No Quite There!
How do we help people become Christ followers when they spend so much time on their phones? What if there was an online platform with mentor/community support to build godly habits?
?We found the perfect tool in MyQuest, an action-oriented learning system, to help develop godly habits and fulfill Christ’s command to make disciples: “teaching to obey all I commanded you” (Matt. 28:19-20).
Sync demo course:
In addition, MyQuest and Sync will establish a platform and content library specifically for a faith-based market vertical. Sync will have total approval control on what content is included. Free and subscription content will be combined with revenue going to Sync, including ‘royalty’ payments to content creators based on usage.
Our “toes are in the starting blocks” but we need additional resources to launch.
This letter is simply to present you with several options to help us help others. Like many, we are anxious to get started in re- establishing Discipleship as a normal practice in the church. We are so close!
How is this done? Simply with the right support…
1.????? Hold each other accountable.
2.????? Offer each other encouragement & support.
3.????? Help each other to grow spiritually.
????? (Yes, we can all grow)
Discipleship and evangelism are two important aspects of the Christian life, but they are not the same thing. Discipleship is the process of helping new believers grow in their faith and become more like Jesus. Evangelism is the practice of sharing the gospel with others and inviting them to respond to God’s grace.
Will you help us end this year well? First, we would encourage you to consider being a Small Group Leader (contact Mark Pomeroy: [email protected] or (402) 617-4959). For many, that is not practical. Work, Children, Health all demand our time.
When you give a monthly gift of only $50/mo. we can train and launch a small group of 8-12 disciples! Will you become a sponsor of 1 or more groups? They are giving their time and talent, helping them help others.
Give Online:
Or send your check… Make checks payable to:?“Sync with God”
Mail to: Sync with God, Attn: Mark Pomeroy
4036 S. 17th St.
Lincoln, NE 68502
501(C)3 non-profit ministry
Of course, your gift of any amount will help make a difference, as will your prayers!
Reply with questions or if you want more details!
Let’s make some DISCIPLES!!
Mission: Sync with God exists…
??? TO empower disciple-making communities?globally
??? BY matching Biblically based, culturally?relevant content
??? WITH global channels and audiences?desperate for TRUTH.
Vision: A growing movement of inspired, passionate, globally evangelistic, discipling communities worldwide.