- Note the addition of Reference [3] on Jan 1, 2025.
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Exactly what happens during a "quantum jump" of an electron within an atom when the electron changes energy levels?
- Copenhagen (C): Electron disappears from one level and reappears at another; no intermediate states. Immediate. Discrete. Random.
- De Broglie/Bohm (D): Continuous, deterministic according to wavefunction evolution and external conditions.
- Particles from gravity (P): Electron is everywhere except in the energy level it apparently inhabits, being a point absence instead of a presence.
Generally, how does a photon move from one place to another?
- C: An independent particle of zero mass moves through the quantum vacuum from initial to final destination.
- D: Similar to C.
- P: The photon is not an independent particle that moves through space, rather a virtual photon that has received an energy quantum momentarily; this now real photon must wait until a suitable virtual photon nearby with sufficient lifetime to receive and absorb this energy quantum, similarly to the final destination. This may serve as an explanation for the probability character of quantum physics, the finite speed of light and causality. Since virtual particles do not move in the direction of the energy pulse, the momentary photon at each stage has a finite mass/energy (hv).
During a conventional double-slit experiment, how is the situation described?
- C: When there are no detectors, the wave aspect of the entity enters both slits and interferes with itself; then the particle aspect is recorded at a specific position on the recording screen. This is an example of wave/particle duality. When there are detectors (observation), the wavefunction collapses at the slits, and the system acts as though there is only the particle nature and there is no interference pattern.
- D: Effects indistinguishable from C, but the mechanism is purely deterministic; particle and wave exist simultaneously, with wave guiding particle.
- P: See D. In addition, an experiment is proposed to distinguish C and D. However, the particle per se is an absence instead of a presence and exists everywhere but where perceived on the detector screen, distinguishing it from D. In D and P the particle does not affect the wave.
Within the proton, are quarks locally or non-locally connected?
- C: Primarily locally; the quarks exchange gluons. But entanglement can introduce non-local effects.
- D: Locally regarding the wavefunction pushing and guiding the particle, but globally non-local.
- P: Non-locally. The quarks do not interact gravitationally nor with the strong force among one another. Rather, the gravitational and strong force effects originate outside the proton from large-scale space. The effect among quarks within the proton depend not on something, but on a lack of something, the lack of accelerated expanding space regarding gravity, which is enhanced by particle mutual orbital rotations near light speed, inducing relativistic effects. High speed in curved paths indicates high acceleration, which is equivalent to high gravity (from the equivalence principle) or the strong force in this circumstance. No gluons.
Why is quantum physics probabilistic?
- C: Self-referential. Not necessarily fixed to reality.
- D: Hidden variables to account for apparent probabilities. In the double-slit experiment, the hidden variable is the position of the particle relative to the slit width, which is infinite in extent regarding a fundamental zero-dimensional particle like an electron or photon.
- P: Because virtual particles exist at different energies or lifetimes, and light, for instance, is transported one step at a time by such virtual photons (as indicated above), not all of which have a lifetime suitable for the transfer of a given energy pulse; therefore the energy quantum being housed by the momentarily real photon must wait for a suitable (long-lived) virtual photon close by to transfer the energy quantum it is hosting.
What is the meaning of "collapse of the wavefunction" or "measurement" in quantum mechanics?
- C: Superposition, observation, complete collapse of mathematical (non-physical) wavefunction. Reality is unclear, observer dependent. Superposition is not apparent in the macro world, suggesting non-universality of quantum physics.
- D: Particle guided to measuring device, and no complete "collapse" in that the wavefunction continues to interact, be entangled with that of the measuring device, the wavefunction being real in this interpretation; there is no global collapse of the wavefunction.
- S: Similar to Number 2, "particle" and wave exist simultaneously, but particle is not an entity, rather a non-entity, a nexus or focus of the ambient gravitational field, a place where the field or spacetime itself cancels. Particle there yet not there, as a pothole in the pavement makes itself felt by not being part of the plenum, a hole instead of a bump. It is "present" whether or not it is measured, "real" apart from observation.
How is gravity incorporated?
- C: Hypothetical graviton.
- D: Not paramount as in C.
- P: Gravity is central. Fundamental particles like electrons and photons are where the incoming gravitational field focuses at a mathematical point and cancels. The gravitational field and space are indistinguishable. (see below).
Is there consistency with special relativity?
- C: Yes. The wavefunction is not real, and instantaneous collapse over all space is not inconsistent with real light speed.
- D: Not clearly yet; ongoing research. The wavefunction is a real wave and never a complete collapse given a measurement, but a non-local characteristic occurs in all of space instantaneously, which is inconsistent with the speed limit of light and special relativity. This is the principal difficulty in a more general employment of this interpretation of quantum physics. Since it is intuitively more acceptable than the Copenhagen interpretation, attempts are being made to overcome this incompatibility with special relativity.
- P: Yes. For instance, the following equation was derived in this framework,
(1 - v^2/c^2)^-1 = (n/2) ?c / G(m1+m2)m2 ...................... (v→c)
which bridges relativity and quantum physics, space and particles. [1][2][3] In relativity space is indistinguishable from the pure gravitational field. [4]
[4] A. Einstein, Relativity, Crown, New York, 1961, p. 155
Mgr. ve spole?nosti Physics, Astronomy, Nuclear Physics, Elementary particles, High energy physics
1 个月Comparison Einstein′s theory with Vlcek′s theory Kinetic Energy According to Einstein: ???T= mc^2 – moc^2? (Citation from book Arthur Beiser Perspectives of Modern Physics, Page 40, ?McGraw-Hill NEW YORK 1969 ) EINSTEIN has two mass: m = m(v)??and?mo? m = m(v) =? VLCEK has two Kinetic Energy Against and In Direction of Motion: 1. Kinetic energy of a particle?? Tkin id =mc^2 [ln |1-v/c|+ (v/c) / (1-v/c) ] in direction of motion?? 2.Kinetic energy in medium ( reaction of a medium to the motion of a particle - Huygens' principle) Tkin ad = mc^2 [ln |1+v/c|- (v/c) / (1+v/c) ] against direction of motion It is?electromagnetic and gravitational?wave energy (Citation from https://www.trendsinphysics.info/kniha/3-2.html ?L. Vlcek, : New Trends in Physics, Slovak Academic Press, Bratislava 1996, ISBN 80-85665-64-6. Presentation on European Phys. Soc. 10th Gen. Conf. – Trends in Physics ( EPS 10) Sevilla ) E?9. -13 September 1996) EINSTEIN has:?l = l (v)??t = t(v) ???????????m = m(v) VLCEK has: l = l ???????????t = t ?????????m = m CONSEQUENCES Wave - Particle Duality as Kinetic Energy Against and In Direction of Motion ? https://lnkd.in/eFXj_gkp https://lnkd.in/d_f3_qe https://lnkd.in/d-mDbZB https://lnkd.in/geWnJ39
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2 个月??? DeBroglie got completely duped by the false double slit experiment. They didn't understand that their photon-gun only emits an electromagnetic-wave ... NO light, Period ! ?????? ???
Professionista nel settore Ricerca
2 个月La mia proposta di rifondazione della Fisica Teorica sulla base della Electromagnetic Atomic Theory e della Complete Relativity riporta la Fisica Fondamentale a concetti fondamentali della Fisica Classica. E anche la Teoria della quantizzazione operata da Planck è FISICA CLASSICA
Higher education full time faculty, engineer and researcher
2 个月I have been asking myself this question. But I ruled out a continuous transition. Perhaps it just appears at another level of energy.