Quick update
Thales A. C. de Guimar?es
MD | PhD | Clinician Scientist | Science Communicator | Patient First Approach
My friends, I know I have been away for a few months now. But for an extremely good reason! Around mid-January, I had a viral bronchitis that took a bit of a toll on me, with an extremely slow recovery process — but that’s all past now and all is great. In fact I could argue all is amazing! My wife gave birth to our beautiful child #2, our little Noah. So things have been a bit hectic around here!
Well, this post is to let everyone that listen to the Podcast know that we are returning next Wednesday (17/04)! There is quite an exciting schedule of episodes starting next week, from Stargardt disease and interviews with researchers in the field of artificial intelligence, to updates on new treatments for age-related macular degeneration and where we stand research-wise.
In other news, I will be using this space as a blog now as well, so I can easily and directly communicate with my audience. There will be many interesting stuff, curiosities and quick updates from cutting edge research studies related to the most important sense we have, the vision (yep, zero biased here!??).
So keep posted as our episodes are released every Wednesdays in all major platforms (Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, Deezer, etc) ! It is also available on our website www.eyesonresearch.org. Our latest episode on Achromatopsia is embed below.
As you will know, this Podcast’s main mission is reducing the gap between researchers and patients, and so we digest quite complicated ocular research into simple and understandable terms for everyone else out there! This Podcast is a passion project and it is 100% self-funded. This is — and always will be — a free resource for everyone. If you have the means to donate though, your support is much appreciated. You can do this on our website, where you can choose to donate a small amount monthly.?Your donation goes straight to the costs related to the hosting platform and hardware such as mics and headphones. It also helps as, albeit we use a shorter duration format for the episodes, making posts, doing the research necessary for all episodes and then editing/mixing these takes a significant amount of time! If you can’t, please don’t fret! You can always share our Podcast widely which is another great way to support what we do ??.
Have a great week and keep smiling! See you soon!
Thales A. C. de Guimaraes, MD, PhD
Host and Founder | Eyes On Research