A Quick Check-In: Your Feedback Shapes Future Content!

A Quick Check-In: Your Feedback Shapes Future Content!

I want to take a moment this week to check in with you.

Could you spare 1 minute to help me out?

I’ve put together a super short, 3-question survey to find out if the content I’m creating is hitting the mark for you.

I want to know:

  • Is the current focus on workplace culture and psychological safety helpful for you?
  • Or, is there something else that would support you more right now?

This is your chance to tell me what you’d like to see more of and to shape the content I create for you in the future.

3 questions. 1 minute. Your feedback means everything!

Thank you!

Click here to access the survey .

Deanne Ortman Snell, RD

Healthcare Leader & Registered Dietitian

2 个月

Done! Thank you for the opportunity to share feedback and ideas.


