I am only?slightly?exaggerating when I tell you that nearly every menu item at the restaurant I dined at had quinoa. Don't even get me going about the "burger" made out of?beets.
No, kemosabe, I most assuredly did?not?select the restaurant. However, friends did, and despite their selection, we remain friends.
You can bet your bottom dollar that I won't ever again darken the door of?True Food Kitchen,?a "relaxed, eco-chic chain serving health-conscious fare."
Kalia said she enjoyed her Spaghetti Squash Casserole, but when I asked her whether she rather have that instead of real spaghetti with marinara, she fell silent.
Wait a minute, though. How come the restaurant has over 1,200 reviews that average 4.5 stars? How can that be?
Because the restaurant knows its target market, and that target market ain't me.
I'm sure the owners don't give a hoot about what Dr. Dee thinks about their food, and they shouldn't. They should only care about what the folks (as misguided as they are) in their target market think and vote with their wallets.
It's the same for you and your business. If you try to appeal to everyone, you become just another commodity, an ugly place to find yourself. Also, the only opinions that matter are those of the customers, clients, or patients who give you money. They are the only ones who have a "vote."
Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!
Dave "It's Steak Tonight" Dee