, me?) You often double-check guidelines to confirm you’re still on time before you hit?send. But even if you have to burn the midnight oil, you make sure to get all your submissions out before the deadline!

Mostly 3: You’re a Cheetah

Your writing submissions? Already sent! You want to quickly get your work into the hands of every literary editor or agent on your list. Being first in line can boost your odds of getting published. Then you can leisurely stretch out and?brainstorm your next writing project?while you wait for replies!

Mostly 4: You’re a Jackrabbit

When it comes to making your writing submissions, you tend to jump around. Maybe you’ll submit to four markets, maybe ten. Or maybe you’ll skip a few months and not submit any work at all to editors or agents. You’d love to make regularly scheduled, consistent submissions, but it’s?hard to focus with so many distractions!

Whether you’re a Cheetah dashing through your submissions list, a procrastinating Owl, a meticulous Panda, or a Jackrabbit with a slapdash strategy, Writer’s Relief can help make the writing submissions process easier and more productive! Our submissions experts will target 25+ of the best markets for your work to boost your odds of getting an acceptance. We’ll do all the research and busywork for you so that, in a few clicks, you’ll make all your targeted submissions! Learn more and send your writing samples to our?Review Board?today!


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