Queue etiquette
1. Leave a gap of at least six inches between the person ahead of you and yourself and also between yourself and the person behind you by sticking to the person next to you, you are neither likely to go ahead of that person, nor is the queue likely to move any faster all you are achieving is making yourself a nuisance to both your neighbors and being uncomfortable yourself and causing discomfort to others.
2 As soon as you find yourself just 3-4 people behind the one at the window, keep all your relevant papers, money etc. ready in your hand so that when as soon as your turn comes you don't have to fumble in your purse/pocket/bag etc. and earn well deserved dirty looks from other members of the queue and may be even a harsh word from the clerk!
3. If you must cough/sneeze/belch turn towards the center well away from both the person ahead and behind you and cough/sneeze/belch in a hankie.
4. After completing your work at the counter, do not remain there to verify the proper completion of your transaction -e.g. to count the change check the bill - etc. but move slightly away towards the edge of the counter for this, so that you are not blocking the rest of the queue.