Quick Kitchen Organizing Tips
Sherri Curley, The Practical Sort, CNC
Certified Neurodiversity Coach & Organizing Success Coach, Home Organizing Specialist, (Past) Dir of Membership, Nt'l Assoc. of Productivity & Organizing Professionals, OR Chapter
As we work our way into 2021, I will feature quick room by room decluttering and organizing tips. We’ll launch with the nourishing heart and social center of our homes, the kitchen.
To set up for success, break down decluttering projects into small, manageable steps. Pace yourself. Set aside 11-15 minutes to dip your toe in until you get in the groove. Then go hog wild as time permits.
This high shelf was hard for me to see all the products easily and was limited in space, so I decided to make some quick changes. If arrangements aren't working well for you, then it's time to make a change.
When you have a few minutes to spare, select a shelf or area in your pantry, refrigerator, and freezer to empty and clean. As you empty the shelves, keep similar items together such as all jams, cereals, tomato products. Then as you reload, it will allow for easy categorization and arranging. Store items in the front that you use often for quick grab and go. House seldom used items in the back, up high or down low.
If you read my tip last week, I recently rearranged shelves between 2 pantries. Despite a pull out shelf in a narrow pantry, I’m too height challenged to easily see the contents of the cans and jars. This slowed down my grocery list prep. By switching the cans and jars to a larger pull-out shelf in an adjacent pantry I can now readily see what I have and what’s needed. This new arrangement also provides room for other products that I used to store on a shelf that I had to stretch to reach or fetch a step stool which slowed me down.
The baking goods that I moved to the former can/jar shelf are not used all that often. They are also items that stand up taller so I can easily see those products. The basket that houses these items nestled nicely in it’s new home, and it allows me to simply pull out the basket if need be to dig around.
There are no rules for where items need to be housed. The more readily you can see and access them, the quicker you will accomplish what needs to happen.
As you dig around your pantries you may discover expired or unusable products. Wash out cans & bottles for recycling, and compost old foods if compostable.
For more practical organizing tips, visit ThePracticalSort.com.