Quick reminders How to Psych Yourself UP for that Networking Event You're Dreading
You'll be smiling too - when you learn how to take the work out of networking - sorry, I know you're heard that pun a million times!

Quick reminders How to Psych Yourself UP for that Networking Event You're Dreading

Alright, folks, it's the last push through to the end of the year - so networking events are back in full swing.

And let me tell you, attending that networking event might feel like a chore, but I promise you, it can be a game-changer!

First, channel your inner confidence. Dress in an outfit that makes you feel unstoppable – when you look good, you feel good!

Next, research the event and set clear goals. Who do you want to connect with? What do you hope to gain? Once there, remember, it's not about quantity, it's about quality.

Engage in genuine conversations, listen more than you talk, and ask open-ended follow-up questions, don't just zip in with your own story that connected or worse yet, one-upped the other person's story.

Finally, follow up with your new contacts promptly.

Trust me, networking can open doors you never even knew existed, so go out there and shine!

Samantha Kelly

Linkedin Audio and Brand amplification consultant. I'll get you noticed. Connector of dots, Speaker, ?? and Linkedin, Nice People Collector, Brand Ambassador for Virgin media business #Backingbusiness community

1 年

I think many people don't know how to network. Great tips always Gina



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