The quiet power of starting again - trusting yourself through the rhythms of life
Iskra Petrova (Self-Empowerment mentor)
Empowering spiritually conscious entrepreneurs, experts, consultants reach clarity, confidence, abundance? 1:1 Abundance coaching - $5K/3-mo ? Show Up Incubator $5K/y ? Personalised life coaching
The moment is always now
“There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.” — Louis L’Amour
We are not waiting for the new year. The calendar doesn’t determine when something begins - you do. The first days of December, the new moon, the quiet energy in the air — they are not telling you to rush into the future or ponder on the past.
They are inviting you to pause.
What do you feel when you think about starting again? Relief? Resistance? A mix of both?
That hesitation, that pull — you don’t have to fight it. It’s part of the rhythms of life, the natural up and down moves.
Self-trust begins when you stop trying to control every wave and instead choose to ride them.
Trust doesn’t wait for guarantees
Trust is a funny thing. It doesn’t show up because everything is perfect, and it doesn’t wait until you’ve “proven” yourself. It’s already here, quiet but steady, waiting for you to recognise it.
Small decisions hold big power. Each time you choose to act — like reflecting on your priorities instead of being pulled into distractions — you strengthen your inner belief: I’m capable. I have the power to choose.
This isn’t about finding the ‘perfect’ choice. It’s about making a choice and proving to yourself that you can follow through. It’s that follow-through — on both the significant and seemingly small actions — that forms a foundation of trust within yourself.
Can you lean into self-trust just a little more? Not through dramatic gestures, but in the quiet moments. The choices that seem simple but carry the power to create lasting momentum.
Start small, dream big
Self-trust isn’t loud. It doesn’t need a spotlight. It grows quietly in the background, feeding on the seeds you plant and the actions you take.
So, ask yourself: what’s one thing I can let go of today — just one — that is taking up space in my mind, my energy, my life?
And then ask: what’s one thing I can step into? A dream I’ve been holding back, an idea I’ve ignored, a small action that feels just right for where I am now?
There’s no rush. The only person setting the timeline is you. You can trust me in this — when you take that step, no matter how small, life has a way of meeting you where you are.
It's about you
This isn’t about the end of a year or the start of a new one. It’s about you. Trusting that you’re capable, ready, and enough for the next level — right now, just as you are.
The timing is perfect, because you are perfect for this moment.
P.S. If you want to deepen your self-trust and energise your actions now, before the year ends, and to reset your energy, mind and heart, I invite you to join me in the free RISE & LEAD quest. (The link takes you to a free community where the prep work and coordination for the quest takes place). It can be your chance to uncover the tools and clarity to take bold, aligned steps toward the life you’ve been dreaming of.
If you won't have time to watch the 3 x 30 min video training of RISE & LEAD spread over 3 days, the BOLD & VISIBLE masterclass could be a smaller yet powerful booster instead.
I am a message away if you have any questions about RISE & LEAD - send me an email ([email protected]) or drop me a message on LinkedIn or Facebook.
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А за моите читатели на български, имам новина: новият ми нюзлетър "Създатели на своята реалност" е факт от вчера, с първата уводна статия тук. (I have some news for my Bulgarian readers - my newsletter in Bulgarian "Creators of your reality".)