A Quick Trip into the Future

Let’s say today is one of those days when death takes a close friend by surprise—Danny was a precious jewel whose number you had on speed dial.

You were the closest to Danny before his death. No family. No relative. Just you and a few other friends.

Deep within, you know Danny was an awesome guy—he was a value-added bonus to your existence.

Danny was shy and not too outspoken. Kept a lot of friends but built his circle around a few.

Danny could birth life into still moments. He could turn weird pictures into beautiful memories, use snorts to express his anger while offering a bare-belly hug, help hurtful tears flow freely and best of all, Danny was always Danny, regardless of time, event or environment.

But now, Danny is dead—he is out of breath. No more convos, no more bare-belly hugs and worst of all, no more Danny.

You are the last testament of his existence. An existence you are certain would have borne juicy fruits if given more time.

Lost in the sorrows of his demise, a bald man walks your way.


Danny might be dead, but that doesn’t mean his memory shouldn’t live on. We want to create a digital afterlife life app focused on Danny using Augmented Eternity. With this app, you get to interact with Danny as if he was just a block away. We know these are troubling times, but given the circumstances, its either now or never. As the closest to family to the deceased, we need your approval.’’

If Danny where a friend of yours, what would be your reply? 

#ExtendedReality #AugmentedEnternity #AR #VR #MR


