Quit Playing Small.
One of the first tenets of being an honest bro is leaving behind victimhood/blame. In my opinion, men end up in victimhood/blame because they end up devaluing themselves. Aka, we "shrink down" because, at some point in our lives, we were told by a teacher, parent, or authority figure to minimize our masculinity. Now call me crazy, but I believe this is part of a plan to make the world a weaker place. If you can convince men that what makes them men is toxic men will turn away from the traits that make them men.
If you can convince men that what makes them men is toxic men will turn away from the traits that make them men.
When we end up minimizing ourselves aka "playing small" we become fearful of speaking up, standing in truth, and living a life where we call out manipulation when we see it. We turn the blinders on and try to be a "good boy" and fit in with everyone else. Get back in line, follow these orders, don't question the government and if you do you'll be cast out as a conspiracy theorist, toxic male, or douchebag.
What a shame.
Now look at what we get to deal with. Corporations, governments, and policymakers walking all over the women and children of the world, causing wars, ruckus, and mayhem because men shrunk themselves to be "good boys."
This a macro-effect of many micro-decisions we men make in our day-to-day lives. If you find yourself simping for your boss, authority figures, clients, your spouse, friends, etc...you are slowly contributing to this mess.
Don't be afraid because we can stop playing small and start standing in truth. Allow me to be clear, standing in truth and living in honesty doesn't mean being a dickhead everywhere you go. It simply means that you will not tolerate your own or others dishonesty and that you will not shut down when you damn well know you need to speak up.
The more micro-actions you can participate in that are anti-playing small the more you will reprogram yourself to play as your authentic self. Not playing small also does not mean becoming self-absorbed or boastful. It simply means you are being you without any of the conditioning or crud that has been placed in your mind via your eye, heart, and ear gates.
Playing as your authentic self is a daily battle. It all begins with the conversations you have with yourself. Are you convincing yourself to participate in habits that keep you small? If you can't get a grip on yourself it's going to be an uphill battle dealing with the rest of the world.
How you choose to live each day will exemplify how you show up around others. The next time someone is being dishonest to you and you know it, will you call them out? Probably not if you're still lying to yourself.
All change begins with YOU.
You have to begin this journey first.
As you begin letting go of the layers of BS that are smoldering your essence you naturally realign with your authentic presence. The more you stop playing small the more people around you will start to do the same.
-Honest Bro #01
Owner at NECTDM & DocuPots
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Founder Lenny & Larry's, American Gladiator, Mentor, Innovator, Advisor, Free Thinker!
10 个月This is excellent Skylar Lysaker!