Questions, Asked Right
Irakli Maisuradze
Catalyzing Business Growth | Management Consultant at ACT Global
Dear Younger Me,
The other day, I caught myself sitting with my laptop, staring at a blank search bar. The cursor blinked back at me, waiting. I had something I wanted to learn, but couldn't quite put my finger on how to ask for it. Funny how that works, isn't it? We have the entire world's knowledge at our disposal, yet sometimes we stumble at the first step - forming the right question.
I remember when I thought having answers was everything - the school days. But life has a way of showing you what really matters. These days, I find myself more impressed by people who ask interesting questions than those who have all the answers. A thoughtful question can transform a dull conversation into an engaging discussion, turn a dead-end problem into an opportunity, or help someone see things from an entirely new angle.
This skill - crafting good questions - it's both subtle and powerful. Not the rapid-fire kind you'd hear in a quiz show, but the ones that make people pause, think, and dig deeper. I've noticed how the same topic can yield completely different insights depending on how you approach it. Ask a basic question, get a basic answer. But ask something unexpected, something that probes beneath the surface, and watch how the conversation unfolds.
It's not just about gathering information either. The questions we ask shape how we think and learn. They guide our attention, reveal our assumptions, and sometimes even challenge what we think we know. I've learned that being comfortable with "I don't know, but I'm curious about..." opens up more doors than pretending to have all the answers.
This isn't something that changes overnight. Like any skill worth having, it develops gradually, through practice and attention. But unlike many other skills, this one becomes more valuable every day, especially now when we're swimming in information but often struggling to find what truly matters.
Still learning to ask better questions,
Your Future Self
Dear Younger Me is a newsletter where I reflect on life's lessons learned so far and share them in the form of letters to my younger self. It contains the knowledge, ideas, and insights I wish I had known earlier. The newsletter blends hindsight and ongoing discovery as I continue to grow. If you enjoyed this letter, I invite you to subscribe to the newsletter so you don't miss future issues.