Before you develop a marketing strategy that suits your business, you need to have a clear idea of your business and the position you hold in the market. This is called positioning. You need to be frank with the answers you provide to the following questions, they can help you work out your business' positioning - your relavancy in the market.
- § Who are your target customers?
- § What are they interested in?
- § What are their problems?
- § What needs do you target customers have?
- § How do your competitors meet the needs of your target customers?
- § How can you do it better?
How can you help your target customers understand why your product or service is better than or different from the competition? You need, Click here for a conviction
This information will help you work out your market position (e.g. high-end, competitive or low-cost) and your unique selling position (i.e. what gives your business a distinctive edge).
Choose, a passionate digital marketing agency based in Nigeria. We have a proven track record in delivering high-quality solutions to organisations of all sizes. Also, we offer a friendly, personal service and exceptional value for money to all Customers.
Our services include search engine optimization, website design and development, email marketing, mobile applications, and social media presence. In essence, what they actually provide are results driven, holistic online marketing solutions for businesses of all sizes.
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