In my QT series, I am very happy to present the gift of life to my readers -
How many of you really understand this precious gift called ‘Life’?! …And a Human Life demands even more responsibility towards self and the environment by virtue of our ability to feel, express, act and ponder whether the act was just or unjust.
Humans need to transform on the deepest level. Such transformation can take you to the path of eternity, joy, true self and purity.
– at the heart of all this lies the path of ‘not begrudging one’s life’.
Not begrudging our lives ultimately means steadfastly advance without any fear and wholeheartedly act to emerge victorious, come what may. Show to the world your invincible spirit and be the inspiration for others to appreciate and follow.
The Path to Respecting the Sanctity of Life
We absolutely must not throw away our precious lives. No matter what painful or difficult challenges one may be facing, one must never disrespect or harm his/her own life or the lives of others.
Nichiren Daishonin says and I quote, "A single drop of water by itself stands to evaporate and disappear, but if it joins the great ocean, it endures, gaining as it were a measure of eternity." I unquote.
"In a similar way, by dedicating our lives to the larger cause of humanity, we can discard our ‘lesser self’, thereby calling forth our true potential to shine forth even more brightly. When we undergo such a transformative rebirth, we are able to experience the bliss of this wondrous life."
Take Control and Note the Below 4 Points :
Happiness always!!