Quick : List all Sitecore Items locked by user by using PowerShell script (1 min)
There may some scenarios where Site content is managed by many Sitecore authors in one Single Sitecore instance. Some times , Content authors forgot to unlock the Sitecore items after content changes done. This would be a difficult for other Content author to change the same Sitecore item.
Sitecore hae given the below options to find out the locked items.
- Content author can check his/her locked items from 'My Items' under 'Review' TAB.
This option is only to give the list of locked items by current user.
How to find locked items by other users? The below is the approach.
2. By using Sitecore OOB PS script - "Locked Items" by user
This option is used to find all Sitecore locked items by different users.
How to find ? follow the below steps.
Go to Desktop --> Reporting Tools --> Content audit --> Locked Items
Select the Sitecore root item and add locking user name as shown in the below
The list of items which are locked by user
Easy :)