Quick Recall Vue Js

new Vue({                                // Create the object of view
    el: '#app',                             // targeted element 
    data: {                                  // Reactive Data
        message: 'Hello Vue !'
    methods: {                          // Methods or Functions


  • Interpretend like plain text --> {{}}
  • Helps us to use javascript variable or functions in HTML part
  • Data(){} used to return reactive data & can transfer data from script to template.
  • In angular we cannot change the value in interpolation but in vue we can change.


-- Use to bind properties.

Data Binding :

  • v-bind:propertyName
  • :propertyName

<a v-bind:href="links.link" :class="links.class" :alt="links.alt">{{links.text}}</a>        

  • v-if : not even disply on the DOM
  • v-show : adds css display property
  • v-html : interpret like HTML code

Event Handling

  • v-on:click
  • @click
  • Dynamically we can add class using


  • Current Version - 3
  • Js Progressive framework


index.html (#app) --> Main.Js (createApp) --> App.Vue (component[HelloWorld.Vue]) --> HelloWorld.Vue (props)


  • Reusable
  • Can we bind style inside component ? --> scoped
  • Can we pass data from parent component to child component --> Props

Two Way Binding

  • Data Automatically Transfer from View to Model & model to View.
  • v-model we can use to read values from input field.
  • CheckBox & Radio values also get through v-model.

Conditional Rendering

  • v-if | v-else-if | v-else
  • v-on:click="isShow=!isShow" - Toggle


  • v-for="item in items"
  • v-for="(item,index) in items"

Pass Data To Child Component --> PROPS

  • Props are used to transfer data from one component to another component.
  • We can defined datatype or type of properties like String, Object, Functions.
  • We can transfer data from data function of parent component to child component just like property bind.

Child Component

<h1> Child Component </h1>
<button v-on:click="fn_pass">Click</button>

export default {
    name: 'ChildComp',
    props: {
        name: String,
        data: Object,
        fn_pass: Function

Parent Component


<ChildComp :name="mobile" v-bind:data="student" :fn_pass="Test" />

import ChildComp from './Child.vue'
export default {
    name: 'HomeComp',
    components: {
    date() {
        return {
            mobile: 123,
            student: {
                name: "Akshay",
                mobile: 123
    methods: {
        fn_pass() {
            alert("Function Get Called");

Dynamic Classes

  • We have another property --> computed <-- (refer computed property)
  • Inside that we can write "functions" to write multiple dynamic CSS properties.
  • On the basis of boolean values of each class we can apply it over the element.

How to transfer data from Child to parent ??

  • We can use "functions" to trasnfer data from child to parent component.


  • To get & set DOM values.
  • Focus | Style | Values can be set using ref.


// Read text from tags having ref attribute


  • We can use it with v-model
  • If we want to modify input field values then we can use it.

  1. lazy : get values only after out focus
  2. number: for paricular datatype
  3. trim : to remove extra spaces

Non-Props Data

  • If we didn't consider passing attribute data as a props then that data automatically.
  • consider as a non-props data & got attached with parent tag like div.
  • If we want to attach to a specific tag then we can use v-bind='$attrs'
  • If we don't want to attach to parent tag then in script we can set --> inheritAttrs : false

Computed Property

  • Complex operations
  • Cached based so better performance than functions.


  • This 'watch' property always keep eye on data properties & if we automatically want to execute some functionality on data properties then we can use watch.

<h1> Watch Properties</h1>


<button @click='count++'>+</button>
<button @click='count--'>-</button>

export default {
    name: 'WatchComp',
    data() {
        return {
            count: 0
    watch: {
        count(val) {
            if (val >= 5) {
                console.log('Limit Reached');
            } else if (val < 0) {
                this.count = 0;

  • Slots are used to pass dynamic data or HTML tags.
  • Named Slots are very useful

Parent Component

    <template v-slot:header>

    <template v-slot:main>
        <p>This milton brand is absolutly amazing</p>

    <template v-slot:footer>
        <button>Buy NOW</button>

    <template v-slot:header>

    <template v-slot:main>
        <p>This milton brand is absolutly amazing</p>

    <template v-slot:footer>
        <!-- <button>Buy NOW</button> -->

import SlotChildComp from "./SlotChild.vue";

export default {
    name: 'SlotParentComp',
    components: {
    data() {
        return {
            count: 0

Child Component

<div class="cart">
        <slot name='header'></slot>

        <slot name='main'></slot>

        <slot name='footer'><button>Click Me</button></slot>

export default {
    name: 'SlotChildComp',

.cart {
    width: 200px;
    border: 1px solid black;
    padding: 20px;
    text-align: center;
Dynamic Components
<h1>Dynamic Component</h1>
<button @click='compo="DynamicReactComp"'>REACT</button>
<button @click='compo="DynamicAngularComp"'>ANGULAR</button>
<button @click='compo="DynamicVueComp"'>Vue</button>
<div class='container'>
    <component :is='compo' />

import DynamicReactComp from "./DynamicReact.vue";
import DynamicAngularComp from "./DynamicAngular.vue";
import DynamicVueComp from "./DynamicVue.vue";

export default {
    name: 'DynamicComp',
    components: {
    data() {
        return {
            compo: 'DynamicReactComp'

<style scoped>
.container {
    width: 300px;
    padding: 20px;
    text-align: center;
    margin: auto;
    border: 1px solid black;
    border-radius: 10px;
    margin-top: 10px;

Teleport Component

  • Inspite of #app in index.html we can render vuejs component to other different id.

<teleport to='#footer'>	

Lifecycle Method

  • Lifecycle methods are only for components, for every component it will be different.
  • Create - structure
  • Mount - add data properties
  • Update - btn click | event
  • Unmount - remove

  1. beforeCreate : Get Execute before anything.
  2. Created : Get Execute when javascript part get ready.
  3. beforeMount : Get Execute before HTML template.
  4. mounted : Get Execute when HTML template part get ready.
  5. beforeUpdate : Get Execute before any update on UI by certain event.
  6. updated : Get Execute after any update on UI by certain event.
  7. beforeunmount :

>> Whenever component get removed from DOM | UI then this will get called.

>> Smooth, less memory or management of memory.

>> Whatever actions want to do before UI component remove can do in beforeUnmount.

8. unmounted : Whatever actions want to do after UI component remove can do in unmounted.


  • package installation - npm i vue-router@next
  • create one routing.js file having high level functions from vue-router like createWebHistory | createRouter

--> Define Routes
router = [{name:'Home',path:'/',component:HomeComp}] 

<router-link to='/'>Home</router-link> --> for links
<router-view></router-view> ---> for component loading

--> Redirect from one component to other component

Dynamic routing
    path:'/profile/:name',                                                    // dynamic property

import { useRoute } from "vue-router";

useRoute().params.name;                                               // values can be read by this approach.        

		path:'/:pathMatch(.*)*',                                 // this use for page not found

Here is demo of small CRUD operations using Vue.Js


