quila - One year and Counting

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When we started quila a year ago, we wanted to see Brands and Businesses win in their industries leveraging on effective strategy and beautiful design. We wanted to ensure great business solutions never go unenjoyed by the market and the industry at large.

Today, as part of our goals after 6 months of primary operation, we have engaged with 31 businesses from Senior manager, director of operations through to founder level, with business engagements and transformational brand-led growth coming from 96% of these pursued relationships.

We have also achieved speaker-level positioning in this sphere which has preliminarily indicated success in achieving market-leading executive perceptions.

Leaving metrics, we are most excited as we broaden our frontiers setting new milestones for the next four quarters. We choose to open new doors for creative team development and strong professional relationships.

Running an agency for this period of time has reinforced these things:

  • Calling people forward to learn, improve and grow rather than to just get things done is crucial for maximum productivity and efficiency.
  • Step by step, little by little, that's how the world's greatest brands are built.
  • An effective handshake between form and function, this is what design truly is. Anything other than this is something else.

We hope you find this most useful.

Nevertheless, our journey still continues. It gladens us that you are a part of this.

Cheers! to an economy of winning Brands and Businesses we would indeed and forever be grateful for.


