Questions to Ask Before You Evangelize Your Community
Mark Jones
I help small-church pastors create strategies that reach the lost and build disciples.
God placed your church where it is for the purpose of reaching the lost and making disciples. In Matthew 28:19-20, He gave you your mission - "Go and make disciples..."
But before you start knocking on doors or taking out adds you need to get some understanding. You need to better understand your community and even your church. So to help you with that, here are some questions to answer.
- What should someone outside of your church know about your church?
- What should someone outside of your church know about Jesus?
- Write down 3-5 of your church's core values.
- How do you share the above information (about your church, Jesus, and your values) with the community?
- Go to this link and in the search bar type in the county where your church is located. Use the information that appears to answer questions 6-11.
- What is the median age?
- What percentage is a high school graduate or higher?
- What is the median household income?
- What is the percentage is foreign-born?
- What percentage is below the poverty line?
- How many veterans live in your area?
- What does the above tell you about the community where God has planted your church?
- What do you think the people of your community worry about?
- What about your church, its programs and values, does the community most appreciate?
- Approximately, how many unbelievers attend your church?
- What is your system of sharing Christ with the lost?
- How do you disciple New Believers so that they become Mature Believers and Mature Believers to that of a Laborers or Leaders?
Now you know a bit more about where God has placed you. You can begin to develop outreach methods and discipleship programs that will be more effective.
When I lead Outreach & Discipleship Workshops the above questions are homework. For many pastors, it is the first time they have considered these things. What about you? Any surprises?
I have something for you. A free four-session training course. Just CLICK HERE, fill in the form, and I will send it right away. These four sessions will help you evaluate your current program and it will help you establish one that works.
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