Questions that should be in your Emotional Toolbox
Just one question can change your life. That's how powerful questions are. We tend to avoid asking ourselves the important questions.
For some, they ask the questions but don't put the hard work into answering them; instead, they say, " I don't know."
The truth is, you usually do know. The answer can be too painful, it can be a truth you don't want to deal with or an answer that will cause change which brings anxiety, but the answers are there. They are within us if we are willing to do the hard work.
Questions that create action and momentum:
1. Why? But don't continue with one why; keep asking why until you get down to the issue's root. It might take 4 or 5 times to ask why, but it will take you down to the root of the issue if you continue asking.
2. Now what? Yes, you might be a victim in a situation or have been through something traumatic, but eventually, you have to get out of victim mode and ask yourself now what??
Example: You have been fired. That sucks, and you have a right to feel angry and hurt. Take some time to feel those emotions but don't get stuck there. After every challenging situation and healing comes "Now what?" It's the action you take that makes the difference.
You can change it up and ask- What's next??
3. This is not a question but more of a powerful word. Are you feeling not good enough? Need help solving a problem? Find a solution? Don't know how to do something? After each one of those lines, add the word yet and form a growth mindset.
I don't know how to do it YET.
I haven't found a solution YET.
I'm not an expert YET.
4. Can I control it? There are so many things in our lives we can't control. If we try to control or change those things, we just become frustrated and stressed. Instead, ask yourself: Can I control it? If you can, then do the work. If you can't control it, then acceptance is the answer.?
5. If you don't know how to do something, then the question becomes, what baby step can I take or what action step can I take? It might be, who can I call for help? Who would know the answer or be able to help steer me in the right direction? What can I do to find the answer? What small steps can I take toward getting to the end result??
6. Am I making this choice based on fear or love? Every time you are making a choice, ask yourself: Is this based on fear? Ego? Anger? Or is it based on love - well thought out and clarity.
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