Questions are the Answer
In 1944, Isidor Rabi won the Nobel Prize for Physics. He developed Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, which is used in MRI all over the world. With us being in medical device, the irony is sweet.
They asked him later, “To what or whom do you credit your scientific success?”
He answered simply, “My mother.”
He went on to explain – “Every day after school, she never was curious about what I learned. She said the same thing:
What questions did you ask today?
Rabi felt that since his formative schooling years were spent asking questions he became interested in scientific research. Seems to have worked out.
In the recruiting world, everything is about the questions we ask. It is similar in the legal world particularly in the courtroom. If you want a certain answer, have to ask the right question.
Not to mention, have to ask it the correct way and at the correct time.
Oh by the way, you better have the right expression on your face and the right tone in your voice.
To expand a bit, asking questions is an art and a science. There are certain approaches such as behavioral type questions where the person places you in a past scenario asking you to recount the situation and outcome. “Tell me about a time where you…” These questions are asked with a specific purpose and are linear. Good for checking boxes.
Consider though, that sometimes it is difficult for certain personalities to answer those questions as they are too broad for them. The sports term is “playing in space”. The free thinkers love it. The super methodical types, not so much. Some people are better playing “in a phone booth”. If they are stumbling, make the questions more specific. May be missing out on a great potential hire if you stick to format. Not everyone communicates the same way nor is it necessary for every role that the person can answer a question like that on the spot. It is not a reflection on their skills, personality or intellect. A good example of asking the right question, but not in a way that will elicit the response you need.
The art, on the other hand, takes practice. Yes, some people are naturally disarming. They have an infectious laugh or smile that puts folks at ease. They are curious by nature and are fine with sharing personal information. Comfortable in their own skin.
After that though, it takes time to hone the feel part of questioning. When to push the door open gently and when to kick it down. Listening is the key. Noting their hesitation on a certain question and jotting it down to circle back to it later. Every stammer, change of subject, repeating the same non-answer and nervous chuckle are a sign that the question (and/or the answer) has the person uncomfortable.
Eventually we need to wade into potentially sensitive waters. Some examples are:
The person was only at a company for a short period of time.
The individual took a lesser or lateral title.
The person was let go from one of their roles.
Depending on the person answering and the person exploring these areas could turn into the last thing we want - a contentious conversation.
At that point, I usually speak about something personal first. Note their hobby at the bottom or make mention of a sound in the background (dog, child, etc.). Allows them to breathe and gather their thoughts and also makes a personal connection. Makes it a conversation, not an interview/interrogation. Quick side bar – keep hobbies, interests and activities on the bottom of your resume. It is what make you unique. Okay, back to our story. Delving into a touchy subject is then better received. This has worked in the past:
“I want to make sure we are consistently conveying how you answer this question. This way the hiring Director will already be aware and this topic is no longer taboo.”
“The role, the people, the technology, the travel and the commute all are important for this position. That said, we want the compensation to be in line for you also. Ballpark your compensation for me so we have a general idea what you are accustomed to…”
Both of these are unassuming comments that are part of a conversation. They are not questions per se. Comes across more casual. To be clear, we always share what we know about the compensation for the role and are completely transparent about the company, executive team, position and the product. No fair asking for someone to share information and you are not willing to reciprocate. Not cool. Damages the goods you built up moments ago.
If you feel that the person is not being completely forthright with you, ask the question in another way. For instance, relocation, commute and travel are the most common areas where we feel that more of the onion needs to be peeled. Here is how it sounds:
Q: “Are you open to relocation?”
A: “Uh sure, we would consider it.”
We have a technical term for this exchange. Bullshit.
There are four or five follow ups to this chat. Have you ever been to this city before? Will someone else’s career be affected by a move? Do you own or rent? Are you currently living in your hometown? Does your wife’s or your extended family live in the area?
All of the sudden we have all kinds of reasons why relocation will not work. Rapid fire written above is not the way. Start with a softball:
How do you like living in Chicago?
How does your family like the neighborhood?
Where did you grow up?
When they start saying how much they love it (or hate it), now you can ask the more pointed questions.
If you love it so much, how is it going to feel when you leave?
Questions are the signs along the path of a conversation. Keeps you out of the woods and on your way to Grandmother’s house. Ask the wrong ones, and the wolves come out. At the end, there is someone pretending to be someone they are not. My, what big teeth you have….
Matt Kaufman works for and with the Mullings Group. We are one of the leading medical device search firms in the world. Our ability to ask the right question, at the right time in the right way sets us apart from other recruiters. Isidor Rabi changed the world. Maybe everyone’s mother should push their children to be inquisitive. The new saying could read, “Children should be heard and answered.”
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