Quixote Speaks
(Kind of like 'Machete Kills' - tilting at the windmills of political correctness and other absurdities which blight the lives of us all
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June 7th 2015 - Charities reach a new low - extorting money from the very elderly and cancer sufferers.
Having already generated much criticism over the years for their diversion of charity donations to administration costs, it seems that some charities have reached a new low,
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April 22 2015 - Enraged man shoots his malfunctioning computer. A modern-day hero, taking a stand against one of those things that blight our working lives - malfunctioning computers :)
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April 18 2015 - Tax Credit fraud Below is an extract from a recent piece in the Telegraph. Its theme was child exploitation, but a section of it is all too familiar to practicing accountants nationwide, and involves the wide-scale abuse of the Child and Working Tax Credit system by hordes of non-indigenous people. Few accountants can claim not to have been approached in recent years by English-language challenged people clutching WTC forms in their hands and made-up stories of fictional self-employment activities coincidentally fitting precisely into the required minimum of hours, yet allegedly generating ludicrously small profits. Fortunately this government has done a lot in the past few years to make it far more difficult to abuse the system, but a lot more needs to be done.
Here is the extract from the Telegraph article.
"Britain’s generous child benefits system has become an international magnet for fraudsters who are responsible for trafficking thousands of children into this country every year to take advantage of payments and these young victims are prey for other vices, too – a ready made market for sexploitation.
Thomas, a contact of mine in London’s ................ community, explains how the fraud works. A child is brought into the country and stays with relatives or friends who claim the child to be their own. The child is registered for a school because this starts the correspondence needed to claim child benefit which then triggers working tax credits and other payments.
The school might never see the child because, as soon as the letters arrive, the child is moved to another family or friend who claim benefit for the same child. If the school does ask for a birth certificate it is not properly verified and there are tens of thousands of false ones in circulation.
It’s why Child Benefit is known to insiders as ‘the benefit gateway."
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