Questions to answer before Quarantine Exit
Taras Talimonchuk
CMO at - I help eCommerce with personalized & gamified shopping experience
- When will employers be able to reopen physical locations? It depends on the local governors’ directives. What else?
- What are the safeguards employers must be all set with?
- What legal obligations will employers need to consider as part of reopening plans?
- Which employees should return to work first?
- What social distancing protocols should employers implement?
- What employee guidelines will be required?
- May employers allow employees to continue to work remotely?
- May employers resume meetings and conferences?
- May employers resume employee business travel?
- May employers resume office celebrations or events, and allow employees to arrange celebrations such as office birthday parties?
- What policies need to be updated as employees return to work?
Environmental and Physical Considerations
- What logistical considerations should employers consider when preparing for the physical return of their workforce?
- Are employers required to modify the physical workplace?
- Are employers required to modify the physical workplace?
- Are employers required to modify work hours?
- Are employers required to maintain new cleaning or hygiene regimens?
- Can employers require employees to observe infection control practices (e.g., regular hand washing and social distancing protocols)?
- Should employers draft safety response policies and communicate them to employees?
Employee, Applicant, Vendor and Customer Health Screenings and Other Health Considerations
- Can employers require the use of personal protective equipment (e.g., masks, gloves, etc.) in the workplace?
- If an employer requires the use of personal protective equipment, can an employee request accommodation for modified protective gear? Must an employer grant such a request?
- Must employers provide employees with personal protective equipment?
- What if an hourly employee reports working without his/her required personal protective equipment?
- What if an employee provided with personal protective equipment repeatedly comes to work without it?
- Can an employer screen the health of its employees, such as through taking employee temperatures?
- Can employers administer COVID-19 tests before permitting employees to enter the physical workplace?
- Should hourly, non-exempt employees be compensated for health screening time?
- What measures should employers take to protect the employees from conducting health screening?
- Can employers implement screening protocols for customers or workplace visitors?
- What procedures should employers put in place for employee health screening at work?
- Does workplace screening need to be consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?
- What if an employee has a temperature or otherwise presents COVID-19 symptoms?
- What if an employee refuses to consent to health testing?
- What if an employee is concerned with another employee’s presence in the office because the employee is exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms?
- If and when a vaccine for COVID-19 is available, can employers require vaccination?
- How should employers define close contact, when determining if an employee was in close contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19?
Hiring Issues
- How should employers conduct employee interviews when hiring?
- When hiring, may employers screen applicants for COVID-19?
- May an employer take an applicant’s temperature as part of a post-offer, pre-employment medical exam?
- May an employer delay the start date of an applicant who has COVID-19 or symptoms associated with it?
- May an employer withdraw a job offer when it needs the applicant to start immediately but the individual has COVID-19 or symptoms associated with it?
- May an employer postpone a new hire’s start date or withdraw a job offer because the individual is at higher risk for COVID-19 (e.g., 65 years old, pregnant, etc.)?
- Given remote work, how can one validate I-9s?
HR Issues
- Are there any steps employers should take to address workplace harassment related to COVID-19?
- What if an employee does not want to participate in business travel due to COVID-19 concerns?
- What steps should an employer take if an employee returns from a high-risk travel area?
- What if an employee refuses to report to work because they object to taking public transportation, live in, or must travel to work through a “hot spot,” or have other such COVID-19-related concerns?
- May an ADA-covered employer require employees who have been away from the workplace during a pandemic to provide a doctor’s note certifying fitness to return to work?
- Should I direct employees who believe they were infected by COVID-19 at work to submit workers’ compensation claims?
Sick Leave Considerations
- What if an employee becomes ill with COVID-19 or is placed on an order of quarantine after we reopen?
- What if an employee has to take care of someone who is ill with COVID-19 after we reopen, or has to take care of a dependent child whose school is closed due to COVID-19?
- If an employee has a preexisting mental illness exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, may the employee be entitled to reasonable accommodation (absent undue hardship)?
- How much information may an employer request from an employee who calls in sick, in order to protect the rest of its workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic?
- May employers require that employees stay home if they have COVID-19 symptoms?
- Where must employers store on-site medical examination results?
- What files are considered medical files?
- If an employee discloses that he or she has COVID-19, to whom may employers disclose the identity of the employee?
- Should an employer postpone discussing accommodation requests with any employees who will not need accommodation until after the employee returns to work since the employee is currently working remotely?
- What if an employee was already receiving reasonable accommodation prior to COVID-19 and now requests an additional or altered accommodation?
- Should employers still engage in the interactive process during the pandemic?
- Can the pandemic itself be a relevant consideration in deciding whether a requested accommodation can be denied because it poses an undue hardship?
Employer Tenant/Landlord Considerations
- What should employers who lease space discuss with their landlords?
Disability-Related Inquiries and Medical Exams
- How will COVID-19 impact the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?
- If a job may only be performed at the workplace, are there reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities absent undue hardship that could offer protection to an employee who, due to a preexisting disability, is at higher risk from COVID-19?
- If an employee has a preexisting mental illness exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, may the employee be entitled to reasonable accommodation (absent undue hardship)?
- How much information may an employer request from an employee who calls in sick, in order to protect the rest of its workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic?
- May employers require that employees stay home if they have COVID-19 symptoms?
- Where must employers store on-site medical examination results?
- What files are considered medical files?
- If an employee discloses that he or she has COVID-19, to whom may employers disclose the identity of the employee?
- Should an employer postpone discussing accommodation requests with any employees who will not need accommodation until after the employee returns to work since the employee is currently working remotely?
- What if an employee was already receiving reasonable accommodation prior to COVID-19 and now requests an additional or altered accommodation?
- Should employers still engage in the interactive process during the pandemic?
- Can the pandemic itself be a relevant consideration in deciding whether a requested accommodation can be denied because it poses an undue hardship?
Employer Tenant/Landlord Considerations
- What should employers who lease space discuss with their landlords?
Union Considerations
- My workforce is unionized. What protocol must I follow to bring my employees back to work?
- What if my CBA does not have language that controls recalling employees after a layoff?
- What if employees do not want to return to work because of safety concerns?
- Do I have to bargain new safety protocols with the union if we don’t have contract language requiring it?
Employee Benefits Considerations
- What should employers be considering from a benefits standpoint when employees return to work?