A Quick Overview of Cargo Tracking Notes
SCK Representation and Foreign Trade
Providing ECTN for West Africa since 2001
What Are Cargo Tracking Notes?
A number of African nations demand the official loading paperwork known as the Cargo Tracking Note (CTN). The CTN certificate includes comprehensive details about your goods, their transfer between ports, and the transit time. Any shipment to the nation requiring CTN must be accompanied by the CTN certificate before the goods reach the port. CTN certifications allow destination port authorities to receive all relevant information before shipments arrive, enabling your goods to be ready for clearance through customs.
Why Are CTN Certificates Important?
The goal of the CTN, according to port authorities, is to significantly reduce risk and provide accurate assessments of imported commodities, their shippers, importers, and other information.?Exporters are required by several African nations to inform customs authorities of the details of shipments before they arrive.
The CTN certificate, also known as a waiver document, gives Marine Custom Authorities access to details about the item being transported as well as information on the exporter and importer, shipping route and methods, type and value of the cargo, and the value of the freight. Keep in mind that exporters must submit the relevant papers before the shipment reaches its destination.
Before the shipment reaches the port of discharge, the loading document gives customs officials security assurance and enables shipment tracking. Each nation can preserve statistical data using the technology for future logistical monitoring as well. Without a CTN certificate, shipping or arrival could result in large fines at the destination port.
Required Cargo Tracking Note Depending On The Country
Depending on the nation where the discharge takes place, there are many types of CTN certificates. These certificates essentially have multiple names for the same document.?As a result, each nation requires its own waiver certificate that applies to its own rules and requirements.
Please contact us at [email protected] or visit our website www.scktr.com for more information and to quickly get your certificate.