#Questions that concern all?
Heartiest #congratulations to #DrAbiyAhmed on your success. It is all because of the determination and efforts you have put into your work. You are capable to achieving every goal that comes into your path. Keep doing hard work along with smart work and show everyone what your are capable of with God help. My good wishes are always with you. I hope you keep doing well in the future. #Questions that concern all!!
"People think about their future-this is only natural. Some hope it will be better than the present. Others would like things to stay the way they are. As a matter of fact, some prefer the present only because the future holds out no bright prospect to them. Some look to the future with hope, others with despair. But no one can disregard the future for the future is what emerges from the present and will remain tomorrow as well as what will what will come to replace it. And this always means turning the possibilities of the present into the reality of tomorrow.
Of course, not everything in the future equally concerns the interests of each and all. For instance, the future of art is a matter of no small importance and mankind cannot be indifferent to it. However, it is not a matter of vital concerns for everyone.
The one main issue that concerns all people on earth today is whether it will be possible to prevent thermonuclear war, the danger of which now hangs over mankind. There are other problems that concern many people. If not all .
For instance freedom, democracy, unemployment, poverty ,political and social problems, discrimination of any kind, national equality and equity, scientific progress, lack of technology and medicine advancement , any sort of natural or man-made problem etc.
Many futurologists, predicting what is in store for Ethiopian in the future, try to paint fascinating pictures of flourishing love, forgiveness, fear of God ,unity, integrity and a perfect imaginary place to live “ uthiopia” Ethiopia. So what is in store for #Ethiopians? What will its future be like? Well, that depend on how the judiciary branch is fairly independent of the other two branches (the executive legislature) with the power to interpret the constitution as well as the other law codes practically.
History shows that the future always belongs to the new, to that which embodies progress. The old puts up #resistance, desperate resistance; it can inflict many wounds on the new and place obstacles in its way. But the wounds are healed the obstacles are removed. The #triumph of the new is inevitable.”
Congratulations! Lord walks with you every step of the way. He will help you accomplish even greater things!!