Peter Collins
Mentor ~ Coach ~ Acclaimed Author ~ Sales Strategist ~ Closing Specialist - High End Sales Trainer
Over the years I have counselled more people on art of selling with a specific emphasis on the purpose and benefits of Questioning an Question Keys than I care to remember. In fact, this one area has taken up more of my time when helping salespeople to fast-track and sharpen their selling abilities than almost anything else.
In our initial conversations, every salesperson I have spoken with, agrees that the questioning process is an important part of their selling. However, when asked what formula they use to get the questioning process underway, they mostly look at me as if I was born with three heads.
Yet like every part of the selling process reliant on formulas, the seller needs to understand that there needs to be a questioning process that needs to be learned, rehearse and exercised on a regular basis.
Here is my 7 step process. Learn it, rehearse it, and apply it at every call - then watch your sales increase ...
1. DON'T ASK "IF", ASK "WHICH" The "If" ending always contains an element of doubt. From a buyers point of view, when a prospect is in doubt, they usually don't. On the other hand, "WHICH" is a directive that positively involves the prospect. So instead of asking, "If you could", ask, "Which would you prefer?"
2. NOW APPLY "HOW" One of the most powerful involvement motivators in any sentence that begins with the word "HOW". Whenever it is asked, it literally demands an answer from the prospect in the most polite manner possible... "How would you do that?". "How do you think that will work?". "How is it that others haven't been able to achieve your results?"
3. FOLLOW THROUGH WITH "WHY" Now lets look at the follow-up power of "WHY" following on after "HOW" utilising the same questions. "Why would you do that?". "Why do you think that will work?". "Why is it that others haven't been able to achieve your results?"
"Why" demands a follow on answer if used directly after "How". Yet "Why" is inoffensive. And people find it hard to answer a why question without committing themselves.
4. BUT THERE'S MORE TO "WHY." "WHY" can also be used as low pressure defence counter ... Suppose your prospect says "I don't really think its what I want." Simply answer with "Why". The prospect will automatically feel cornered but not threatened and subsequently counter by adding "I don't know, I just don't think I really want it right now."
Your best defence is to smile, and ask "Why?" At this point there may be silence, so simply add, "Why are you undecided?" and watch the barrier drop immediately.
5. IT MOVES ONTO A "YES" FRAMEWORK. The secret to selling is to get your prospect to not only say "Yes" but to also hear himself say "Yes" often. To achieve this a tie on is generally used. tie-ons are phrases which demand a one word response.
By following Tie-ons onto the phrases already used twice (in the "HOW" and the "WHY" mode), "YES" becomes a foregone conclusion. "You would do that, wouldn't your?". "You think that will work, don't you?". "And others haven't been able to achieve those results, have they?"
6. NEXT IS THE WORD "LETS" "Lets" is a word used to stimulate, focus and lead conversation. It's also a co-operative word; and unselfish word; a word depicting you and I together. Buyers don't feel threatened by it, and they don't feel coerced by it either. They tend to think the suggestion is as much their idea as it is yours. Here are some suggested uses: "Lets see how we can make it work for you.". "Lets try and work it out together.". "Lets be the first to give it a try."
More power is gained by applying the Tie-on as well: "Lets see how we can make it work for you, is that OK with you?". "Lets try and work it out together, that's what you want, isn't it?". "Lets be the first to give it a try, alright?" In fact, "Lets" is a powerful lead in to a Power-Close, or can be used a Power-Close on its own.
7. FINALLY THE WORD "WE'LL" This word takes up its power where the word "lets" leaves off. As an example: "Lets see how we can make it work for you, is that OK with you? Fine. We'll be able to ______."
Or is may be used in place of the Tie-on. "Lets see how we can make it work for you ... We'll be able to ____________."
#SalesTips, #QuestioningAndQuestionKeys, #Which, #How, #Why, #MorePressure, #YesFramework, #Lets, #LetsSee, #BuyersThreatened, #WeWill, #TieOnSelling, #TieOnClosing, #MorePower, #LowPressure, #DefenceCounter, #Formula, #7StepProcess, #AnswerTheQuestionWithAQuestion, #CloseTheSale, #QuestionTheProspect, #Success, #ReverseTheQuestion, #SalesSuccess, #CreateLastingSales, #ClosingSales, #Sales, #PeterCollins, #PeterCollinsProfitMaker, #ProfitMakerSales, #Selling,
This Article is by Peter Collins - In a sales career spanning more than 50 years, Peter Collins has focused on helping and bringing out the best in others - whether it involves training or mentoring salespeople, managers, business consulting to SME’s. Since the 1970’s Peter has built a reputation as a Nationally and Internationally Published author, and of the 130 books he has written over the past 48 years, Peter has 65 Business Books to his credit, (but he is mainly known for one book based on the Audio Tape series of the same name, Over 50 Ways of Closing the Sale). Peter also has written 23 Christian books. One of Peter's books, How to Play the Guitar sold almost 2 million copies in the late 1970's and is still selling well through second hand online marketers worldwide. In his personal life, Peter has been sought after as an encourager and motivator that has given of his time and talents freely despite his busy schedule. Subsequently, he has assisted churches, pastors, community and charity groups, as well as individuals through his teaching, training, development and on-going mentoring.
? Copyright Peter Collins, Profit Maker Sales, Sydney, Australia, 2002, 2007, 2011, 2015, all rights reserved.
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