Quick Guide to Writing a Cover Letter
Daniela Cervantes
Digital Communications, Content Producer, and Social Media Professional
Cover letters are often overlooked in the entire process that is applying to a job or an internship. Personally, I had never heard of a cover letter until I got to college and I didn't actually understand what they were until about last year. Cover letters are just as important as any other part of one's application and often is one of the very first things a hiring manager will look at. Therefore, it is important to understand what a cover letter is and know how to write one that will best spark the interest of the reader.
The article "How to Write a Cover Letter in 2022" written by Andrei Kurtuy is a helpful guide that provides multiple examples and eight steps to creating the perfect cover letter. Before we begin discussing the eight steps, it is important to understand the purpose of writing a cover letter. A cover letter is essentially a one-page word document that convinces the hiring manager to look at the rest of your application. It's purpose is to "introduce you and briefly summarize your professional background." Cover letters are simple to write as long as you complete it using these eight steps:
Step 1: Using a Cover Letter Template
Although using a fancy design cover letter template is not recommended, you can always use a simple one that is provided on Google Docs or Word, especially since there is a specific way your cover letter is supposed to look like. The more stylized templates seen in the article can be helpful in knowing how to organize the format of your cover letter since it is the format that matters the most.
Step 2: Starting the Cover Letter with a Header
The header is essentially the section where you place the contact information. Include your full name, phone number, and email then the date of submission. Then, you add the hiring manager's name and professional title, and then the company's name that you're applying to. Tip: Make sure the email you use is professional and presentable.
Step 3: Greeting the Hiring Manager
This is officially where you begin writing the content of your cover letter. Begin by addressing the hiring manager. Best greeting to use is probably "Dear [Hiring Manager Name]" It is better to directly greet each hiring manager from each different company you might apply for instead of using the generic "To whom it may concern."
Step #4 - Writing an Attention-Grabbing Introduction
Your introduction is where you are able to spark the interest of the hiring manager. It is important to catch their attention from the very first paragraph since it is essentially your chance for the hiring manager to actually look through your application. The article suggests using 2-3 of your top relevant achievements to grab the reader’s attention and applying them to what you can bring to the company.
Step #5 - Explaining Why You’re the Perfect Person for the Job
This section is the start to the body paragraphs to your cover letter. This is where you showcase your professional skills as it pertains to the requirements of the role you are applying for. Go back to the job ad and reference the responsibilities listed that you have experience in. This way, you are showcasing your own skill while meeting every requirement the hiring manager is looking for.
Step #6 - Explaining Why You’re a Good Fit for the Company
This is the last part of your body paragraph. This part essentially tells why you’re passionate about working in the company you’re applying to. Do some research into the company's culture and look into their mission statement. Hiring managers are not only looking for someone who can do the job, but are also looking for someone who can fit right in with their company.
Step #7 - Wrapping Up With a Call to Action
This is your final paragraph. In this section you need to mention any last thoughts, thank the hiring manager for their time, and finish off with a call to action. What might a call to action look like? Basically, "you should ask the hiring manager to take some sort of action," such as asking for an invite to further discuss their application or roles.
Step #8 - Using the Right Formal Closing
After your closing remarks, you need to formally end your letter with a "goodbye." Some examples are "Best Regards," "Sincerely," and "Thank You." Don't forget to sign off with your name afterwards.
These steps are very simple and are easier to follow when looking at the more detailed examples that the article provides you with. Don't forget the importance of sparking the interest of the hiring manager with your introduction. Meet every step of this guide and you will be ready to submit that job application!
This week at my Internship:
I did not necessarily learn anything new this week. If anything, I came to value the importance of the email. I might have exchanged the most emails with my team this past week then I have ever done before. We are coming up on a few events, so my team is working hard to get everything done as soon as possible and thanks to emails, our communication is great.
Now that I am about two months into my internship, I can truly see the growth in me. I can say that I am very comfortable with my coworkers and I am getting along with them well. I also am excited about the work that I am doing and I can't wait to see what more I can do. Overall, my experience so far is coming along great!