Quicklist for Content Badassery
Here is a quick-list for being badass in content and publishing, in a business context.
Underpinning all of this is the key notion, remember:
Your publishing is a business-within-a-business.
So without further ado, here’s your list:
1. Think and Plan
- what’s your intent?
- what specific goals do you have?
- what system, approvals, processes (etc) underpin your intent? Know why you chose them.
- what performance indicators have you designed?
2. Put In Place And Do
- how have you put your system, approvals, processes (etc) into practice?
- how deeply and broadly across your business does your implementation reach?
- how well have they been accepted and integrated? (Is it Our Normal?)
3. Watch and Assess
- what trends have you spotted? - you should have examples
- how do they compare with best practice results? - again, have examples
- to what extent are your results indicative of your business’s overall performance? It ought to support it.
- how do you know you got those results from 1 & 2?
- how are you interpreting, using and talking about them?
4. Adapt
- what’s your process for reviewing the appropriateness and effectiveness of 1 & 2?
- how are you using your results to do the point above?
- what have you learned? How do you capture that learning? How do you use it to improve 1 & 2?
Key pointers:
You can’t do anything without planning.
You can’t check anything without doing.
You can’t grow unless you act and adapt.
You can’t adapt unless you apply what you learn to what you plan.
This plan - do - check - act cycle is familiar to you if you're in either manufacturing or handle quality systems.
Well, heads-up: Content is manufacturing.
If you’re like most people, you think marketing, sales, content, publishing falls outside of these kind of structures. And you’d be dead if that was the basis of a shoot-out.
I’m building a super special something on the basis of all of the above. So until it’s a little further long, make sure you’re on my waiting list (https://brutalpixie.com/waiting-list) if you want to have a shot at being an early adopter.
In the meantime, add yourself to my daily tips email for more kick-ass content tips and techniques.