I absolutely LOVE the QuickTune option for #DIRECTV Customers. Every DIRECTV customer has this option on their set top box, but #DIRECTVforBUSINESS customers have the unique ability to use QuickTune to maximize revenue at their Restaurant/Bar or hotel property. You heard that right.? I believe that QuickTune can make our customers MONEY....
As a career business traveler, one of the common traits I see from service staff is that they are mostly younger in age, and if they didn't already "Cut the cord" this is because they never plugged said cord in from the onset. Because many in the service industry are not DIRECTV customers, they are not familiar with our equipment and do not have a good grasp on what our channels numbers are. Restaurants do not have a requirement for their staff to memorize the channel guide on the tele that services their hotel/Restaurant/Bar. Property owners simply want the burgers served and the beer poured.?
QuickTune solves this problem.? if the tele already has the most watched channels pre-programmed, there is nothing for the service staff to do, except press the "Up Button" and grab the relevant channel. I have literally programmed hundreds of Teles with QuickTune to my favorite "Revenue Generating" channels for bars and restaurants over the last three years.? here is my "personal" list of the best QuickTune channels for #DIRECTVforBusiness Customers.??
I get it, this list is going to change throughout the year, and my list above has MORE than 9 channels. In my years of experience THESE are the money making channels. Restaurants will decide which ones are the best for their clientele.? When these channels are on the tele customers stay longer, spend more money, tip better, and leave feeling more content.? I am one of these customers.?
I make it my job when traveling to always ask the restaurant/bar/hotel staff if they know how to use QuickTune, and offer to help them program their TVs. I also briefly explain to them how quicktune can help them find the channel they need quickly so they can focus on serving customers and making money.??
I would also like to note that the service staff who understand the value of #DIRECTVforBUSINESS in their establishment already know QuickTune. They already have the channels memorized, they already have the sports schedule available and know who is playing who and on what channel.? They know.? The reason why they know is because they have already figured out that #DIRECTV makes them money by keeping customers at the bar, enjoying the one thing that can still bind americans together.? Our love for sports...
To read my original article from last year click HERE.
For more information about DIRECTV's residential offerings please click?HERE. To see how DIRECTV could help your business increase revenue or provide a value added service to your customers or employees please click?HERE.? If either of these links don't provide you with the information you are looking for, reach out to me directly and I will personally put you in touch with someone who can help.?
To learn more about John and the work he does for DIRECTV please click?HERE.?
The views expressed in this blog post reflect the experiences and opinions of the author only and are not meant to be any official correspondence from DIRECTV, its Dealers, affiliates or any related entities. Copyright John Mac's Travels 2024