Quick Hits: onemoreworkshop | 60/40 is dead | Great Resignation
Cory ?? Swain
Helping Independent Advisors Scale, Acquire & Exit | Proven Strategies from a $22B+ Network | Christ Follower | Husband & Father of 4 | #1 Surfer in Kansas
Attending the Journey this week, I can’t wait to hear the action items from you all on what you are planning to implement from this spring’s speakers!
If you missed it, the videos will be up on iAdvisor in a few weeks but the digital downloads are ready here. ?
I’ve had multiple conversations this week hearing advisors are having their best start to the year EVER. Seminar attendees are up, lead flow from radio and TV is up, and people are ready to take action all across the nation.
If you have some extra $$ stowed away for either a new car or to put another seminar on the calendar…I’d pick the seminar right now! (You can buy a better car later ??)
Let’s get out there!
Here are your Quick Hits:
·???????Quite the blunt and scary headline! – they have the numbers to prove it.
·???????“The classic 60/40 portfolio -- a strategy named for the share allocated to equities and high-grade debt, respectively -- is down more than 10% this year, leaving it on pace for the worst drubbing since the financial crisis of 2008.”
·???????Solid article to share with your clients and prospects to educate on how interests rates effect them.
·???????“By raising its federal funds rate — the rate banks charge one another for overnight loans — the Fed sets off a domino effect. Whether directly or indirectly, a number of borrowing costs for consumers go up. In theory, this slows demand for goods and taps the brakes on inflation.”
·???????Great article to send to prospects or print out in your workshops.
·???????#1 hits every retiree right in the gap where they don’t have filled – “It is crucial to have a well-designed and faithfully implemented retirement income strategy.”
·???????This article has some great charts to check out and share with clients as needed.
·???????“This year alone nearly one-third of U.S. stocks are down at least 20%.”
·???????“I don’t know if this will turn into the technical definition of a bear market where the index is down 20% or worse. It’s always possible but I cannot predict the short-term movements of the stock market, especially during a downturn.”
·???????“Finding good people” seems to be one of the top pains I here from advisors right now. The good news is there are plenty of people moving around right now! If it’s called the “Great Resignation” that means they are going somewhere!
·???????“a survey by Bankrate found that 55% of Americans who are currently employed or seeking employment say that they are likely to seek a new job within the next 12 months.”
·???????“It’s a candidate-centric hiring market, and job seekers are more willing than ever to wait for roles that resonate with their goals and lifestyles.”
Quote of the Week:
“Thinking about shock-proofing portfolios once the tanks roll is too late. It all goes back to the fundamental idea of having a diversified portfolio.”
~ Jim Masturzo