Quick efficiency tip for Friday.

Quick efficiency tip for Friday.

End your work day with my super-quick-two-click efficiency tip.
Log out of several programs and clear your cache in in less than 2 seconds!

You read that correctly.

No more logging out manually of programs open in several tabs and then searching through settings to clear cache. What a time suck... In your "Business Chrome identity" set up your "cache clearing settings" and make it the 1st bookmark on your browser. At the end of each internet session, lunch or close of day for example, click on the "cache bookmark", click "clear browsing data" on the pop up, boom - done. Logged out and internet garbage kicked to the curb in the same amount of time as closing out a single program.

Need more details about optimizing your browser for efficiency hacks?

Chrome Identities, Themes & Customization

You're welcome. Have a great weekend!

