Quick Breakfast to Lunch Transition
SMED for a Chicken Restaurant
SMED (Single-Minute Exchange of Die) is a system for dramatically?reducing time for changeover (in our case from breakfast to lunch).
In SMED, changeovers are made up of steps that are termed “elements”. There are two types of elements:
The SMED process focuses on making as many elements as possible external and simplifying and streamlining all remaining elements. Cost of labor in this hour is less important than cost of loosing of potential sales.?We shouldn’t be afraid to schedule more workers to reduce time. ?The schedule should be adjusted by bringing some night crew team members earlier and sending them home the closing time. ?The team must embrace “Pit Stop” mentality. Every Second Matters during SMED execution! Below is our present state:
From 10 to 11 equipment must be used in a little bit different way to prioritized speed over anything else. Every second matter. Every even the most minute operation that can be done before 10am and after 11am must be done before this crucial window.
·????????Machines tops shouldn’t be screwed and unscrewed. They just should be closed at this hour.
·????????Clean machines before 10 am even it has more than half of live back, so we not end up cleaning it from 10 to 11. We should run the machine as long as possible without cleaning until 11 am.??
·????????We can consider to have to 2 machine operators. Tasks between operators should be clearly defined. One of operators mostly should focus on delivering containers of cooked chicken to the line and another focus on attending machines. Safety is important, because having more people could lead to greater potential for an accidents.
·????????Before 10 a.m. all the space in hot cabinets must be filled with Lunch sandwiches.?We should build the essential inventory of a couple dozen sandwiches to make transition as smooth as possible for the front of the house. We can schedule an additional person to come at 9:30a.m and the focus of this person has to be exclusively making this sandwiches.
·????????Lettuce, tomatoes and cheese and over ingredients must be filled to the max, so it will not has to be done from 10a.m. to 11 a.m.
·????????The same as Line#1. The essential inventory of nuggets and strips must be done before 10a.m.
·????????All the mac &cheese and soups must be done prior 10a.m. don’t be afraid to make a large amount of mac & cheese and cookies. It’s important that no mac & cheese and cookies will be in the oven from 10 to 11 in order not to distract employees from the line. An additional employee can be schedule to come early to focus exclusively on this tasks.
Fry station
·????????The fry station must be attending by 2 operators.
·????????The freezer must be filled completely with waffle fry cases prior to 10a.m. All the hash brown except for bare minimum must be removed to the walking freezer right before 10a.m.
All the Non-Value added activity must be eliminated from 10 a.m. to 11a.m. These are?those which do not add any value to the product or service but are an inherent part of the process. Not value activity doesn’t mean not important activity. For example all the management, cleaning and maintenance activities are not value added activities. This are very important activities, but customers are not willing to pay for such services. Spot-checks, critical, produce order, waist, nuggets count, pulling breakfast for the next day should be made only before 10a.m and after 11a.m. No lunches must be tacking between 10 and 11 a.m.
·????????Significant amount of salad preps must be done prior to 10a.m. An additional person should be scheduled before for 9:30a.m. for preps.
·????????Bulk salads and tomatoes must be done before 10a.m.
·????????Lots of Mac & cheese, soups and cookies must be done before 10a.m.
Trash and dishes
Tacking out of trash and washing dishes are not value added activities. All the trash and dishes must be don before or after 10-11 window. An additional person can be schedule to come early to help with this tasks.
Additional steps.
For each element, we should ask: How can this element be completed in less time? How can we simplify the element?
Our possible state after SMED implementation:
I realized that I didn’t name all the elements and also I didn’t put them in a particular order. But, even using just this very simplified approach to SMED we can completely eliminate 10 elements from key changeover period and simplify 1 element (machine operation).
Thank you.
?Some references about SMED: