A Quick Guide to Better Facebook Ads

A Quick Guide to Better Facebook Ads

Do you use Facebook ads to promote your business, products or services?

When it comes to digital advertising, Facebook is probably the best platform these days to promote your business for a variety of reasons. For example, stats show higher conversion rates and engagement with Facebook ads – more than Google; the ability to target and create niche audiences is easy and super helpful; but my favorite reason, as Gary Vaynerchuk recently mentioned during his keynote presentation at INBOUND 2016, is that Facebook is probably the only platform that allows you to promote your brand and products at the same time.

The holiday season is a perfect time to be promoting your products and sales, and so, if you are putting any Facebook advertising budget into your business, consider these general tips and tools to help you get the most from your Facebook advertising.

Facebook Ads Helpful Tips

Use a Single Focal Point – when deciding what image to use, make sure you are only asking people to look at one thing and one thing only. MVMT Watches does this very well. Here is a sample ad to promote a holiday sale they are having. Notice how they make you focus on one item, in a way that makes you want to stop, stare and drool slightly.

If your ad needs to tell a longer story, then use multiple images, a carousel or a video ad to add extra value. For example, this is a good use of multiple images to tell your story.

Or another great example of using multiple images.


Once you choose the right image that captures your product or messaging, don’t be afraid to crop it to make sure it’s framed nicely.

Visual Consistency – when using multiple images for your ads, make sure the images complement each other to help you tell a complete story or present a complete thought. People will be more inclined to stop and see what your ad is about if it makes sense to them.

Design for Mobile – create your ads assuming they will be viewed on a mobile device. Think about the size of each element in your image or video, and preview it first before running the ad.

Use high quality and eye-catching images – make sure to use high resolution images, that pay attention to good lighting and angling. Don’t be afraid to use filters to get the look and feel you want.

You can always buy images, but if you can, why not start with free… Check out thestocks.im as a great resource for free high quality images.

Integrate your Brand – once they’ve stopped to look at your ads, use this opportunity to communicate your key messages in an inspiring and meaningful way. Think about what you want your audience to know about your product and or your brand, and use it to captivate your audience.

Remember, branding is not just your logo or colors, it’s the way you make people feel when they think about you, so, don’t just paste your logo on the top of your image. Instead, use this opportunity to create emotions. Use elements of your brand within your ad in an authentic way.

Close the deal – once you’ve caught the attention of your potential customer, close the deal. Let your onlooker know what benefits are awaiting them, why they should click to learn more, or shop now, etc. Make sure you are leveraging the ads full creative canvas to get your audience to engage and use your text and or call to action button to motivate them to act.

Questions or comments? I’d love to hear, let me know. 


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