Work at the customers interface level is fraught with lot of issues and sometimes it attenuates the energy level of the marketing personnel.Most of the time he finds himself in situations where his existence is questioned by the customers.He feels skeptical about his relevance and that deteriorates his efficiency.I have tried to answer a few of the questions that he might find useful so that his passion is not affected.

Q1. Why was the customer not willing to Listen to him ?

Ans.He was short of time and had appointments waiting for him

Q2.What made him ask me absurd questions that had no connection with the product?

Ans.He could have had a very busy day and he wants to hang loose .

Q3. If he was free , why didn’t he give me time ?

Ans.He might be having headache or might be fatigued .

Q4.Does he respect me?

Ans.He definitely respects all who are relevant to him.

Q5. Why is he biased against me ?

Ans.He can’t. He does not have time for that.

Q6.Why doesn’t he trust your company?

Ans.His past experience might not be good.

Q7.Why doesn’t he like new product?

Ans.He would take time to study it and then decide .Don’t worry may be ,if your product has merit,your next visit would be a success.

Q8.Your Customer is pressurising you unnecessarily …..why?

Ans.May be he wants answer just from you.Use it as opportunity.

Q9. He Mistreats you.

Ans.May be you came at the wrong time when he was upset over something.

Q10.He doesn’t like what you offer.

Ans. He needs to be served the product the way he wants to have it.So try changing your model.

Q11.He is always busy.

Ans.No customer is busy when provided with right product.Introspect the strategy.

Q12.His receptionist does not behave .

Ans.Give her respect.May be she needs it.

Q13.Pharmacist is not keeping my product.

Ans.Ask him when he is free .May be he has issues with your distributor or with your company .

Q14.Distributor keeps less inventory.

Ans.He might not have sufficient funds or he might be interested in efficient fund rotation.You could only build trust in him to invest in your product and focus there.

Q15.The company has given you irrational targets.

Ans. It’s the vision of the company that drives the targets.You need to follow the strategy and things would fall in line.Concentrate on your role play.Thought discussions during in the meeting could be helpful to understand the model.

Q16.Doctor is not happy with the efficacy on the product.

Ans.Prescription sales is the by product of usage experience .If doctor complains, pass on the information to the company for necessary action.

These are some of the things that a field worker has to deal with.If he deals it convincingly , then he could perform better .The answers to the questions are very simple yet when it comes we need to address it wisely.

Hope you would appreciate the effort.

Share your views and may be some questions that keep troubling a marketing executive.



