Queueing metrics to help optimize slot floor experience
Andrew Cardno
CEO @ GCT and Founder. CTO @ QCI and Founder, Investor, Author of 12 books, Keynote Speaker, Double Smithsonian Laurette Winner, G&L Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient
Dr Thomas and I have published another interesting piece, following is a brief overview.
Authors’ Note: In this fifth article of our 12 part series on customer centric gaming floors, we will examine the value of availability and queuing mathematics, and how they can be applied to the slot floor. Please note these articles are meant to stimulate thought and that we are using some deliberately provocative metaphors and examples which should be taken with a grain of salt.
It’s no secret that slot players are often willing to wait to play their favorite game. What is more of an unknown is how long will they wait before they walk away from the slot?
In the modern casino, determining the average wait time for specific games is an important factor for operators seeking to optimize slot floor performance. On the surface, this would seem a simple equation to solve; in actuality, it requires availability and queuing theory—a level of mathematics well beyond standard optimization metrics.
The availability theory we explore below is based on well-proven manufacturing models adapted to the gaming world. This approach will develop the intuition and mathematical formulas required to drive this important analysis. Finally we introduce preference filters into the mix to come up with a true determination of how long the best customers have to wait to play their favorite games.
Example question: Given a machine is occupied, what is the likelihood that a player wanting to play this machine finds the machine occupied between the hour of 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm on Friday over a six month period?
Read to find the answer: https://www.casinojournal.com/articles/90746-queueing-metrics-to-help-optimize-slot-floor-exerience for the full article.