A Quick Update and an Important Life Hack

A Quick Update and an Important Life Hack

Dear readers,

I want to apologize for the recent silence in my newsletter.

The past two months have been incredibly busy, and I’ve hardly had any time to create new content. The reason is simple: my clients' projects always come first, and I focus all my attention on delivering the best results for them.

That being said, I want to share a key psychological hack with you—one that’s not only important for the business world but for life in general:

Be honest. Shamelessly and brutally honest.

Honesty drives the wrong people away and ensures the right ones stay in your life.

Dishonesty does the opposite: it keeps the wrong people around, while the right ones leave.

So here's your psychology hack for the week: Always be honest. No exceptions.

With that in mind, I promise that as soon as things calm down a bit, I’ll be back with fresh, valuable content for you.

If you have any topic suggestions or ideas, feel free to share them in the comments. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback.

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

Best regards,

Christopher Hüneke


