A Quick Tale of The Courier Experience.
Theresa Syer, CSP
Customer Experience Consultant, Keynote Speaker, In Person/Virtual Trainer
Within three days I received two courier deliveries. I have done business with both courier companies as the sender but this time I was the recipient.
The first courier, entered our office, made eye contact, smiled and greeted me by name. He spoke in an upbeat, pleasant tone when he confirmed he had a package just for me. He requested my autograph and while I was signing, he shared small talk about the beautiful weather. Once signed, he thanked me by name and kidded that he hoped I could get out of work soon to enjoy the sunshine. I returned to my desk with a smile and a little more positive energy.
The second courier delivery a few days later was by a different courier company. He entered our office, made eye contact, but there was no smile and he was monotone when he asked if I was the person indicated on the package. When I confirmed I was, he only said; 'sign here'. When I signed, he simply said; 'here you go' and handed me the package. I said thank you and he barely replied; 'welcome'. He turned his back and left.
I returned to my desk agitated. Was I not his customer? There was no smile, no engagement, no connection and certainly no appreciation.
The following day I had to courier a package to my client on the west coast. Which courier company do you think I chose to use? Yes, that's right the first one. Thank you FedEx.
Everyone on your team must take ownership for delivering a customer experience. Average levels of service are no longer acceptable, nor are they tolerated.
Since the time of these deliveries, that competing courier company has billed me on three separate occasions by error. They took no responsibility for the mistake, nor did they apologize but rather passed the blame on. They advised it wasn't their error but rather their other customers, who, inadvertently entered my company number when doing their waybill and that is why I was charged. #poor customer experience. Guess what I did? Yes, I asked them to simply cancel my account. And the agent did. No questions asked. No remorse for a loss of customer.
Thank you FedEx for reminding me that I made the right decision by choosing to solely use FedEx for all future business. #FedEx gets customer experience!