Winners never QUIT and quitters never win. Don’t QUIT. I could QUIT there and my word-of-the-day is done. That was easy.
I’ve heard symbolic approaches to take this further. “Dr. John Maxwell says one day when he was discouraged and tempted to quit, he took out a dictionary and looked up the word QUIT. After spending a few minutes considering that option, in a symbolic act of defiance he took out his scissors and cut the word right out of his dictionary”
I can’t do that today – I don’t use a paper-based dictionary and cutting out words electronically would be too complicated with too many unknown consequences. (Did I just find a use of the word CAN’T?)
However, although QUIT is a NEGATIVE word (the cessation of something leads to absence of it so it is truly a NEGATIVE word) it is not always a bad word.
If you want to be successful and use your resources (time, skill, thought, team, money, etc.) to their greatest value, QUIT focusing on the unimportant. QUIT the stereotypical committee that “takes minutes and wastes hours”. QUIT the excessive attention to things that you “CAN’T” (ie choose not to) change.
QUIT what does not matter so you don’t QUIT what matters.