Questions you need to ask for your new API driven application?
Vikram Sareen
GAICD. Cybersec & AI Ethics Expert & Speaker, 5x Growth Booster. Product Innovator, Solution & Security Architect. Member AISA. Pursuing CISSP.
Questions that you need to ask if you are making an cloud or internet facing application that offers APIS to multiple parties -
1. Add caching capabilities on your API response payload ?
2. Add quota capabilities on your APIs so that a particular App Developer or Mobile App can make X number of call in an hour ?
3. Add security on top of your APIs so that you can grant access to your APIs ?
4. Add SpikeArrest capabilities on your APIs so that you can secure / save your target server by Denial of Service attacks ?
5. Add computation logic that transforms API Request before it hits your BackEnd Server ?
6. Add computation logic that transforms API Response before it reaches APP ?
7. How do you scale your APIs for million of devices & users ?
8. How do you let App Developers know about your API Documentation and how to access them ?
if you need the solution to address all the above then do let is touch with me :)